The final Chapter! Enjoy!
A short time later Catherine was still angry. She was so happy to finally see Steve doing work on the nursery and then within a second all that happiness was gone.
"Let's go and clean the kitchen. Not that they'll mess with that too." Catherine suggested sarcastically her friends agreed following back in to the house. After they had brought Steve's stuff into the living room they decided to stay on the porch for a while, since Catherine was in a bad mood after all.
At the same time they moved to the porch, Steve, Danny, Chin and Kamekona were carrying in the dishes from dinner.
"Oh, look who is going to sleep on my favorite spot in house?" Danny pointed at the bedding and clothes on the couch, and laughed at Steve.
"Shut up, Danno. If you haven't broken the crib everything would be alright and I would be sleeping with my fiancé and baby." Steve said giving Danny a dirty look.
"There's still the wall to take care of." Catherine muttered under her breath as she walked past him into the kitchen not looking at him.
"Cath, Baby, do you really think this is necessary?" Steve asked trying to calm her down.
"First I'm not your baby and second, yes this is necessary." She didn't dare look at him, because she knew that the second their eyes would meet she would forgive him.
"You can't throw me out of my bedroom." Steve said sounding somewhat sad.
"First of all it is OUR bedroom and second I'm pregnant I can do whatever I want. Or would you rather I sleep on the damn couch while I am carrying your daughter?" Now she was furious again. Steve knew it was worthless talking to her right now so he decided to let it go.
"Fine." He replied grabbing another beer from the fridge before heading out to the beach again.
"That son of a …" Catherine began to say.
"Cath, she can hear you. You don't want your daughter to hear you speaking badly about her daddy, do you?" Mary stopped her.
"Whatever, but if he thinks he's getting away that easily, he is dead wrong." Cath told her.
While the girls were doing the dishes the men were still outside on the beach enjoying their beers. "Is it really worth it Steve?" Chin asked.
"We'll see later." Steve replied taking another sip from his bottle.
"Mary is coming." Danny warned them as he saw Steve's sister walking out of the house.
"Great job, brother." She said grabbing the empty bottles from the table. "Really, you did an amazing job in upsetting your fiancé." She added looking at him.
"It wasn't my fault." Steve defended himself as he placed the key on the table so Mary could see it.
"Right." Mary replied not paying much attention to what he had said as she looked at the key.
Minutes later…
The kitchen was clean again as Mary watched the men getting up from the table and leaving the beach.
"Now it's the stupid piece of metal in the garage again." Catherine commented as she joined Mary at the window.
"Our dad's car?" Mary asked.
"Yeah, he's been working on it for months now. I should have known that the nursery wouldn't be ready in time." Catherine replied sadly.
"Wait a second." Mary said remembering the key on the table. "When I went out to collect the bottles Steve placed a key on the table."
"And?" Cath asked.
"I think it's the nursery's key." Mary replied.
"It won't be there anymore, you know the boss." Kono noted.
"Maybe he forgot it. I'll go and check." Mary thought out loud.
About a minute later Mary was back with a big smile on her face holding the key up.
"He has really forgotten it?" Cath asked surprised.
"Looks like my boss is getting a little sloppy." Kono smiled taking the key out of Mary's hand. "Let's go."
Mary and Kono headed out of the kitchen without Catherine. "Cath, let's go." Kono went back grabbing Catherine's hand.
"Are you sure about this?" Cath asked.
"Hey, you were the one who wanted to see it, now we have the chance so let's go." Kono replied and then they headed upstairs. Kono handed Catherine the key, nervously she pushed it into the lock and it fit.
Upstairs the girls were way too busy to notice that the guys had sneaked back into the house and were now standing in the living room. With shaking hands Catherine turned the key hearing it click, she then turned the door handle. She took a deep breath preparing herself for the mess that she was expecting on the other side of the door. Then she pushed it open.
What she saw, was nothing at all like she had expected. It wasn't a mess…the walls were pink with stars in the corner where the crib was placed. The crib was white and for her surprise in one piece.
"Oh my God!" Catherine breathed as she walked a few steps in over to crib letting her right hand trace over the white wood while she caressed her big belly. Carefully she went over to the closet and opened it and again she was surprised. All the cute stuff she had bought was neatly folded in it. Quietly she closed it again and walked over to the big comfy chair next to the window. Catherine just stood there and stared out of the window. This was more then she had expected even without the lies the guys had told her. She felt tears her eyes and she felt sorry for the way she acted towards Steve, even when she knew that it was right to be angry with him for making her upset.
"It's amazing isn't it," She heard Mary say but it sounded like she was far away.
Seconds later she heard someone walking into the room and when she felt a hand reaching for her belly from behind, and she knew it was Steve. She felt herself relax the moment he touched her. "I'm sorry…" Catherine whispered since her voice was still lost somewhere between opening the door and now.
"It's okay." Steve whispered back resting his head on her shoulder. The way he said that had sent her over the edge and tears were rolling down her face.
"Hey." Steve said calmly lifting his head again and turning her around so he could face her. "It's alright, Baby." He added cupping her face with both of hands. "It's alright, don't cry." He said again brushing the tears away with his thumb. "I'm not offended because you were right, I was being an a$$." Steve said casually. "I shouldn't have made you feel like this nursery isn't as important to me as it is to you."
Catherine swallowed looking into his eyes. "It's not that, it's just…. this is more than I expected." She paused. "It's truly amazing and lovely, Steve, I love it so much."
"And I love you." Steve said placing one hand on her belly. "Both of you." He added before he kissed her gently. The two forget the world around them as they stood there while at the window kissing. It had been way to long for both of them without kissing and they both needed to make up for lost time.
"I take it, that the couch is mine again." Danny asked as he saw them.
"Looks like it, bro." Chin replied.
"Yeah, because I won't let him sleep anywhere then next to me in our bedroom." Catherine smiled at them and then looked back at Steve.
"Good to know. So next time something really happens, you don't need to pack my stuff again." Steve said with the boyish grin he has.
"Watch out!" Catherine warned him trying to look serious but she failed as she had to laugh.
As always please leave a review. And a big thank you to Dorian, my beta reader, thank you soooo much for helping me out!