Revenge of the Zero Familiar
(Disclaimer: I do not own Familiar of Zero)
"Normal Speech"
'Telepathic Speech'
"Derflinger Speaking"
Chapter I: Discarded because of Pride
Hiraga Saito was having a good day, the night before he had danced with his Magic using Master." They had were celebrating, along with the school, the successful capture of the rogue criminal that had been terrorizing Nobles. Nobles being humans that have the ability to tap into the power of magic to their heart's content. Those without such powers were considered as commoners and lived a life of servitude towards the nobility that loved flexing their power. This was the world that Saito had found himself in after being summoned by the useless Mage Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. Though their relationship had an extremely rough start since Saito's upbringing refused the idea of slavery. They had finally found some common ground to stand on. Saito had finally understood why Louise would talk about nobility so much. It was to cover her own shame, during his battle with the Earth Golem he had finally seen what pained the proud pinkette the most.
After using a weapon from his home, a weapon he had only used during his time playing video games, he had finally defeated the bothersome Golem and it's creator. With the Staff of Destruction, or Rocket Launcher as Saito knew it, back in the hands of the old Mage Osmond things had started to look up for Louise and her familiar. Though Saito felt a shot went through his heart when he learned that there has been other scenarios with summonings bringing things from his world. As much hope as that brought him it was soon destroyed when he learned there was no way to send him back.
Saito couldn't help but shiver as he touched a cold stone that made his bed. He let out a mumble as his complain before hearing the doors of Louise open with such force that the teen's thought an attack had commenced.
"Father!" Louise yelled as she sat in her night gowned and looked at an elegant looking blond man. With him stood six of his personal guards.
"Saito!" Louise yelled when she saw her familiar be slammed into the wall of her room by her father's magic. The Gandalfr had finished reaching for his new, yet old, blade but was unable to draw it thanks to the speed and expertise of Louise's father.
"So this is the failure you brought onto this world. You should have informed me about this sooner daughter." The blond and handsome man said with a tone of dissatisfaction.
"Get dressed, I am going to fix the mess you got yourself into." The man said before slamming Saito into another wall. Louise cried with pain as she saw her father throw Saito out the window.
"Vallière-san." Osmond said, entering the room in rage making the high level Duke turn to him. "I agreed to allow you to take your daughter and create a new contract with a familiar of your choice. However I need agreed to you committing murder on my school grounds."
"He was only a commoner... there is a hundred...Ahhhh!" The man yelled in pain as he found the sword Louise bought stabbing through his leg. He fell to the ground clutching the wound that was brought to him from the sudden flying sword.
"Fuck You!" Saito yelled as he fell to his death. He had used the last of his strength to throw his partner. He knew he could have killed the man but he didn't want to bring more pain to Louise.
"Father!" Louise yelled as she saw his men rush him to the medical room.
"I can't see him!" One of the guards yelled as they looked through the window while hopping to find the one that had hurt their master.
"Louise you are to join me and your father in the medical room." Osmond said as a light smile formed on his face. Though he had complete authority he had felt that the Duke was willing to fight him, if it would get him to lay off the fact he had hurt a worthless Commoner. The Head of the Academy couldn't help but feel a wave of pride fill him since the young man had injured the powerful noble, while once again showing that magic didn't make a person unbeatable.
Nobody noticed Derflinger vanished from the floor, after one of the Valliére Personal Guards removed it from the Duke's leg.
The wounded teen hid at the other wall of the Academy, clutching his bleeding arm. The fall from Louise's bedroom was high, but thanks to some thick bushes below, he managed to survive the fall. As the guards roamed the inside of the Academy grounds to find him, Saito gritted his teeth at the memories from his Master: the constant beatings from misunderstood situations, the abuse, the damn explosions, the negligence, and the slavery. The only fun times that they had was the ball in celebration of capturing the terrorist. Other than that, he's been on the receiving end of the whip every time he made a mistake. And then the fact that her Father came in and started to beat the crap out of him for being a commoner familiar to Louise.
'Why am I always beat up for something I didn't do? This is so unfair! First I was summoned by that chibi mage, then get beat up for something I said, got dragged around like a dog...ugh!' Saito thought, gritting his teeth at the humiliation Louise put him through.
"Well, no more! I'm through with this nobility-is-more-powerful-than-commoners crap! I will destroy this system and build a future where we commoners are treated as equals, and not like slaves!" he growled, before limping into the dark forest ahead.
Siesta went out of the maid's quarters, curious of the noise that has been going on at the Academy. She had soon meet up with Kirche, Tabitha, Guiche, and Montmorency, apparently exhausted after doing their search of the raven-haired familiar.
"Umm...What's going on?" asked Siesta, bowing in front of them. Kirche spoke first.
"You're the one who once was talking to Darling before... Siesta was it?" said girl nodded, confused. 'Darling?'
"Do you know where Saito is?" asked Guiche, after gathering his breath.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"A few minutes ago, Duke Vallière arrived and proceeded to his daughter's room. He had attacked Saito because of his commoner status, and had him thrown out the window, but not before Saito throwing his sword at his leg. The Headmaster sent us to find him and bring him to safety." said Guiche, looking grim at the situation. After his defeat from Saito's hands, he grew more respect for the swordsman familiar. They were soon friends after the capture of Fouquet.
"Duke Vallière is a jerk. He almost killed Saito because he's a great guy. My Darling is a hundred times of a man than he is! The way he stand up against the Duke is so dreamy." said Kirche, almost dreamy-eyed.
"Alright, enough. We have to find Saito before the Duke does!" said Guiche, before they left Siesta alone, who dropped to her knees, sobbing that Saito was being treated like trash.
At the Castle of Tristan, Henrietta was accompanying the Queen on their breakfast of the day, when suddenly a messenger burst through the doors, making the inhabitants of the room jump in alarm.
"Your Highness! My Queen! I bring urgent news!" panted the messenger, exhausted due to his running.
"What's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry? Surely there's no news that can be urgent as you say." said the Queen, confused at the sudden intrusion.
"Duke Valliére entered the Magic Academy and attacked her third daughter's familiar." said the messenger, causing Henrietta to stiffen at her seat.
"Why would Duke Valliére do such a heinous thing? And to the familiar of his daughter no less?" asked the Queen, confusion replaced by frigid demeanor. She hated any form of violence within the Kingdom, and she have heard of Saito's victory and capture of Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt.
"It seems that the Duke thought that Lady Louise had shamed him by summoning a plebian as a familiar." said the messenger, now shaking slightly by the dark aura that enveloped Henrietta after she had heard of Saito's unfortunate encounter with Louise's Father.
"Saito is NOT a plebian! He is the most noble of all men. He is a hundred times manly than the nobles!" roared Henrietta. She had met with Louise and her familiar before Fouquet stole the Staff of Destruction. From what she observed, he dressed in a unique way but has an air of a honest man. No one in their right mind would want to fight him, because of his headstrong determination to protect his master from harm, even if he got injured in the process. "What of the Duke who attacked the Familiar?" she added coldly.
The messenger flinched, so did the Queen. Never in their whole lives have heard Henrietta, the heir to the throne, the kind-hearted friend of Louise, ever spoke in such frigid manner. It almost as if the Henrietta has been replaced with a dark double.
"I-i-i-it's t-t-t-the D-d-duke of t-t-the V-v-valliére Fam-m-mily!" stammered the messenger. That did it. Henrietta became so furious, that even her own mother, the Queen herself, can't do anything about it.
"SUMMON DUKE VALLIÉRE IN HERE IMMEDIATELY! I DON'T CARE IF HE HAS A MANICURE PROBLEM! NOBODY ATTACKS SAITO AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" roared Henrietta, as the messenger bowed, then scrambled on his way out, tripping along the way.
The Queen was stunned. She always thought that her daughter was a sweet gentle girl, but after Saito had saved her from the falling debris during Fouquet's assault on the Academy Vault (A/N: In this story, Saito had saved Henrietta, during the Fouquet and the Staff arc). Since then, the successor to the throne always admired Saito for his selfless act and bravery against overwhelming odds, while enduring his 'punishments' from Louise (The pink-haired girl gave her report on her familiar, which is filled with complaints on how Saito always flirts with the maid Siesta, or being flirted with Kirche, or being caught in accidental perverted situations). After talking to Saito during those times when Louise gave her report, he would always blush crimson, while adamantly denying any of those things, saying it was only an accident, and his Master misunderstood everything. Henrietta, on the other hand, would have found Saito's blush very cute, but the violet-haired princess had her pride as an heir to the Kingdom of Tristan, so she would try to help Saito subtly, escaping Louise's horsewhip 'punishment' attacks. The Queen would guess this is one time too many, and her daughter's strain had cracked against protecting the Plebian Knight.
Back at the Academy, at the infirmary, the duke was furious that the plebian managed to escape. He thought that then fact that he's a commoner, though Louise protested otherwise that he's not, shamed him that a noble managed to summon a plebian as a familiar. Then word reached his ears that the Princess of Tristan had summoned his presence before her. Thinking that she have heard of this disgrace, he thought that he'd persuade the Royal Family to hunt down the plebian and kill him for this humiliation.
How wrong he would be in this situation.
A/N: A few notes would be inclined for this. I was planning for Saito to become rebellious, but I decided that, like the more famous FanFiction Novels, I did the "Dark Character" Route. I would apologize and thank the author of the novel "Discarded" for giving me a good start-off on Saito's descent to the dark path.
Also, since this is a SaitoHenrietta Main pairing, Henrietta's going a bit dark as well, but not as much as Saito's. I would think a bit more if I'm going to add Siesta or even Tifa to the mix, but your opinions matters at this point. Please give me feedback on who should I add on the main pair. Thank you! ^_^