First and foremost, I apologize for not updating for months, or even years, I'm really not quite sure. Second, I also apologize for not showing any sign of life, I blame college. Thirdly, I had a deadly case of Writer's block so I had t squeeze my brain in order to get something out of it.

For those who are asking about my... current predicament with my roommate, I'll just tell the story after this chapter.

Have fun reading, *bows*

Two weeks…

For two weeks, he has hung out with his shishou.

For two weeks, his quizzes and grades sky rocketed.

And it has also been two weeks since he had last talked to Bel. After that incident, the senior didn't go to the rooftop anymore. The greenette tried to call him whenever he caught a glimpse, but the blond always seem to find something to do or someone to talk to whenever he did.

Fran bit his lower lip.

It was unnerving…

He sighed, then shook his head. Why was he getting worked up with him? He should be thinking about his shishou. He still can't let him go, after all.

"I hope you understand frog, I have to punish you."

"It suits you,"

"E-Erm… y-yeah… good night frog."

"Oi, Fran. Are you okay?"

"You came…"

"I'm in love with you, Fran."

"Damn it!" Fran yelled, then caught himself.

"Fran?" his classmate since middle school, MM asked. "Something wrong with you? It's the first time I actually heard you yell."

The freshman nodded, then sighed. "I'm fine, just a little frustrated."

"Is it about Mukuro-sama?" she queried further. "I already gave up on him, so you should too. But I still hate that bitch Dokuro for stealing him." The brunette growled as she clenched on her pencil, then snapped it into two.

Fran ignored MM's words and turned to the window by the corridor. His focus was slowly getting dim, until a certain student caught his eyes. He shot up from his seat, catching most of his classmates' attention. He dashed away from his seat, ignoring his sensei's calls.

"Mammon-sempai!" he called from the door of his classroom.

Mammon turned towards him, on his hand were piles of printed papers. "Oh, Fran. Why are you calling me?" he asked as he turned to face his younger classman.

"I-I…" the other stuttered. "About… Bel-sempai-"

"Wait," Mammon interrupted. "Let me just carry these files to the guidance office, then we can talk about that, okay?" he said with a small smile.

Fran nodded, then followed the violet haired teen to the guidance office. He stayed outside as the other entered the room and dropped the files. He tried to formulate what he was going to do but he didn't know what to say after he caught Mammon's attention.

"Should we go to a more private place?" the hooded teen asked once he emerged from the room. Fran nodded, then made his way to the rooftop. He broke outside and locked it so others won't interrupt them.

Mammon sat by the wall under the shadow, and Fran sat sheepishly beside him. "So, what do you want to talk about?" the older of the two asked.

"How's Bel-sempai?" the greenette questioned with no hesitation. His curiosity was chewing him up, and along with it was worry.

"Bel's fine," Mammon replied as he leaned back and huddled inside his hood. "He's finally focusing on his studies, at last." He turned to his companion. "How about you, Fran? The last time I actually saw you was in the hospital."

"Mammon-sempai visited me?"

The said man nodded. "Every day, actually. Bel has visited you whenever he has free time. He would stay overnight every now and then. It was a pain since the nurses were all over him, at the same time, they were pestering him to leave the hospital. Bel had to pay just so he could stay with you, really. I was the one to bring him clothes and food." He replied.

Fran froze on his seat. "Every day?" he asked.

Mammon looked at him curiously. "Yeah. He would bring those silly balloons and flowers and all those. Didn't you talk to him before?"

"I don't… really remember much." Fran answered truthfully.

"You still had a bandage over your eyes, then. I was about to leave, but when I glanced inside the room I saw you talking to Bel. It didn't last for long, though. The conversation was short-lived."

"Did you hear what we're talking about?" the younger teen queried further.

Mammon shook his head. "I don't, since I was already outside the room, but he was holding your hand while you were talking…" his voice went softer each word.

Holding my hand…

Short lived conversation…

Binds on my eyes…

"Oi, Fran... you idiot… it's your Shishou,"

"Nn... How are you feeling..?"

"Yeah... just rest, idiot... you need it..."

Shishou should've brought Chrome with him…

Shishou doesn't show vulnerability…

Shishou would never have held my hand…

Theories, they were all just theories. There was no proof that it was Bel-sempai who was talking to him back then. There was also a possibility that-

"Mammon-sempai, you said you were there every day, right?"

"Uh… yeah. I guess." He replied.

Fran took a deep breath before speaking. "Did shi- I mean… Mukuro-sempai visited me?"

"Not that I know of," the other simply answered. "If he had been visiting, then I would've felt his aura all over the place. His presence makes me sick, so I doubt I'll be able to miss it. Just sitting here with you makes me a bit uncomfortable, to be honest." His gaze fell as he seemed like he was contemplating something.

"Fran," Mammon called out, his voice and expression a mixture of sadness and seriousness as he met the other's eyes. "Bel… he's…"

"Padre?" Belphegor said through the mouthpiece of his cell phone. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his blond hair, showing his determined red eyes. "I'm…"

"...going back to Italy."

"CR," Bel announced as sighed softly while he ruffled his already messy blond hair. Two weeks passed since his confession, and still, there are no improvements to his and Fran's relationship. All he did was avoiding Fran in the first place, so how could it develop into something else? Another wistful sigh slipped past his pale lips as he pushed through the door, about to leave the classroom. He stood still when he saw a familiar head of green hair walking past him, only to freeze completely when the said teen had stopped and turned to face him.

"Bel-sempai," Fran noted absently, his eyes wide almost as if he had seen a ghost.

The elder teen's red eyes fell into a half lidded stare as he studied the greenette. "Yo," he greeted with a dismissive wave of his hand, then turned to his side and walked away without another word, leaving Fran standing dumbstruck by the door. He stopped walking when a faint shout called out to him.

"Bel-sempai!" Fran yelled, albeit softly, to the blond.

"What?" Bel replied without turning back.

Silence loomed between them, and since it was in the middle of class, nobody was around to witness what was happening. Fran bit on his lip as he looked down, trying to think of something to say. "How have you been, sempai?"

"Pretty good."


Bel had the urge to clench his hands, but he decided against it. "Is that all you're going to say?" he asked; a tone too harsh for his liking.

Fran remained silent, not knowing what to say.

"If that's all, then I'm going ahead." He took a few steps away, only to hear padded feet running towards him and grabbing his wrist.


The blond turned around so fast that Fran almost got dragged along with him. He reached out and held the smaller teen still; his hair got disarranged, flashing his desperate eyes for Fran to see. "What do you want from me, Fran?" despite his disheveled state, he still managed to keep his voice calm, stable.

Bel gritted his teeth, then grabbed Fran by the wrist and dragged him all the way to the stairs, then up the rooftop. He pushed the teen outside and locked the door, leaving only the two of them inside. He walked past Fran, making his way to the other side, only to cross his arms and turned to face the greenette once again. "Explain yourself." He snapped.

"I…" Fran's surprise slowly faded away, only to be replaced by his usual indifferent expression. "I don't have anything to explai-" a split second later, he found a knife gliding past his face, sticking to the wall behind him after.

"Bullshit." Bel growled. He trudged towards the other, eyes glaring, muscles tense, and lips curved into a grimace.

Fran took steps back, only to be cornered by Bel and the wall behind him. The knife was beside his head, still stuck into the concrete. The Prince reached out and pulled the knife out, only to slide it back to his sleeve. He propped one of his arms beside Fran's head, his elbow resting by the other's shoulder.

"What do you want from me, Fran?" he whispered, his voice trembling as he clenched his hands into a tight fist, his knuckles getting white it.

"Nothing," Fran whispered, his eyes shifting from Bel's eyes to the space on his left.

Bel pounded on the wall, frustration leaking out from his actions. On the other hand, Fran remained unresponsive. "Is this about the confession?" the blond asked once more.

Fran was silent.

"It is, isn't it?" Bel insisted. He sighed dejectedly, then extended his fingers and placed his palm on the wall instead. "I told you to forget it, it's nothing important now." He looked down and shook his head. "It was just a phase, alright?"

"Was it, really?" Fran whispered, then caught himself.

Bel glared at the floor, then punched the wall and turned around, facing the afternoon sky. "Why are you asking me that?"

Still, no response.

"God damn it, Fran." Bel sounded almost as if he was pleading. He looked up in the sky with his fingernails digging on his palms. "Stop doing this," he whispered.

"Stop caring,"

"Stop talking to me,"

"Stop leading me on."

He felt tears brim his eyes; another bitter smile crossed his face as he realized how pathetic he sounded.

"Stop acting as if I stand a fucking chance against Rokudo."

He snorted then turned around to face the other. He barked a sarcastic laugh, then blinked his tears away. "Because you and I both know that I don-" He felt his head snapped to the side, and it took him a couple of seconds to realize that Fran had just punched him.

"Stop deciding for me." Fran hissed, eyes glaring despite the sadness it held. "I do care, I do want to talk to you, and I'm not leading you on." He clenched his fists as his gaze fell down. "I'm giving you the chance and you're just too stupid to realize." He whispered.

"That day that I confessed, he rejected me. I felt nothing. No pain, no disappointment, no nothing. In fact, all I felt was relief, almost as if I had been released from something that was keeping me back. But when you left my room, when I saw you talking to others the past few days almost as if nothing ever happened; there was that twinge I was expecting." Fran looked up at Bel.

"What does that mean, sempai?"

His gaze once again fell down.

"Please, explain it to me."

Glaring, the Prince grabbed Fran by the waist, hoisted him up to his shoulder and carried him inside the school, and the whole time, the greenette was expressionless and acting almost as if he wasn't a bit surprised about what was happening.

Bel stopped when he was at the entrance, standing at the parking space. He grabbed his keys, made his way to his car and threw the smaller teen inside it. He made his way to the driver's seat, locked the door and sped outside the campus without a single word.

"Where are we going, sempai?" Fran asked from the backseat. He had his back pressed hard on the leather seats as he pulled on the seatbelt. With Bel driving nearly a hundred kilometers an hour, it was unquestionable.

The blond remained unresponsive and only turned into a sharp curve and came into an abrupt halt. He stepped out from the car and walked towards the building he was parked in front. When Fran made his way out of the car, he saw that they were in front of a hotel. He heard a loud bleeping sound from the car, indicating that Bel had locked the vehicle.

"Room for two," Bel nonchalantly said as he slid his card on the counter. It took less than two minutes to finish the transaction, and not a moment later, they found themselves inside the highest room in the hotel. The blond tugged his necktie as he walked towards the bed. He started undoing his uniform top, kicked his shoes and socks off and crawled on the massive white bed. The whole time, Fran was only standing nonchalantly by the door.

"What are you doing there, frog?" Bel snapped at the younger teen. He stripped his shirt off, along with his slacks, leaving him on his boxers. "Strip."

Fran stared at the barely clothed teen by the bed, then started removing his uniform without further ado. He still didn't know what he was doing, but he was only unconsciously moving along with what Bel was telling him to do.

Once he was stripped to his boxers, he just stood there still staring at Bel. The blond groaned in frustration, then stood up and made his way to Fran.

"What a handful," he growled as he hooked his arm under Fran's armpits and scooped him into a Princess carry. He carried him all the way to the bed and slowly laid him down. Fran closed his eyes, anticipating that Bel was going to do the same thing the elder teen has done to him back at the rooftop. But instead, he found Bel crawling to the other side, pulling the sheets down and lifting it over them, sighing as he snuggled at the coldness of the new sheets.

"Bel-sempai?" Fran asked as he felt the even breathing of Bel beside him. "What are we doing here?"

"Relaxing," the blond replied. "I haven't slept properly these past two weeks, I want some decent sleep." He answered as he snuggled further into the mattress.

Fran smiled softly at his relaxed sempai, then turned to face him and snuggled along with him.

"Good night, sempai."

He felt two fingers touching his chin, then a pair of soft lips pressed against his.

"It's not a phase," Bel whispered, then pulled back and snuggled back to his original position.

"Good night, Fran."

I have no idea what the next chapter will be all about, so... yeah. This s also un-beta-ed.

Okay, so... where do I start? Ash found a girl, they were into each other but they already broke up ad he's back to sleeping around while I have random people attracted to me, its weird, really. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I guess it was never meant to be a love story to begin with.

I transferred to another dorm and I have new roommates and we're getting along well, I think. I guess I have a roommate curse. *facepalm* About Ash, he might (note: might) transfer to my current dorm and stay with me..err.. us?

See you all soon and don't forget to leave a review, (because it really is my motivation to update)
