This is my attempt to do the 'right format'. I also got an idea from Red Kisses And Dark Secrets! i would like to thank you for the idea! Enjoy :D

I don't own Fairy Tail.

As soon as they left, everyone else came.

"So Lisanna's not coming?" Natsu asked while running toward Lucy.

"I guess not. She just left with Elfman and Mira." Lucy said rubbing her arm. Natsu looked around to see who else was coming.

"I though a whole bunch of people were coming?" he pouted. Lucy then looked around and saw someone in the distance.

"I see someone." Lucy said squinting her eyes trying to see who it was. Each step the person took she could tell who it was.

"Gray?" Lucy said as he got closer towards them. He waved as he got closer.

"Sorry I'm late. My sister held me up at the house." He said pointing back at his house.

"Wait I thought your sister was coming?" Lucy said crossing her arms. He shrugged his shoulders.

"She canceled because she said she had to take care of some girl stuff, whatever girl stuff is." He said scratching his head. Lucy stood there and nodded.

"Now that you mention it, Evergreen canceled too. She said that she was going on a mission with the Raijinshū Tribe." Natsu said scratching the side of his face. Lucy used her fingers to count how many people were left.

"That means that it's gonna be just us and Erza." Lucy said pouting. "I thought this was gonnna be a big group thing." She said sadly. They all sighed. A few moments later Erza came running down the street.

"Sorry I'm late guys!" she yelled waving her hands in the air. She was wearing an ice skating outfit. She was sparkling from head to toe. " I had to find an outfit fit for skating and I found this one." She said with a big smile. Natsu and Gray eyed her then started to laugh.

"She looks like a princess!" Natsu yelled.

"You wanna dance my lady?" Gray said hysterically bowing. With that Ezra hit them both hard on the head. The fell to the ground then apologized.

"So when do we leave?" Erza asked

"We were supposed to leave five minutes ago." She said looking at her watch. Ezra's eyes went wide then she grabbed Lucy, Natsy, and Gray by the hand and started to run toward the train.

"Then what are we waiting her for!" she yelled while Natsu, Gray, and Lucy dangled from her arm. They finally reached the station with a minute to spear. "We made it right on time." She said requipting into her regular cloths.

"Why can't we just walk there?" Natsu whined.

"Because it will take forever and we don't wanna stay there for only a half hour." Lucy said.

"You're pathetic." Gray said under his breath.

"What was that frost bite?" Natsu snarled.

"You heard me human torch!" Gray retorted back. They butted heads while Lucy and Erza talked.

"I got you an outfit to where at the rink." Erza said with a sly smile. Lucy was kinda scared to wear what she got for her.

"It's alright. I can just wear this." She said rejecting her nicely. Erza glared her.

"Are you sure you don't wanna where it?" she said with a demon voice. Lucy was shaking as they walked.

"Sorry! I'll wear it!" she said grabbing the bag from Erza's hand. Erza smiled. "Thanks to Mira, she'll look hot while to skate and Gray will bound to look at her." She said to herself chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" Lucy asked tilting her head to the side. Erza dropped her thought.

"It's nothing. Let's hurry and get there." She said walking on the train faster.

"Okay." Lucy said confused. Everyone boarded the bus without a problem. Erza and Lucy talked about their experiences with skating while Natsu and Gray called each other names. When they finally arrived Lucy was pretty much like a kid in a candy store.

"I've never went ice skating before." She said with awe.

"I thought you fell a lot." Erza asked confused.

"That was roller skating. I don't know if they are different but it seems that ice skating is more difficult." She said as they exited the train.

"I don't wanna go in there. It's too cold." Natsu whined. Gray laughed at his remark.

"If you can't take the heat then stay outside the kitchen." He said.

"I can definitely take the heat. The problem is that there's no heat in that place Ice fairy." He said loudly. Gray stopped laughing.

"What was that you burnt lizard?" Gray retorted.

"You heard me frost bite." He yelled back. Lucy laughed at the both of them then realized that those two had serious issues. Lisanna was dating Gray but was seeing Natsu. She sighed. How could these two fun guys be played with by that mean girl? She asked herself then shook her head. She looked at Gray. He was so nice until he started to date her. If she was his girlfriend she would never cheat on him. She stopped her thoughts before she went in depth on how she could be a better girlfriend.

"Okay guys we'll see you out there after we go change." Erza said grabbing Lucy's hand.

"You want me to wear this?" Lucy asked horrified as she took the small dress out of the bag.

"Yes so we can match." Erza said while grinning. "Plus you already to wear it." She said nodding.

"But it's cold." She said frowning. Erza shoved Lucy in the changing closet then through her the clothes.

"Suck it up. I'll be outside and you better be wearing it when you come out." She threatened then left. Erza took her phone out then dialed a number. "The plan is working well Mira." Erza said with an evil smile. "Good you gave her the dress?" Mira asked excited. "Yup. Oh the guys are coming I'll call you back." She said then hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Gray asked. Erza then punched him in the head. "What was that for!" he yelled rubbing his head.

"Where's your shirt!?" she yelled changing the subject. Gray looked down and to his surprise his shirt wasn't there. Natsu rolled his eyes.

"Where's Lucy?" Natsu said shoving his hands in his pockets. Erza smiled before she answered.

"She's still changing. Let's go skating, she'll catch up." She said moving them toward the rink. Erza thought about what to do next.

"After she comes out ask the man at the dj booth to play this." Mira gave her a cd. "Then ask him to turn the lights at her." Mira said with a smile. Erza read the cd then patted Mira on the back.

"You are so smart." She said smiling harder.

She took the cd from her pocket.

"I don't know about this." Natsu said nervously. Gray hoped on the ice then skated away.

"It's alright. All you need is a little push." She said as she pushed him into the rink. He slipped and slid through everyone before he finally got the hang of it. Erza laughed then hopped on the ice herself. A few moments later, Lucy came out of the changing room.

"Stupid Erza making me wear this small thing." She said under her breath as she tried to pull the dress down. Erza saw her coming out then skated to the dj booth and gave him the cd.

"Play this and point one of your lights in that direction." She said pointing where Lucy would come in.

"We don't do requests for songs." The man said strictly. Erza gave him a death glare then he did what he was told. The song played and the lights flashed on Lucy.

"What the hell's with the light?" Lucy said blocking some of the light away from her face. Gray and Natsu looked in her direction with awe.

"I'm gonna go help her skate." Gray said skating slowly away from Natsu. Natsu pulled him back.

"No. I'm gonna help her skate. You have a girlfriend." Natsu said giving him a small grin. Gray got mad. Before Gray could respond to his comment he skated away.

" You need some help?" Natsu asked as he skated to her.

"Maybe a little." She said nervously. He reached out to grab her hand. She grabbed it and put one of her feet on the ice.

"Careful." He said as she put her other foot on the ice.

"You better not drop me!" she yelled as the picked up the pace. He laughed .

"Trust me. I won't." he said with a smile. She smiled back at him. Before she could open her eyes again someone grabbed her from behind.

"Sorry you were about to crash into somebody." Gray said from behind her. They both watched Natsu as he crashed into a big lady. Gray laughed. They both started to skate again. "What are you wearing?" Gray asked. She blushed.

"I-it's not mine. Erza gave it to me." She said nervously.

"It's nice." He said without thinking. "Crap did I say that out loud?" he said scolding himself for the comment.

"Thanks." She said sadly. Suddenly Gray was pushed by someone from behind. He let go of her hand.

"Why the hell didn't you save the both of us you ice bastard?!" Natsu yelled pushing him into the wall.

"I'm not obligated to anything for you!" Gray yelled then tripped him. Lucy met up with Erza.

"Look I'm doing it!" Lucy yelled proud of herself. Erza looked at her then clapped.

"Good job. Who helped you?" she asked while slowing down to meet her pace.

"Well, first it was Natsu then it was Gray and now they're…" she looked back and she saw them using magic on each other. "H-hey!" she yelled looking confused to why they were fighting. She sighed. "Well, there goes another fun place to come to." She said to herself then shook her head. Erza turned around then started to crack her knuckles.

"Wait here." She demanded then sprinted toward them. Lucy heard her requipt and then screaming. She let out a deep sigh again then skated over to try to stop the ruckus not knowing she would be pulled into it.

"Stop fighting you two!" Erza yelled hitting them both.

"Common you guys don't fight." Lucy said calmly. She tried to pull Gray off of Natsu but she got pulled into the fight by Erza. When the fight finally died down they found themselves in a doggy pile with Natsu at the bottom.

"Guys can you get off of me!" he yelled out of breath. Slowly one by one they got off of him. Gray got off of Lucy then pulled her up close to him.

"Sorry." He said not far from her face. Erza saw the whole thing and she tensed up. "Do it. Do it. Do it." She said to herself anxious for what was about to happen. Then Lucy slowly pulled away.

"I'm gonna get changed now." She said slowly. He let her go slowly then she skated to the end of the rink. Erza bang her head on the nearest thing she could find. "Dammit! It didn't work!" she said to herself. Lucy made her way toward the changing room.

"He needs to make up his damn mind!" she yelled to herself. She felt as though he was just playing with her emotions. If he liked her then why did he act as though what happened to them in the tent didn't even happen? She asked herself the question many time as she changed. She let out a deep sigh then opened the door to see a big man holding out a piece of paper so she would take it. She took it.

"Damage fee, 70,000 jewels!" she yelled then sulked. "It's all her fault for asking me to come in the first place." She said with her shoulders low. She made her way out of the skating rink and saw all of them waiting for her. Both of the guys had bruises and black eyes and Erza smiling like she just accomplished something big. Lucy crumbled the paper then through it at Natsu. It bounced off of him then hit Gray. The both whined.

"I am NEVER going out with you two again! Everytime I do, you destroy something!" she yelled stomping away frustrated. Erza caught up with her then looked back at them.

"You guys are paying for the destruction." She said smiling. They looked at each other.

"You destroyed most of it!" they yelled in union. Erza laughed to herself then lowered her head. "The plan didn't even work." She said to herself sadly. " I guess Mira will have to come up with another plan." She said to herself as she boarded the train.

Hoped you all liked it! Please review. :D
