Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight
"I knew you'd be back," the tanned boy smirked.
He leaned into the silver Volvo as the window rolled down, revealing a handsome pale beauty at the wheel. The stranger avoided making eye contact with the boy standing outside of his car, instead focusing on the steering wheel he held in his grip.
"Don't get the wrong idea." he mumbled softly-so softly that the darker of the two almost didn't catch it.
"This is the last time-I won't be back here again"
"Sure. Whatever you say sweetheart...same place I presume?"
The pale man nodded stiffly.
Sighing in amusement-and rolling his eyes at a couple of his friends on the curb- the boy walked over to the passenger side of the car and got in. his gaze swept over the driver appreciatively, the man blushing under his intense stare. The boy smirked, not sure why he took such satisfaction in the way he affected the other.
"You seemed to be in a bit of a hurry last time and we never really got to names, but it seems we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other…." he stretched out a strong hand, throwing on one of his most blinding smiles.
"The name's Jacob."
The pale man looked like he wanted to protest the notion of them seeing each other more but he just sighed, and grabbed the other's hand.
A.N.: i know- it's short as hell and the way i did this may look a little wierd (bear with me). i promise it will get much longer as i get into more chapters! (that is of course if anyone thinks this is a good idea or not...*cough*review*cough*)