A/N - In true fashion, it was that last chapter that killed me. I toyed with the ending som many times before going back to the original concept that I had started with.

Thank you for your patience.

As always, I don't own Fringe. *sigh*


Chapter Twelve – Shadow of The Day

There were still a couple of hours before the meeting but it didn't matter. Olivia had tossed and turned so much the night before that she had given up on sleep hours ago. If Peter had been here, she would have been fine, settled for matching her breaths to his, something that never failed to work. She had read for a while before playing around on her laptop. Now she was in the kitchen, drinking coffee and waiting for Marlina to wake. She was struck by how powerfully she wanted to protect her. It was the same feeling that she had for Peter and for Ella, for everyone that she loved. When Ella was first born, it took almost two days before she convince herself to hold her. She was scared. She was so tiny and fragile that it seemed ridiculous to put Ella in the hands of the inexperienced. But Rachel had pushed and Olivia finally admitted defeat. Ella, still slightly squished, pink and delicious smelling, had stretched and yawned. When she finally opened her eyes, they locked with Olivia's and that was it. Olivia's heart was lost to the little girl forever. She felt the same for Marlina, the second that she had first appeared in her dreams, she needed to protect her, to find and save her. A girl that she had forgotten in amongst the hundreds of other cases that she had encountered had somehow become someone that she deeply cared for, someone that she was willing to fight for and to protect.

Within the first few moments of meeting Clarissa and Thomas Brown, Olivia knew that she was wrong. For the first little while, Olivia had remained silent, watching them as they spoke to Peter and Cassie. Clarissa was talkative but it was nerves, Olivia could see it in the twisting of her hands and the jitter of her leg. Thomas smiled softly, stilling Clarissa's leg with a hand on the knee and a soft smile. Thomas himself was quiet and solid, his face open and friendly.

"Agent Dunham?"

Olivia clicked back to the conversation, focusing on Clarissa. She had sandy hair that curled delicately round her slim shoulders.


"How is she?"

Olivia thought for a moment of the quiet girl that so desperately needed to talk.

"She's ok. She's going to need some serious help though."

Thomas cleared his throat, shifting in his seat.

"I know that this is a terrible situation for Marlina. We love her and we want her to be part of the family again. We've found some specialists near our home that can help her through all this mess. We want the best for her. And the kids are so excited to meet her again."

At Thomas's words, Clarissa slid some pictures across the table. The photographs showed the kind of family that Olivia often wished she had as a child. The smiling faces, the clear and close bond between each member. The picture that got Olivia was one of those brilliantly candid ones that captured an entire moment and the people within it with incredible honesty. Amy was in mid-laugh; her brother's sprawled on top of her, apparently in the middle of an odd wrestling match that the two boys were clearly winning. But if you looked closer you could see Amy's hands on her little brothers, helping them keep their balance.

"Amy has even offered to share her room for the next six months before she heads off to Yale."

Olivia smiled.

"They seem like great kids."

"They have their moments."

Olivia flicked through the last of the pictures, the last ones making her pause. Lucas was sitting in a high chair, chocolate all over his face, hands and hair. He was grinning widely, flashing two teeth and gums.

"Lucas is exercising the joy of the word 'no' at the moment."

"I remember when my niece went through that. Even when she wanted something, 'no' was her first response."

Clarissa nodded, seemingly relieved to be on shared ground.

"He's quicker then he seems though. He's just one of those kids that likes to watch people, observe what's going on."

"Ella's a little like that too."

"We want what's best for her. And we strongly believe that she can find a life with us. God knows we owe her that much."

Olivia frowned at Clarissa's words.

"How so?"

"He was my brother. We should have protected her, done something more but he was a master at making himself disappear. The only sadness I have over his death is not knowing why he did this too her."

Peter shook his head, his voice sympathetic.

"No one is to blame except for him. You are here now and that is all that matters."

Olivia nodded in agreement and focused on the pictures in her hands, the conversation moving forward without her.

They talked for another hour and when it was over, Olivia had few reservations left. Clarissa and Thomas clearly cared for the niece that they had lost so long ago. They had prepared themselves and in a way, Olivia was glad of that. The need to protect Marlina would mean that she would have hung onto the smallest fault as a reason for not believing that this would work. She had collected Marlina from the lab and in the short drive back to the diner, she had explained once again the situation. Marlina could vaguely remember her aunt and uncle and Amy but seemed nervous regardless. They knew the truth of what Marlina's had been through, she could tell in the way that Thomas made a point of keeping his distance, offering his hand instead of a hug like his wife. Olivia watched as they settled into an awkward conversation, Peter's hand in hers as they left the diner, giving the newly reunited family some desperately needed time alone.

Olivia had never been good with goodbyes. In fact, she dreaded them. Marlina said her farewells to everyone else before finally coming to Olivia. She took Olivia's hand, offering her a small smile.

"Thank you Olivia. For everything."

"You are welcome. Keep in touch, ok? Call me if you need anything.'



Marlina smiled again.

"I promise."

Olivia pulled her into a hug before releasing her. She watched as Marlina walked away, sandwiched between her aunt and her uncle, hopefully looking forward to life that she could live like a normal teenage girl. Olivia managed to hold off until they were out of sight before the tears started to fall. She excused herself and went to the bathroom, not wanting anyone to see the tears that felt so damn ridiculous. She knew he would eventually follow but as Peter's footsteps finally reached her ears, she wished he hadn't. She felt foolish. She didn't even know why she was crying. She should be happy. She kept her face down, furiously wiping at her eyes.

"Olivia, calm down."

"I'm angry for being upset. It's ridiculous."

"No it's not."

Peter moved forward and pulled her into his arms. She pressed her face into his neck, breathing in the scent of his skin, feeling his reassuring pulse. She felt herself become calmer, more balanced. He had that effect on her.

"Please tell me that you are staying over tonight. I missed you last night."

"Did you really?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep."

Olivia drew back and Peter examined her face, stroking her cheek with her thumb.

"Maybe I will finally find something to make with those gherkins."

Olivia laughed, the sound feeling good, light and free.

Life returned to the way it had been before. The weeks slipped past easily and soon Olivia released the fear that she had for Marlina. She had called a few times, the talkative young woman on the other end of the phone so different from the silent being that had left them. Clarissa had been quick to reassure Olivia that Marlina had been attending regular therapy sessions and that she had made a few friends with some of the girls in her support group. She sounded happy. That was all Olivia had wanted and for once, she had gotten precisely what she had asked for.

It happened a few nights after her last phone call with Marlina, her voice still ringing in her ears. She had crawled under the covers, Peter pulling her close, shaping his body to hers, slipping into as easy sleep. Olivia closed her eyes, focused on Peter's breathing and let sleep take her.

She was in a house. It was warm and beneath her feet the thick carpet caressed her toes. She moved down the wide hallway, following the voices that echoed. When she got the top of a narrow stairwell, she looked down and smiled slightly. It was the Brown's, surrounding a large table, chattering loudly. And there was Marlina. She looked so happy, her cheeks flushed, talking just as loudly as her cousins. She paused occasionally to give Lucas some more food before returning to her own meal.

"You did this."

She turned slightly to find Marlina beside her, looking down at the scene.

"It was Amy's birthday. We had chocolate cake."

Olivia laughed slightly, the sound light and carefree.

"Are you happy?"

"Yes. You helped me find this. You saved me."

"You saved yourself. You found me first."

Marlina shook her head.

"No, you found me first, in the warehouse. I thought you were an angel. I know better now. You are something much more."

"You were a child."

"But I'm not anymore. You are important. More important than you realize."

Marlina took Olivia's hand and offered her a gentle smile. Olivia could see the faint scars on her wrists, now so faded that they could barely be seen, a thin reminder of a moment of desperation.

"People see what I do. Peter sees it too. You are special."

Olivia revealed in the sound of Marlina's laughter moving upstairs, sweet and innocent. She sounded like a normal teenager.

"I just wanted you to be happy."

"And I am. I wanted to thank you for that."

Marlina nodded towards the scene before them.

"For this and for them. I won't forget it."

Marlina started to fade and Olivia felt the warm deliciousness of her happiness, the feeling beautiful in her veins.

When she woke up, it wasn't with a start. Peter shifted beside her, his face pulled into a frown.

"What's wrong? You were talking in your sleep."

Olivia shook her head, a small smile on her face.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is fine. I just saw Marlina."

Peter studied her face and she felt him relax slightly beside her.

"Is she ok?"

"Better than ok. She's happy."

Olivia lay back down, settling herself back into Peter's warmth. Marlina had found her place in the world, just as she had found hers with Peter. For the first time in a long time, Olivia knew that she would have sweet dreams.