"Hey, Rob, you know you're my favorite hacker, right?" Wally smiled innocently as he walked up to the Boy Wonder.

"What do you want?" Robin sighed without taking his eyes off of the book that he was reading.

"Well, you see, there's this song that I heard of that I think Batman would absolutely love." Wally smirked, causing Robin to snort and close the book before turning towards the red head.

"You've got my attention." Robin admitted.


"I'm telling you, Flash, they'll be happy to hear about this." J'onn said as the computer announced his, Flash, and Hal's entry.

"It was a good thought, wasn't it?" Flash smirked.

"Hey, don't get too cocky, we don't want you to get even more big headed than you already are." Hal teased his friend.

"Recognized: Batman 002." The computer announced as Batman walked up to the rest of the League Members.

"Hey, what…" Flash started in on Hal, but something caught their attention. It was…music.

"Recognized: Batman 002." The computer announced once more before the music grew louder.

I need you to hear this loud and clear,
The line in the sand is drawn,
And I have no fear,

/When I see red,
All I need is a reason to set me off,
To drop this bomb,
And pick yourself up off the ground,

/Cause I'm a badass,
And you don't want to clash,
Cause your mouth's writing checks that your face can't cash,
Cause I'm a badass,

"Recognized: Batman 002." The computer announced again.

/And this warning's your last,
You just crossed my path,
And I'll drop you fast,
Cause I'm a badass,

/A badass,
Cause I'm a badass,
A badass,
A badass,

/Don't take this past the point of no return,
You don't want this kind of lesson learned,
When I see red,
All I need is a reason to throw it down,

/To take you out,
And you will have no doubt,
Cause I'm a badass,
And you don't want to clash,

/Cause your mouths writing checks that your face can't cash,
Cause I'm a badass,
And this warning's your last,
You just crossed my path,

/And I'll drop you fast,
Cause I'm a badass,
A badass,
Cause I'm a badass,

/A badass,
A badass,
I'm going to walk away from this,
And let it die than let it last,

"Recognized: Batman 002."

/You're pushing me,
Telling me to change my soul,
And I'm gonna leave your body black and blue now,
Cause I'm a badass,

/And you don't want to clash,
Cause your mouth's writing checks that your face can't cash,
Cause I'm a badass,
And this warning's your last,

/You just crossed my path,
And I'll drop you fast,
Cause I'm a badass,
A gun ready to blast,

/It's the wild, wild west,
And I'm fast as fast,
Cause I'm a badass,
I'll put your face in the grass,

/So don't test me boy,
Cause I'll drop you fast,
Cause I'm a badass,
A badass,

/Cause I'm a badass,
Take your best shot,
All you got,
Good luck cause I'm a badass,

/Cause I'm a badass,
A badass/

"Recognized: Batman 002."

The heroes there turned towards Batman, who blinked before smirking at them. "Damn straight." He said before walking off, his cape bellowing behind him.

"Told you it was a perfect match." Wally whispered to Robin, who snickered.