Title: Awkward waltzing and stupid bowties
Author: kawaiibookworm
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Austin/Ally
Word count: 2,308
Disclaimer: I do not own Austin or Ally.
A/N: I blame my Austin and Ally obsession on Ross lynch being way to good looking for his own good.

Austin silently closed the front door to his family's silent home. He tipped toed slowly against the hard wood floor and made a bee line for the stairs leading up to the second floor, where his room lied. A few more steps and he would be on his way to his only sanctuary in the house. The only sound he could hear was the light buzzing from TV in the living room. Hopefully his folks were too engrossed in what they were doing to realize he had come back earlier than planned. Maybe they weren't even home-

"Austin, we would like to talk to you" Translation; Get in here. NOW. Any hope he had about getting a peaceful night at home was now crushed. He wracked his brain around thinking if he had done anything lately that could be 'disapproving' in his dad's eyes. Once he entered the family room, he saw his dad siting on the couch with the today's paper still in his hand and his mother on the chair in the far corner reading one of her sappy romance books that Ally and Trish would probably approve of. His dad gestured for him to sit on the couch next to him so naturally Austin took a seat on a chair parallel to his mother.

"Your mother and I are going to my company's annual business dinner this Saturday night-" Austin perked up immediately. If his parents were going out Saturday then he could go hang out at Ally's then crash at Dez's, if he didn't fall asleep at her house. Again. That was one awkward conversation he didn't want to have with Mr. Dawson a second time.

"-And you're coming with us" when orange pigs with cupid arrows sticking out of their butts start flying across Miami.

"Why would I want to go?"

"So you can spend quality time your family and talk to successful business men like myself. This might be very good opportunity for you making connections that will help with your future career." Ah, so that what this whole thing was really about. His dad still hadn't taken to the idea of his kid being a rock star. He's been pulling stunts like this ever since Austin's first viral video. Last month he tried to drag Austin along to some big shot corporate owner's funeral so he could make small talk with CEO's and comfort the dead guys' granddaughter.

"And If I don't want to go?" Mr. Moon put down his newspaper and raised his eyebrow at his son.

"Now why on earth wouldn't you want to refuse? There will be dinner, dancing with some important people's lovely daughters, and of course some tasteful music" -the side of his mouth sneered a little-"I thought you'd be excited about that part since you seem to want to throw away your entire future for something stupid like that." Austin didn't even blink at his dad's insult since he was so used to them.

"Well thanks for the offer Dad,-"He got up and headed towards the door.", but in short I'm gunna have to say no"

"I never said it was your choice" The blonde froze and turned to stare at his dad.

"Does my opinion matter at all?"

"In this situation, no" Mr. Moon went back to reading his paper like everything had been settled. Austin took a deep breath to calm him-self down before he spoke again.

"I'm not going" Mr. Moon lowered his paper

"This is not up for discussion"

"Neither is my answer" Austin's dad slammed his fist on the nearest table. He had had enough of his son's stubbornness. He stood and strode till he was face to face with his son.

"You are going and we are all going to have a wonderful time as a family. If you don't enjoy your time there then act like you are." Mr. Moon replied sharply at his son. He went to storm out of the room but briefly paused to say something to his wife. "Talk to your son"

"This isn't fair" Austin said once he heard the door to his parent's room slam which signaled that his father was at a safe distance for him to talk freely. Helen Moon got up to go hug her son and nuzzle his hair; well she would if she could reach past his shoulders. Her boy was growing up way too fast for her liking.

"I know it seems like that sweetie, but your father is just doing what he thinks is best for you" Austin snorted but said nothing else. He could get mad at his dad all he wanted, but he could never be angry at his mom. She was most likely the sweetest person in the world so Austin had absolutely no idea how his father managed to land someone like her. Austin might have gotten his blonde hair and height from his father, but everything else about him he had inherited from his mother. From her heart shaped face to her bright fun eyes and ending with her lovely voice that he only got to hear a few times in his life.

Helen patted her son's cheek "How about this; Why don't you bring one of your friends along with you!" Maybe that would make the night a little bit better if he had someone to share the misery with. He could ask-

"I'm sure Ally would be delighted to tag along with us" Austin stared wildly as his mom smiled encouragingly at him.

"How did you know I was thinking about asking her?"

"Aw sweetie, you're just as clueless as your father was only it looks better on you." Now, Helen was no fool. She knew perfectly well that her son was considered quite the flirt. Heck, who do you think he had inherited it from? She had seen the look in his eyes when her son was being friendly and then there were times when they had a certain shine to them that she'd come to call The Ally effect. If Austin's IPhone rung or If he had gotten any alert, Helen could immediately tell if it was from her son's best friend or not. Any regular person would have gotten half a glance and a short two letter reply, but when it was Ally, oh on, Austin's whole face would light like the sun. Pure happiness would simply glow from her little boy's face till his eyes were sparkling and his smile nearly blinding. To say that Austin was smitten was putting it lightly, No the talented young lady known as Ally had managed to somehow come out of nowhere and sweep her baby boy right off his feet. Too bad he was just as oblivious as his father. Lord only knows how long it'll take till he figures out how he feels. For the time being Mrs. Moon let the subject go and patted her son's cheek patronizingly.

"Let's just call it mothers' intuition. Now get on over to your friend's house and make sure she has no plans that day. It's about time I've meet this little lady and you best know that I'm looking forward to it." And staying true to her southern belle up raising, Helen Moon left the room as gracefully as she could without giving away the fact that she was trying to maintain her giggles from the stunned look on her baby boy's face.

"I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that something's' bothering you" Ally wondered how she got from opening the front door to getting smothered in one of Austin's bear hugs. She wasn't as surprised at his affection as much as she was at his sudden appearance at her house. Austin was a very touchy feely person. Once she'd walked into the music room only to find Dez sitting in one of the beanbag chairs with Austin snuggled comfortably on his lap while the two of them played Halo. So she didn't understand why her face flushed red when the blonde slide his arms around her slim waist and nuzzled the thick brown hair that rested next to her ear.

"Are you going to let go for a few seconds so we can go talk on the couch about what's got you upset or are you going to make us stay here all day snuggling me to death?"


"And for the sake of not arguing, we're going to go with the first option."

"Okay" He regrettably let go of Ally and they reached her living room he let himself dramatically onto the nearest couch. The cool leather material was a comforting relief from the Miami heat. He sighed quietly and snuggled into one of the fluffy throw pillows.

"You wanna fess up and tell me what going on? Please? It's weird to see you all sulky and not Austin like-." Ally soothingly rubbed his ankle and before he knew it, the blonde had opened his mouth and told her everything from arguing from his dad to that his mother wanted to meet her and ending with him asking her to accompany him to the actual event.

Ally's eyes grew wide "Your mom isn't like your dad right?"

"Oh god no, My Mom is like that one amazing summer breeze that twirls around you in the most perfect and comforting way on the hottest day of the year and my dad…. Is the reincarnation of the iceberg that sank the Titanic." Austin sat right up and nearly knocked into a startled Ally. "Wait! Does you asking about them mean you'll go with me?"

"I haven't said yes-"she thought Austin's forehead wrinkled too much when he frowned. "OR no yet!" "You've thought this all the way through? You want me" she pointed at herself and he nodded. "To be with you when you all have to act normal around random rich people, listen to boring old people music while trying not to bang your head on the table out of frustration at the awful band, and have to deal with my disastrous dance moves when it's time for everyone to dance?" Austin grinned widely and gave one last reassuring nod.

"…fine, I'll go" The blonde tackled hugged his best friend to the point where she was on getting little to no oxygen from where her face was shoved up against Austin's right shoulder.

"Can't….breathe" Austin apparently didn't hear her over his happiness so she had to resort to her last option of survival. She wiggled her arm free from between them and let it slide over to right under Austin's armpit and poked. Austin let out a girlish giggle and leapt to the other side of the couch to calm down.

"Oh it's so on!" Austin wiggled his fingers and crawled dangerously close to where ally was. The brunette tried to grab a pillow to protect her-self from the oncoming attack, but was too late 'cause Austin was already leaning over her tickling her sides. She shrieked and managed to kick him playfully on the thigh. While he was distracted she gained the upper hand by pushing him down and sitting on his stomach.

"Oh my god, how can someone as small you be so heavy."

"Wrong choice of words" She poked his sides till he was red in the face and had tears streaming down his face.

"Say it, say it!"

"Okay fine! Ally Dawson is the supreme world music goddess and if she tried she could beat me at video games." Ally grinned.

"Now was that so hard?"

"-but Dez is still a better cuddler than you" She would have tickled him again if only a loud coughing sound hadn't come directly from the door way. Both musicians snapped their heads up to see Ally's dad standing in the doorway, red faced and the little vein on the bald spot on his head looking like it might pop.

"Hey dad…" Ally tried to brush off the awkward silence that had taken over the room. Austin threw his hands over his face, praying that he would still be alive in the next five minutes. "This isn't as bad as the time you came in and found us in my bed after we accidently fell asleep, right?"

"No, but its high up there"

"Is this a bad time to mention that I'm planning on taking Ally out on Friday to do something unnecessary and possibly dangerous to her mental health-Oh god, you're on my bladder" Let it be known to all that Austin Moon is not the smoothest talker when nervous.

Mr. Dawson glanced at the teenage chuck of boy on his couch and then to his daughter who was currently on top of said teenager. "If I let you go, will you please get off of him ?"