"Thought I couldn't live without you. It's gonna hurt when it heals too, ooh yeah (It'll all get better in time. And even though I really love you, I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to It'll all get better in time."

-Leona Lewis, Better in Time

Disclaimer: I don't own House of Anubis
Dedication: To the future.

"Shit! Nina!"

"What did you do?" I call to Fabian. God, they man is twenty one years old, what the hell did he do?

"I cut myself!"

"How?" I sigh.

"With a knife!" he says as I walk in the kitchen. I stifle a laugh as I take in the sight of a twenty one year old man, in the middle of the kitchen, clutching his finger and pouting.

"Are you serious?" I giggle.

"No," Fabian smirks, walking over and kissing my forehead, "So, did you call Patricia and Eddie?"

"Yeah, you're going to stay here with Eddie and I'm going to go stay with Patricia." I explain, "God, it's been awhile since I slept in that house."

"You miss it?" Fabian asked.

"Sometimes," I shrug. "I mean, that's where we spent so much time together. Our relationship was practically born there. But, I like it here. Just me and you and no one to catch us making out on the kitchen counter."

"You excited for tomorrow?" he asks, changing the subject.

"It's another step forward." I sigh, as he lifts we up bridal style and carries me to the bedroom. He places me on the bed and I curl up close to him, "We get to really start life, you know?"

"You're scared aren't you?"


"Don't worry, as long as we're together, everything will be fine," he says, kissing the top of my head.

"And, I present to you, the graduating class of 2012!"

I watch the sky, as a mass of graduation caps fly into the air. I feel the tears falling down with them and wonder if things will ever be the same.

But, maybe change is good.


Fabian catches me in a huge hug, my feet off the ground as we spin in circles. I can feel myself drifting away from the life I had, and following Fabian into the life before me.

"Nina," he says as he puts me down, "I need to ask you something."


"Will you marry me?"

I look at him, my mouth a perfect O. Then I look around me at Patricia and Eddie smiling, at Amber and Mick, both sporting wedding rings, all of them begging me to answer.

I smile at Fabian, wiping my eyes and manage to say, "Did you even have to ask?"

Fabian reaches into his pocket, but emerges with nothing. Other pocket, nothing. "Would you say no if I told you I left it at the apartment?"

I laugh and shake my head, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. Trying to convey all my love into that kiss was difficult, but I managed.

I came to England four years ago, not expecting meet my soul mate. I expected… a great education. New friends and maybe a few boyfriends along the way. The thought never crossed my mind that I'd find Fabian, the last guy to ever take me on a first date.

When I look at my perfect life now, I know that I'll never see anything in another guy again. And sure, Fabian and I argue and fight and yes, I admit to making him sleep on the couch on more than one occasion, but it doesn't matter. Because in the end we still found each other, and I don't think that it could get any better than that.

The months we spent at each other's throats were stupid, but things happen. Did I once ever look at another guy? Sure, I flirted with that guy in Chemistry sophomore year, but that was out of spite (I know, mean of me). But he's never crossed my mind, ever. And he never will because, Fabian's it for me.

And the best part is, I know I'm it for him too.

Yes, I know, short. BUT! The last chapter is next and it's going to be EPIC!