Author's Note: So…last chapter! Yaaaay. I just…have no idea where to go with this story anymore and so I've decided to wrap it up. It was either this, or not finish the story at all and I wanted some type of closure.
"I think we should tell everybody," Rosalie spoke up. Her hand was entwined with Bella's and they were slowly making their way through the forest. Bella was sick of this stupid green scenery, but she still wasn't comfortable in the presence of humans. Not with what almost happened with that blonde bartender.
Bella pursed her lips. "Or we could not."
"Are you afraid?" Rosalie asked.
"No," Bella said firmly. "I don't care what anybody thinks. I would just rather not go through that awkward conversation. And if everybody officially knows, I have a feeling Emmett's going to do something stupid."
"Like what?" Rosalie laughed.
Bella shrugged. "Install cameras into my room and watch us."
"I don't think he would go that far."
Bella bumped her shoulder gently into Rosalie's. "Let's not tempt it though, right?"
"Well we have to tell them eventually."
She didn't say anything and Rosalie decided not to push it. They continued their trek through the forest. Bella kicked a rock and it lodged itself into a tree. She made an excitedsound. "What if we made out on the couch and they caught us? Problem solved!"
"That would be traumatizing for your brother, don't you think?"
Bella shrugged. "I just don't want to have this conversation. I just got him back; I don't want to lose him again."
Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows. "I think you're underestimating your brother. Carlisle would never do that. He has too big of a heart. And he loves you, no matter what."
"Okay," she murmured after a quiet minute. "I'll talk to him. All of them."
"We," Rosalie corrected. "We do this together or not at all."
Bella smiled. She liked the sound of that.
"We're dating." There was no preamble. Carlisle called everyone down. They sat at the dining room table and looked at Bella expectantly. Once the words were out of her mouth, she raised her eyebrow challengingly.
Alice could hardly contain her squeal. "I told you! I told you she was important! I saw this!"
"No you didn't." Emmett snorted. "You're just a meddling midget."
"As if you were any better," Edward replied. "Alice sucked us all into this—"
Bella glared at all of them, causing them to shut up. She looked at Carlisle. "Is this okay?"
He smiled. "Never could change your mind, Bella. Once you made a decision you were set to it. I'm very happy for you both."
"Good." She said it firmly, as if there was no room for arguments. But Bella knew very well that that was a lie. She wanted her brother to approve. Would she break up with Rosalie if Carlisle asked? Not likely. But she loved Carlisle very much and if he was upset, she didn't know what she would possibly do. That one word barely concealed her relief.
Rosalie squeezed her hand reassuringly and gave her a look. I told you. Bella rolled her eyes. She didn't need to Edward's gift to know what Rosalie was thinking. Bella was hovering over Carlisle's shoulder before anyone could blink. She wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him tight.
Carlisle grinned and kissed her cheek. He was happy as long as she was.
Later, Bella watched in silent amusement as Edward and Alice played chess. This was the first time she had seen it. Edward sat in silent concentration, his brow furrowed and his hand hovering over the board. Alice would get a faraway look in her eye before resurfacing triumphantly, a sly smile on her face.
Emmett had winner. Despite his menacing appearance (and goofy personality) he was actually quite smart. He claimed he could easily kick Alice or Edward's ass in chess. Nobody wanted to play with Jasper because he always cheated. You could get around Edward's gift, but Jasper made you feel emotions that put you off your game.
Carlisle had called off work and Esme was tucked into his side. She listened to Emmett as he tried to convince her to place a bet on his winning.
Rosalie wrapped an arm around Bella's shoulder and pulled a face at the sight before them. Bella smiled and leaned up to kiss Rosalie softly on the mouth. Her life wasn't perfect, but this was exactly where she wanted to be. Carlisle sent her a look and once again she thought of how her brother only wanted her happiness and how she could say with conviction that she was truly happy.
The end
Author's note: Yay for cheesiness. Hoped you like the story. I know the ending doesn't really do the story justice, and actually, it's kind of abrupt, but I'd rather end this now than drag it further into the ground (which I think I've been doing for a while). Thanks for sticking with me.