Sisterhood Part 1

First Meeting

A light blue filly with a rainbow mane spread her wings and leaped into the air, off of the edge of a cloud. "Oh, no you don't!" A cyan mare with long, flowing, orange and red mane said, closing her jaws on the filly's tail. "You know you're not old enough to fly yet, Rainbow Dash."

The filly indignantly landed, whisking her tail out of her mom's mouth. "Aw, mom! I can fly. If you'd just let me-"

A rainbow colored tail whisking across her mouth silenced her. "No ifs, ands, or buts", the mother chided. "You are not flying until you're eight months old and that's final." On the last word, she stamped her hoof into the cloud. Her voice softened as she reached down to nuzzle her child. "Now go and play." She watched the irrepressible filly bounce off across the clouds.

Navy blue feathers fluttered down, catching in the orange and red mane of the cyan mother. A pegasus with a blue and green mane landed beside her, draping his wing over her shoulder. "Gotta watch out for that one", he laughed, gesturing with his muzzle to Rainbow Dash.

"She is a handful, Cloud", Rainbow Flash sighed, leaning into his shoulder. "But I love her anyways."

Cloud Lightning smiled down at his wife. He rested his head gently on top of hers.

"Get caught tryin' to fly?" a filly with a scruffy, rainbow colored mane teased Rainbow Dash.

Dash snorted. "Shut up, Spectrum!"

Spectrum laughed. "Do I detect jealously, little sis?" She spread her own tiny wings, buzzing them proudly, lifting off the cloud. She zipped around her sister's head once or twice before landing behind her. "Can't wait until your eight months, eh? I remember how hard it was for me too", Spectrum nodded. "But you'll get there. Eventually."

Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof petulantly. "I don't want to WAIT! I want to fly now." She sat down, pouting. She looked up at the soft touch of a wing on her back, peering into the rose colored eyes of her twin sister, Daydream.

Of the three, Daydream looked the most like their mother. She had the same flowing, orange and red mane and the same soft personality. Her tail was like softserve ice cream, swirled with multiple colors, like their mom. Rainbow Dash had the same eye color as their mom, but the bottom half of her mane was blue, green, and purple. Her mane was the shortest of all. Spectrum looked a lot like Rainbow Dash, but she had a slightly longer, scruffier mane. And she was two months older than the twins.

"Hey, flying isn't everything", Daydream giggled softly. "Just be patient. Waiting will make it even more special."

Rainbow Dash stood, shaking Daydream's wing off. "Yeah, fine. Dream, how do you do it?" she asked.

Daydream blinked her big, dreamy eyes. "Do what, Dash?"

"Be so calm all the time!" Dash exclaimed.

"Kids!" Rainbow Flash called, looking up into the sky. It was growing dark as the sun set. "It's time for bed." She nuzzled Cloud Lightning as he prepared to return to his job as a Weather Patroller. "Goodbye, Cloud."

"Night, Flash", he said, spreading his wings. Then he was gone, melting into the clouds.

Rainbow Flash led her three youngsters into their house made of clouds. It wasn't large, but it wasn't small either. It had two stories, both expansive and roomy. The three fillies danced around her feet, tripping her up once or twice. Both times she flapped her wings to regain her balance, laughing softly.

The three sisters tumbled into their room, still bouncing around and laughing together.

Their mother lay down in the middle of the room and the three swarmed her. She smiled gently down at them as Daydream settled behind her. Rainbow Dash tumbled over her back, Spectrum grabbed her tail, but it was too late. She lay sprawled on the clouds, irritated with herself and her sister. That was gone in a flash as her mother laughed, helping her to her hooves. "All right, children, settle down. Are you ready for your bedtime story?"

Daydream raised her little hoof. "Mommy, I want to hear the one about how you got your cutie mark!"

Rainbow Flash laughed; this was the most popular bedtime story. She shifted one hind leg slightly, giving them a clearer picture of her cutie mark. It was a rainbow with a white circle of light at the end. "I was just a filly, around Spectrum's age, when I got my cutie mark."

Spectrum did a little dance of delight. She would probably get hers soon.

"I was at flight camp and it was the final day. While I was there, another pegasus came up to me and challenged me to a race. I was one of the fastest fliers, so I agreed. While we were racing, I nearly did a Sonic Rainboom, but something odd happened. Instead of creating a rainbow, all that happened was a dazzling white flash. When we finished the race, I looked down at my flank and there it was! I was so excited and so proud of myself." Rainbow Flash finished, smiling down at her children, who were staring at her, awestruck.

Three flanks came together, three sighs as all three were found to be bare.

Rainbow Flash laughed. "Okay, girls, that's enough for tonight. I love you all." She stood, kissed each one on their forelock, and left the room.

The three sisters cuddled together in one big pile. Slowly, each one drifted off to sleep.