A/N: hey guys! This is my first ever fanfic and i can only hope that you'll like it O:)
Btw I do NOT own bakugan or any of the characters mentioned (if I did, masky would appear on all other seasons on every single episode)
masky and alice are not the same here and are 2 different people. plus masky's first appearance is gonna be in chappy 2. :)

This chappy is taking place before bakugan came on earth. Now on with the story!

She always longed for it. She longed everyday for the feeling of to be needed or wanted by someone … anyone, actually. She couldn't put words to describe how she felt. To not to be needed, even by your own parents, definitely felt worse than horrible. She thought day and night, why had they abandoned her? Doesn't every parent love their children? Then what about her? Was she not their real child? And in this way, her mind wandered off to many unanswered questions, until she drifted off to sleep.

This is a story of a young Japanese-Russian girl, Alice, who at the very young age of 4 was abandoned by her parents. As you can see, she never came to know the reason despite 12 years of desperate search and struggle. Terrified little Alice, from her home city, Novosibirsk, wandered across countless cities and rivers, towns and lakes, valleys and hills, travelling among strangers, in some hope to find even one relative, but to no avail, she found none.

I can't give up hope that easily! There had to be at least one person in this world who is related to me! This is what she tells herself whenever she loses that tiny bit of hope remaining in her. And like instant magic, that hope appears out of nowhere and she is set off to search again!

Alice had a gift. A gift that everybody and anybody wished to have and envied her for: incomparable beauty and intelligence. She had a striking reddish-orange hair that complemented her fair, almost pale, complexion, and wavered around her petit feminine face, like a halo. Her feline eyes were a warm shade of oak brown, that innocently mesmerized, anyone who looked into them; almost hypnotizing. They were soft and warm and held a convivial, affectionate emotion to almost everything in the world. Her lips were full and pink, almost like a doll's and there always remained a permanent and natural rose tint to her cheeks. But just as gorgeous she was, she thought it was useless. What can you achieve with beauty? Nothing. And she honestly did not think that she was that intelligent. She thought that she could do much better to improve in her studies. Modesty and kindness, was yet another gift of hers from god.


During her 'journey', she stumbled upon a few people, for whom she started to hold parental importance. One such person was her father figure, Michael Gehabich. She had first encountered him, when she was in Moscow, at the age of 12. They were at the observatory when she accidently knocked into him. Seeing her eyes, he told her that she reminded him very much of his young granddaughter who went missing, many years ago. Alice couldn't help but compare herself to the missing girl. They started to talk and somehow she strangely felt extremely comfortable talking to this stranger and eventually, it led to her spilling out all about her life story.

And that started a new bond. He invited her to stay with him as his granddaughter and soon after she accepted, after a little hesitation, she learned that not only was he a scientist, but a Japanese-Russian scientist. He changed her name from just 'Alice' to 'Alice Gehabich', he home-schooled her and gave her all the freedom she wanted; in short, he became her father figure. And in return, she tried to be as less of a burden as possible by offering him any help he needed. She became mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually attached to him, since the day he officially became her grandfather. It was strange how she started to trust a stranger she accidently met, but she could not ignore the strong intuition in her mind about him being so familiar. She trusted her intuition and instincts and she knew that she made a right decision. He definitely felt like family.

For four years from that encounter, she lived quite happily with her grandfather and he had molded her into someone with a heart of pure gold and innocence and gave her all the knowledge in the world. Although she felt much indebted to him, she still felt that small inescapable desire to find her parents.


It was a fine Sunday November for Alice. Grandfather Michael was working on one of his existing projects and she, having finished all the house chores, was happily sipping away on a mug of warm coffee, sitting near the window sill and enjoying the snow covered view outside. Suddenly, she heard an extremely weird noise from what seemed like her grandfather's lab. Worry striking her, she ran into the lab at lightning speed, only to find him missing. She called out his name a few times, only to receive silence as a reply. She tried to calm herself down, by telling her that he might have probably went outside, in an emergency. But I didn't hear anyone open the door. And grandfather always tells me or at least leaves me a note before leaving. She searched for any note or message that he had left for her and worry started to consume her even more, when she found none.

The panic-stricken girl desperately ran further into the unexplored corners of the vast laboratory in any hopes to find him but what she saw, almost took the life out of her. Everything was out of its place with tons of papers lying around everywhere and there were even signs of struggle, like the broken wires and knocked out apparatus'. But the thing that stood out the most was the gigantic door-like metal thing that almost menacingly, hovered over the terrified red-head. What if something happened to grandfather..? NO! She couldn't let herself believe that! All of a sudden, that horrible, ghastly feeling of being abandoned returned like a strike through her heart. She tried everything in her to hold those damn tears back, but to no avail, they were much stronger than her mental strength and flowed out freely. Alice unexpectedly found herself being enveloped in a dark state of unconsciousness.


Alice woke up with a nasty headache. She groaned and rubbed her eyes a few times, unable to completely register her surroundings. Finally when her eyes cleared, she let out a small whimper, realizing where she was. Grandfather! She didn't know for low long she was unconscious, but she definitely knew that she didn't want to stay in that horrid lab any longer. She ran out, only to stop dead in her tracks, seeing the view outside the window. I must be seeing things! What is wrong with me! She rubbed her eyes again, refusing believing what is before eyes. Ultimately, she realized there was no problem with her eyes, when she saw other people in the street having the same reaction as her.
It was raining cards.

i know it is not that great, so i'd really appreciate it if u guys review this chapter and point out any flaws or points that that u think i could improve! constructive criticism is much approved! :D