
Breaking under pressure

Hello, sorry I haven't updated in a while but I am happy to say that this is the final chapter! Oh I must warn you this is going to be a very dark chapter.

I've got him! That sneaky bastard has been following me around all day and now I'm going to catch him! He was coming down the hallway as I hid in one of the rooms waiting for him to pass by. Walter's body seemed to float across the floor the creepy vein like things that came out of him drug on the floor leaving behind thin trails of blood. The make shift feather like wings hung off of him unusable and grotesque. He was looking around the other corner it was my chance. I jumped out of the room and tackled him to the ground.

"HA! I got you!"

Big glassy eyes stared up at me without blinking no emotion on his face. He was lying underneath me limply his arms splayed out as I sat on his chest. I tilted my head and poked his face seeing if he would react but still remained motionless. I reached my hands into his pocket wondering what he had hiding in there. What I pulled out surprised me, in fact I was a little upset at what I found.

My phone was cold from being next to his body I opened it and sure enough it was on, full battery too. I got off of him as he continued to lie there a part of me felt sorry at how completely pathetic he looked. As I walked back into 302 Walter smiled at me while shoving cereal into his mouth, I held up the phone to him.

"Did you know that your body had this?"


"I don't know why he would have it."

"Probably found it near your own body."

He froze after saying this spoon in mid-air like he let a secret slip from his lips. I raised an eyebrow but blew it off and collapsed on the couch listening to Henry and Eileen giggling with each other. Their new found relationship was so cute not like Cynthia's and Richard's this one actually seemed normal. I caught Walter watching them through the hole in the wall a few times, I had to kick him away from it. When I asked him why he was peeping he smiled and said it was so interesting to see a relationship not based completely around sex he must study it. I put it to an end quickly explaining they needed their privacy.

It was movie night again the usual people showed up Lil' Walter came with Joseph it was so cute to see him happy the best part was when he approached Eileen shyly.

"I got this for you." He handed her the necklace wrapped in a pink ribbon with a blush on his freckled cheeks.

"Aw, thank you so much sweet heart!"

"You're welcome, mommy."

At the word mommy she squealed and hugged him tears running down her cheeks from the pure joy she was feeling. Walter was looking at his younger self with shock and looked as if he was going to yell at the child.

"Walter no." I whispered putting a hand on his shoulder.

"But this is our mother." He hissed in my ear.

"Let him be happy." I hissed back.

Walter pouted and soon retreated to his room refusing to come out for the rest of the night, while Cynthia and Eileen decided to take Lil' Walter to the lake. Richard and Joseph followed leaving Henry, Jasper, and I alone. I sat on the floor with my phone sitting next to me I hadn't really been paying attention to it until I felt it go off. The vibration repeating itself signaling a phone call, the feeling put me in the real world for a moment as I flipped it open nonchalantly.

"Hi mom!"

I heard crying from the other end, hysterical, heart crushing crying, "why won't you answer your phone?"

"Mom I'm here its ok."

"Why won't you come back? I can't take it without you here baby"

"I'm right here mom stop crying!"

But the crying persisted as the phone went dead. Something happened to me at that moment I don't really remember what but I snapped.

(3rd person view everybody :D)

Delilah crumpled to the floor nails clawing into the carpet as a scream started to rise from her throat.


Her hair suddenly seemed to dampen clinging to her back and cheeks with inkiness. Red veins coming out of the carpet scattered up her arm and over the rest of her body (kind of like how heather gets). A wet growl echoed from her as she stood turning to the two men on the couch that were speechless. Her eyes bloodshot black tears gliding down her face. Jasper went to get up and help her but Henry pulled him back down.

"No, it's no use she finally gave way to possession. She can't be helped until it passes."

One thought, one feeling registered in this monsters mind and that was anger. It coursed through every fiber of her being flashing thoughts of violence in her head like one of those twin monsters or hounds. It slunk to the kitchen ripping open a drawer and pawed through it, not finding what it wanted it threw the drawer against the utilities room door, while another came to rest by the windows. Hearing the ruckus Walter walked down the hall and peeked around the corner.

"What's going on?"

"Walter I would leave if I were you. I think it's you she's going after."

Walter turned his head towards the kitchen to see Delilah holding a butcher knife. She had finally snapped and he was the target of her rage.

"What happened to bring this on?"

"Her mother somehow got a hold of her, I don't know what was said but she broke down in tears then that happened."

Walter was turned away from her facing them when a pain brought him back to the threat. Both hands were gripping the handle as it forced the knife deeper into his shoulder. He grabbed her wrists and twisted her to stand in front of him, she screamed still holding the knife.

"Delilah stop it!"

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! You ruined everything! For your own selfish, stupid reasons it just doesn't matter who gets hurt! Why!?"

Walter's gripped loosened from the pain those words inflicted and suddenly he was on the floor with Delilah on his stomach trying to stab his chest.


"For mother."

"That is not an answer! This isn't your mother she left you here when you were born just accept it!"

To his horror she turned her attention to the wall and embedded the knife into it all the way to the handle. Walter was sure something would happen; blood would flow or she would scream. But only dust disturbed the air as her fingers wrapped around his throat throwing his head from side to side.

"I loved you so much and you didn't care, you never did!"

"That's not true." He choked out.

Delilah got up going for a stray spoon as he stood again when she came at him he held her wrists, pleading with her.

"Stop this!"

A sob escaped her and she collapsed into him holding to his shirt. Walter held his arms out not knowing what to do until Jasper made a hugging gesture. Understanding he wrapped his arms around her stroking her hair.

"Shh, I'm sorry."

"I hate you." She whispered still crying.

Then she was passed out now looking normal again. Walter picked her up and looked at jasper and Henry.

"I'm going to put her to bed."

Henry's old room was clean a little dusty but the sheets smelt like fresh linen hearing everyone enter the apartment and Jasper going on a speech about what happened made him walk back out. Everyone turned to him asking for an explanation.

"I'm, I'm so-" his throat tightened but he forced the words out, "sorry. For everything that I've done to all of you."

(Back to first person!)

I grumbled finding myself tangled in sheets I sat up trying to rub the crust that held my eyes shut. I looked into the small mirror on the side of the bed, I looked like shit. My stomach growled as I smelt bacon, eggs, oh sweet lord someone was COOKING and it wasn't me for once. I stumbled out not expecting what I heard or saw. No one had noticed me yet so I could eavesdrop.

"Walter stop acting so nervous I'm sure she won't remember, just tell her." Cynthia pestered.

Eileen who was cooking eggs added, "Ya, don't be scared."

"What did I do?"

Jasper choked on his coffee he was so shocked. I laughed at that but by his frightened look I stopped.

"What did I do?"

Henry explained pointing to the slit in the hallway wall and to the bandage wrapped around Walters arm.

"Walter I'm so sorry!"

He shook his head, "No, I'm sorry everything you said last night was true. I just don't know how I can undo anything."

"Well, shows what use you are." Richard grumbled swiping I piece of bacon from the plate.

"Mommy, can I have some cereal?" Lil' Walter appeared in the door way with Joseph.

"Of course baby."

I grinned at the little boy thankful that he didn't see my outburst. As I looked around the room I couldn't help but notice the suppressed happiness surrounding everyone. These people would be so happy if they could just live normal lives. I would give anything for them to have that feeling, even Walter. After I shoveled my food into my mouth I sprinted out the door giving no one an explanation. Vincent had the answer to everything he would know how to reverse this, surely he would know.

And he did.

"There is a ritual but it has to involve god." Vincent had five books open on the floor, when they were put together it became the sun symbol only the color was not red or white but blue, a color that was supposed to be blasphemy.

"But it's blue."

"Exactly it undoes something that God herself made, so in order for this to work you must convince her to let you go."

I bit my lip, "What about you?"

"Me? I love this place too much to leave." He laughed.

"She's in the hospital right?"

Vincent shook his head, "I'm afraid not that was her old body, she now resides on the bottom level of the church."

I paled at that, I hate going down that jagged hole.

"Why is she there?"

"That's where she was reborn."

I would fight for Heather and Allesa as well, I was going to get everyone freedom.

As I grabbed my backpack and walked out the archives PH appeared beside me and hoisted me up by the back of my shirt making his way toward the door leading to Allesa's room.

"Are you taking me to the bottom?"

PH nodded letting me sit on his shoulder.

"I want to fight for your freedom too, and Valtiel's."

Speaking of the devil I felt arms wrap around me and lift me up to the ceiling, Valtiel was such a trickster. He twitched into my neck that was uncovered of hair because of the fact that I was upside down.

"Is that ok PH? I mean you would have to give up all the ass you get." I laughed.

He nodded slowly and I noticed the cuts on his shoulders from the helmet for the first time, he was in pain. Valtiel well I'm not sure what he wants but he seemed to like the idea because I was dropped back down to PH. We made it to the hole and PH handed me over to Valtiel who crawled down with me and gently sat me on the ground as I looked up at the large doll like creature. That thing was a lie. God was beautiful she wasn't grotesque like this hunk of junk that swayed and jerked it's head at me.

"Allessa, Heather, I want to talk to you not this thing."

It angrily threw a large claw hand at me but I jumped now walked up to the face.

"Please, Heather I know you're stronger than this. Allessa, you're too beautiful to be like this."

It cocked its head at me before crumbling with a horrible scream as a figure rose from the ashes. Blonde hair like heather with her matured body and deep brown eyes like Allessa a long red dress graced her like the pictures in the church.

"We've been waiting Innocent One, we know why you come."

"Then you know what I'll give to release everyone, to give you freedom."

"The Order's need for Paradise has brought this on, but with the wish house gone the only thing holding it together is you and Allessa's hate."

Those brown eyes grew dark and I saw an image of the ink drowned figure that sometimes walked the streets. The little girl would run down a street like she could find a way out but when it came to a cliff her face would fall to a frown. She gave me that bloodlust smile of hers and stood by the God.

"I know you want out of here, I'll take you."

It laughed at me, "I don't want to go to heaven."

"I didn't mean heaven I meant the other world, I'll let you become a part of me while your other part and Heather can be free to wonder Heaven."

"Your body is too pure it will reject me."

God nodded, "Yes, your purity holds this up from utter hell."

"I'll give you my innocence."

God became still and looked down at the child beside her wondering what to do. "You would want everyone's freedom?"

"Yes, but Vincent loves it here so not him."

Allessa was taken with me while I made my way back to the apartments. I held the girls hand smiling at her as she skipped down the hallway to 302. Lil' Walter immediately hugged her asking her how she's been. While the children played I explained to everyone else what I would have to do.

"I have to locate my body and be rejoined with it after I am I'll do a ritual that ends my innocence and then be joined with Allessa."

"But it'll hurt you." Walter whispered.

"AS long as it lets everyone get out and live their lives."

Walter finally gave in and led me to the small cellar under the great rock. Seeing my body was weird I seemed to glow and my hair was flared out around me beautifully. My soul seemed to know what to do and I feel back into myself. Gasping, I woke up feeling dehydrated and hungry my body was weak it was almost dead. I didn't know if I would be able to walk all the way up the stairs to where I heard the kids playing. In fact I knew I wouldn't be able to which meant I wouldn't be able to do the ritual to take away my innocence. A thought popped in my head whispering that I could just lose it now, here.

"You can't walk can you?" Walter asked kneeling beside me.


His fingers traced my collar bone and down my bare back making me shiver.

"I remember doing the ritual, undressing you. You're so beautiful."

"Thank you." I blushed a deep red at the comment.

"You won't be able to do the ritual if you can't walk, I could carry you if you want."

I shook my head "we don't have to do the ritual."

"Can I?" His green eyes got big, eager.

Without answering I kissed his chapped lips surprised when he didn't pull away but instead dug his nails into my back the energy from the kitchen scene returning. I was pulled to his lap and I wrapped the sheet around my body knotting it in the front. He moved his hand between the slit and ran it down my side brushing his fingers against my inner thigh where the scar was before traveling farther up. I gasped out feeling excitement start to swell inside. It didn't take long for us to be joined, the feeling of him inside me was perfection. Movements were quick and desperate with neither of us having felt this before. Meanwhile the world was starting to crumble and with the last hard push that ended us both the cellar started to cave in.

"It'll be ok." He whispered setting me back down.

Alessa and Lil' Walter came running through the door screaming and terrified. As Lil' Walter clung to his older self Alessa clung to me. The world slowly faded out and I found myself in the midst of complete chaos every world that had existed in or was created that had any ties to Silent hill clashed together. While this happened pain radiated throughout me, Alessa was starting to merge with me I could feel her fibers forming with mine. But just as she had melted into me the pain returned ripping her out and sending her flying into the abyss. Everything was spinning out of control and as it was about to rupture into nothing Walter opened his eyes.


Walter sat up in bed with the worst headache he had ever had. He stumbled to the bathroom and fell in front of the toilet projectile vomiting until a mass plunked into the bowl. He peered over the rim and saw a squirming grotesque monster whining at him. It was clear to him that this thing must be the small part of Valtiel that had been in him. With every bit of anger he smashed his foot down on the thing repeatedly.

"It's gone." He whispered able to think clearly for the first time in years.

A knock at the door scared him and he hurriedly flushed the toilet.

I was lying against the door continuously banging on it to make sure he was getting up.

"Waaaaalttterrrr, wake uuuuup." I whined.

Not excepting it to be opened I fell into him and was surprised to have him so happy to see me.

"Oh Delilah thank God I've missed you so much, I had the worst dream ever. But everything's better now, I can think for myself." Walter hugged me tightly holding me off the ground.

"That's great?" I wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that, having no idea what he was talking about.

"Let's go to Toluca lake today. Get something to eat at the grocery store, like a picnic."

I couldn't help but grin at him and nod, "I would love that."

Walter felt giddy I could tell by the way he acted and had decided to dress. Looking through his roommates clothes that lay scattered across the floor he picked up a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with the sides gone. (I really hope most of you know what I mean by that.)

His hair wasn't hanging in his face either today showing off those dark green eyes that caught the sun. My sappy side turned into goofiness when we got to the store. I darted through aisles as he tried to find me and when he did catch me I giggled. While Walter got sweets I ran off to get strawberries from the produce section and saw a young family picking out fruit.

"Walter stop playing with those apples." The boy's mother scolded lightly.

"Sorry mommy."

She smiled and ruffled his hair while rubbing her swollen stomach, it was clear she was far along in her pregnancy.

"Eileen do you think the baby will like mashed squash?"

"I don't know Henry but get some."

The little boy smiled at me and held out a case of strawberries that were almost too big for him to hold.

"Were you looking for these?" he asked handing me them since his mother's cart was blocking them.

"Thank you cutie! Your son is such a gentleman, how old is he?"

"Just about 6 now, have another one on the way if you couldn't tell. Going to be a girl."

"Congratulations! What are you going to name her?"

She sighed, "Well, we haven't really decided, nothing stands out enough to me."

"I've always loved the name Alessa."

"Alessa." She repeated the name slowly listening to its sound.

"It was nice meeting you Eileen, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. And good bye to you too Little Walter, thank you for the strawberries."

As I walked off I heard Eileen speak to her husband Henry.

"Honey, I know what I want our daughter's name to be."

"Really, what?"


Walter and I met up in one of the checkout lanes a few rows away from where the young family was. I smiled and tugged on Walter's shirt nodding to them.

"That little boy is named Walter, he gave me these strawberries, such a sweet little kid."

"They look like a happy family." He whispered to himself.

When we got to the lake it was sunny and beautiful people splashed around in the water while we sat out our food and dug in. I picked up a strawberry and held it out to him after he opened his mouth I shoved it in. He choked on it but recovered and shoved a cookie into mine.

"You are so weird." He laughed at me.

"Me? Look who's talking."

He didn't say anything just stared at me with a light smirk on his face.


No answer.


Before I knew what was happening he pulled my face towards his and kissed me lightly.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time now. I know your mom would be fine with us being together, give me a chance."

Pure joy radiated through my body and I accidentally tackled him into the water yelling, "of course!"

It's been awhile since then and even though I pester him about it he still hasn't told me what that awful dream was that he had. My parents adore him, they say he has such a bright future in the medical field much like his teachers say. Walter says he wants to become a pediatrician and I'll stand behind him for whatever he wants to do. Life is good, it may have its cruel parts even evil, dark secrets that we somehow share with each other but we can always find the happiness in it and to me that's what matters.

(Well not the best ending but it was sweet I loved writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it until next time my dear little Silenthillies.)

Find the light in the dark and you'll never lose hope.

Even IF You Lose Your Mind