Warnings: Language and fighting

This Vacation Officially Sucks

A Yu Yu Hakusho & Predator Crossover

Part II

Hiei stared at the three red dots on his chest like an idiot, and then he went blurry and disappeared. Not a moment too soon, because just then the tree behind him exploded. Like, literally. Boom, pow, I had splinters in my mouth and the tree's middle was a mess of pulp. We were a stiff breeze away from shouting "timber."

We'd fought together enough times to know the drill by now. Kuwabara and Kurama and I went back to back to back in a knot, all of us looking for whatever the fuck had fired that shot. Hiei reappeared to our left with a curse. Didn't take long for those dots to appear on his chest again. He growled, blurred out of sight, and the ground behind him exploded like someone had detonated a mine. Shit, whatever this was, it really had a hard-on for Hiei (gross). I scanned the trees, trying to figure out where the shots were coming from—

"There!" Kuwabara said.

I looked over my shoulder. He was pointing up at the cliff above the huts, way at the top. Nothing was there, though, so I called Kuwabara an idiot (because duh) and kept looking. But then he made a sound like a kicked puppy and usually I'm the only one who can punch him hard enough for him to make that sound, so I turned around again.

"Good eye, Kuwabara," said Kurama. His voice was deadly calm, the kind of calm that usually meant somebody was about to die. Or crap their pants. Whichever came first. "I see it, too."

"Yeah, well, I don't," I said. Hard as I tried, the top of the cliff was empty. Just blue sky and red rock, ho hum. "Do you need to get your eyes checked, or—oh, fuck."

I saw it. I saw it, and I had no idea what the fuck I was looking at. One minute the top of the cliff was empty, and the next something…well, it rippled. Right where sky met cliff, the colors got murky and warped and weird, and then the warped patch moved a bit to the right. Hard to tell how big it was from this distance, but maybe eight feet tall and a few feet across? Bigger? Fuck if I knew.

"What the hell is that?" Kuwabara said. All the color had drained out of his face. He raised his hands and held them like he was gripping a baseball bat—Spirit Sword stance. "Is it…is it invisible or something?"

"I'm…not sure," said Kurama.

Hiei blurred into sight a few feet to our left. "Whatever it is, it's as good as dead!" he said. He hunkered down, eyes on the cliff like he meant to jump straight up there, but then the dots appeared on his chest. I started to shout but the thing fired off a shot before I could get the warning out. Fire exploded across Hiei's chest with a sound like thunder; he went flying, back slamming against a tree so hard the bark crackled and splintered.

"Hiei!" Kuwabara yelled.

"Fuck this shit!" I agreed. I spun and aimed my finger at the cliff. The tip glimmered electric blue as I powered up and squeezed off a massive Spirit Gun blast with a wordless roar. The bullet rocketed toward the cliff and collided with it, pulverizing the edge in a shower of jagged stone. Keeping my gun at the ready, I looked over my shoulder. "Is he OK?!"

Hiei, eyes closed, slid down the tree, but I knew better than to believe he wasn't in control. His energy felt just fine, if not pissed. When he hit the ground he crouched low, eyes finally opening, and he looked absolutely fucking murderous. His cloak and shirt had disintegrated across his chest. He grabbed the clothing by the shoulder and ripped it all off at once, throwing it at our feet where it started to smolder and smoke. His bare chest looked raw, but he wasn't bleeding or anything.

"Why do you always lose your shirt in fights?" Kuwabara asked.

"Why are you always such a goddamn moron?" Hiei snarled.

"Now, now, Hiei," Kurama said.

"Shut up. I am going to find this thing and eviscerate it!" I could hear Hiei's teeth grinding from here. "That was a new cloak!"

"Didn't know you were such a fashionista," I said—but then I saw Kuwabara looking at me with a face that said he wanted to barf. "The fuck're you staring at?"

His eyes bugged out. "Yusuke—!"

The thing shot me. A big flash of heat and then it was like someone had punched me right in the sternum with a hot poker. Hurt like an absolute bitch. I hit a tree like Hiei had and landed on the ground in a heap. Lost my shirt, too, and my ears rang the way they did when Keiko really got going on one of her famous lectures. I lay there on the ground, blinking stupidly, until I got my breath back and could figure out how to sit up. Kurama was already kneeling next to me asking if it felt like I'd broken anything, but I waved him off and staggered to my feet. I looked at Hiei.

"Hey Hiei—get in line," I rasped. "I'm the one who's gonna kill this thing."

He smirked. "Is that a challenge?"

"You bet your ass it's a challenge, short stack."

He grinned like a deranged garden gnome and hefted his sword higher. To be honest I didn't fucking care which one of us killed this goddamn thing. So long as it died, and died slowly, I'd be happy as a pig in shit.

Keiko had given me that fucking shirt.

This thing was gonna pay.


Small update to get this story rolling again. Figured a few small chapters might be better than one big one, so…no longer a two-shot. Have the whole thing planned out. Happy reading.

THANKS A-PLENTY to those who reviewed the first chapter, all those years ago: Baoh joestar, Misuzu-PM, LadyKhaiju, Carol Vaz, matchynishi, Absurdum est, Katt Jeane, AnglBunny, sleepingsnowwhite, Grady the Asha'man, FattySkeleton, Guest, Eryn Goddess of Chaos, Kazumi Kuwabara, Snow White Abyss, Sanguinary Tide, BiblioMatsuri, TheNotSoNiceLibrarian, Romance on Express, Professor Lawl, Kira Kira Bluemoon, Flayne, jcampbellohten!