Okay I know a lot of you probably read complete and freaked out. Well this is officially the end of my first Fan Fiction. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

I'd like to thank WeasleyQueenfan1988, serena, SwagtasticAj, Rockstar23, Marytheonly, W7, 842, ciline,Girlyemma96, GTR rocks, Emily, candy34663570657, Crystalcharmer, Shakeitup777, kimluvsyhu143xd, PurplePolkaDot18, and all my other reviewers, followers and guests for reading my story.

Please review on my last chapter. I want to know what you thought of my story. It'd be kindly appreciated to have a review form all of you. If you want more of my writing follow my new story. Please do. Well anyways review and I hope you enjoyed reading Las Vegas it up!

Rocky's POV

~2 months later~

It's been 2 months since we were in Las Vegas. Well here's what happened. After I was finally ready to check out of the hospital, we decided to return to Chicago. It's been two months and I healed real well with the help of my friends, family and most importantly my boyfriend Deuce. Morgan apologized to us and our parents for what happened. I felt bad for Morgan. After all it wasn't her fault. The Hessenheffer parents had a hard time forgiving her but eventually they gave away and did.

Jake was caught by the police and later they learned he had murdered several other girls that were from Shake it up! He also held some hostage and they found them by using some of his maps they have. Turns out he had those little mazes of torture all around the U.S. and most people didn't get out alive we were just lucky to have each other. Jake was sentenced death once they found out he had murdered 6 girls and 3 boys. We were asked to go to trial and witness everything that happened. We did.

When we returned to Chicago, we kept on getting thousands of interviews and questions. Eventually, people got tired of us and gave up after 1 month.

Deuce and I are doing real well together so far. Deuce has thought me how to sell a few things, we were running a business together and we called it "Get your goods with Reuce!" I laughed at the idea at first but it actually gives a lot of money.

Ty and Tinka are super happy together. At first my brother was having trouble facing everyone at school and quitting being a player, but he loves Tinka too much. He eventually quit his player ways and now he has absolutely no problem showing off his girlfriend to everyone. Sometimes we have a problem with it though. Ugh.

Anyways, Gunther and Cece have also been doing great. They so happy together! At first it took a while to convince everyone that they were actually a couple! They didn't believe us until Gunther and Cece had a make out session in front of everyone by their lockers. Well it was disturbing but there was no other way.

All of our parents learned to accept our new couples. It was hard at first, but we managed.

Everyone told us we had changed a lot from our trip to Las Vegas. But what happened with the dance we worked sooo hard on. Well, actually, we are all having some lesson here in Chicago and we have to fly to Las Vegas again for our performance today. In fact we are flying over there. We have the show tomorrow and this time we're getting body guards. Don't ask. They cancelled the show we were supposed to do 2 months ago and moved it to this date. Our parents did not want to even think about sending us again. But Morgan said we'd have body guards so that did it.

~At the hotel (again) ~

Cece's POV

"Who knew we'd ever be here again!" I said to all my friends as were sitting around the living room eating pizza (delivered from Domino's).

"I know guys! I thought we'd be all dead. But look at us now, we are living our dream in Las Vegas again, we're eating pizza together, and I am the luckiest person to have such a wonderful girl friend!" Ty said kissing Tinka

"No I am!" Gunther said pulling me into a kiss

"Hey!" I heard Deuce say pulling Rocky into a kiss

Just then Morgan came inside.

"Hey you love birds! Save that for later! You guys are only 15!" she said laughing

"Hey!" Ty said laughing

"Well five 15 year olds and an old man!" Morgan said laughing with us. Ty rolled his eyes.

"Anyways it's time for you guys to hit the hay! You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow!"

"Aww!" we all said whining like three year olds

"Can we at least finish our pizza?" Gunther asked

"Okay sure… but then it's off to bed! Remember there is three rooms here and Rocky and Cece are sharing, Ty and Deuce and Gunther and Tinka."

"Why can't we share with our couples?" Ty asked

"Because no. Especially not you Ty!" Morgan said

"All right, all right! We get it! Now good night Morgan! " I said signaling Morgan to leave

Morgan rolled her eyes and said "Okay good night"

"We're sharing with our couples aren't we?" I asked Ty with an evil smirk on my face

"You bet we are Cece, you bet we are" Ty said returning the evil smirk

We finished our pizza and then went off to bed.

No POV (Gunther and Cece's room)

"Hey Gunther hun can you pass me my PJs" Cece asked pointing at her pajamas next to her boy friend

"Sure thing my little cookie!" he said grabbing the PJs but not handing them to her

"Umm Gunther… can I have them?"

"No but you can come here…" he said smiling at his confused girlfriend

"Oh come on! Fine!" Cece said walking over to Gunther annoyed

Gunther grabbed her hand and pulled her real close to him

"Little cookie let me help you with your cloths" Gunther said pulling Cece's shirt off

"Oh Gunther come on!" Cece said kissing her boyfriend "I don't need help" she said whispering into his ear

"Oh yes you do!" he said pushing her to the bed and tickling her. He then took off the rest of her cloths while Cece laughed to death.

"Gunther!" Cece said recovering from the tickles. "I'm half naked now give me my PJs!"

"Nope can do little cookie!"

"I'm warning you Gunther!" Cece said in a playful tone

"Come get them!"

"Oh I will!" Cece said running over to Gunther. Gunther held her pajamas high in the air and wouldn't let her catch them.

"Give me them! Give them to me!' she said jumping up and down in attempt to grab them. "Gunther! That's it! You asked for it!" Cece said climbing on the bed and charging on top of Gunther.

"Ahh!"Gunther yelled as Cece climbed on him. He jumped to the bed with Cece and started tickling her again. After several fail attempts of reaching for her pajamas, Cece managed to grab them and take them away from Gunther.

"Finally! Victory's mine!" Cece said in satisfaction

"Well done my little cookie!" Gunther said in a flirting style

"Oh Gunther!" Cece said throwing her dirty clothes at him

"Oh good I'm keeping these Baybee!" Gunther said hugging her clothes

Cece rolled her eyes. When she finished changing she hoped next to Gunther on the bed.

"Wow" Cece said almost whispering

"What?" Gunther said confused

"I just can't believe that Las Vegas was my best dream and worst nightmare"

"Little cookie. It was a nightmare! How can you say it was a dream?"

"Gunther, Las Vegas may have been a nightmare at one point, but Las Vegas also made us all grow closer, and I found that my life was incomplete without you Gunther"

"My little cookie, my life has always been incomplete without you. But know that we're together, let's make the most of it" Gunther said kissing Cece

After a while they pulled away.

"Good night Gunther" Cece said turning off the lights.

"Good night my little cookie, good night"

Meanwhile- No POV (Ty and Tinka's room)


"Yes Tinka?" Ty asked changing his cloths

"Are you happy?"

"Yeah of course! Why wouldn't I be?!"

"I don't know… sometimes I think I'm ruining your life. Like I'm limiting your freedom and happiness"

"Tinkabell, never say that!" Ty said making his girl friend look into his eyes

"You're not limiting my freedom and happiness… you are my freedom and happiness"

Tinka smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips"And you are mine Ty"

"Come" Ty said grabbing his girlfriend's hand and taking her to the bed

Tinka followed him and laid down on the bed next to him

Then the two of them kissed endlessly. Happy to be together.

Meanwhile- No POV (Rocky and Deuce's room)

"Come lay down next to me Rocks!" Deuce said patting the bed for her to lay down next to him

"Deuce! I'm changing my cloths!"

"So? Do it here!"

"You pervert! Okay whatever! But close your eyes"

"I will… as close to closed as they can get"

Rocky laughed a little and changed her cloths

"Wow you get hotter by the minute!"

"Oh shut up!" Rocky said laying down next to her boyfriend and kissing him

"Deuce can I ask you something I've always wondered?"

"Sure you can ask me anything Rocky!"

"Well, remember when we went to that camping trip and we played truth or dare and I broke my foot"

"Yes of course I do!"

"Well did you like me back then?"

"Rocky, I've liked you since the minute I met you!"

"Well, then when Ty asked you who you would kiss out of me, Cece, and Tinka. Why did you say Tinka?"

"Umm well Rocky, I guess I was embarrassed you'd get a hint that I like you and then you'd be all disgusted by me and freak out" Deuce said blushing a little

"Aww, I'm sorry Deuce. I should've told you I like you earlier. Come here"

Rocky said turning off the lights and kissing her boy friend

"I love you Deuce"

"Yo tambien Rocky, Me too" Deuce said saying it in Spanish and translating it in English

Rocky giggled and kissed Deuce again

The Next morning at breakfast (No POV)

"Okay guys! Today's finally it! Today's our big day! The day we've been preparing for! You think we'll do okay?" Cece said excitedly to all her friend as they ate pancakes, egg, and bacon cooked by Gunther and Ty.

"You bet my little cookie! We are going to take dancing in Las Vegas to a whole new level! Gunther said happily

"After this we will be so famous!" Ty said daydreaming

"I'm so excited!" Rocky said "This experience will looked great on my collage application!"

"Oh Rocky" Ty said laughing "You're a lost cause little sis"

Rocky rolled her eyes. Just then Morgan entered the hotel suit.

"Okay guys you ready to rock the dance floor in Las Vegas!"

"You bet we are Morgan!" Ty said

"Good" Well I'll meet you downstairs in a minute. The bus is taking off.

"Kk we'll be there" Cece said

After the whole gang was done eating their breakfast they all got up the table.

"Okay guys we can do this!" Cece said putting her hand out, Gunther smiled and out his hand on top of Cece's, then Tinka put her hand on top of Gunther's, Ty put his hand on top of Tinka's, Deuce put his hand on top of Ty's, and Rocky put her hand on top of Deuce's.

"All right everyone let's do this" Ty said

"Together!" The whole gang said raising their hands up

They all ran down stairs where Morgan was waiting for them.

"About time you guys showed up!" Morgan said "Okay get in the bus"

Everyone hoped in the bus and read their schedule/show flyer,

The Shake it up special performance: Las Vegas it Up! By the special guests the Shake it up Chicago Dancers!

Dance #1- Gunther and Cece's pop spectacular

Dance #2- Ty and Tinka's slow dance wonder

Dance #3- Rocky and Deuce's Salsa moves

Dance #4- The whole gang's going foot ball

"Oh no Gunther we have to go first!" Cece said reading the flyer

"Don't worry my little cookie we can do it! We have practiced enough to be able to Baybee!"

"Yeah I guess you're right Gunther"

"Well good luck Gunther and Cece" Tinka said

"Thanks sister twin!" Gunther said happily

"Yeah thanks Tinka!" Cece said

When they arrived to the place they looked through the window. There was thousands and thousands of peoples everywhere. There was even some security guards. There was a giant sign that read "Live Dance Concert! Las Vegas it Up!"

"Wow this all for us?" Rocky asked Morgan

"Well not exactly there's also some other Shake it Up dancers coming like Shake it up Texas! And Shake it Up Florida! But they're mainly here to see you guys"

"Cool!" Ty said

The bus drove to the backstage area.

"All righty-o! We're here!" Morgan said happily "Guys I just want you to know that even though we've been through a lot I'm very proud of you guys! And I'm sure your parents are too while they watch this in T.V. Just put it out there, dance as if no one's watching you, try your best, and most importantly have fun! And I'm sure you guys will do great!"

"Thanks Morgan! That means a lot to us!" Rocky said happily

"Okay come let's get this show on the road people!" Morgan said getting down

The gang followed her and they entered the backstage place.

"All right you each have your own dressing room with your name on it. They have your costumes and someone that'll do your hair and makeup so go, go, go!"

The whole gang quickly left to find their dressing rooms

Dance #1 Cece's POV

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god Gunther! We are up next! What do we do!? How do I look!?" I said over reacting a little

"Oh come on my little cookie calm down! We'll do great! Everyone will love us!"

"You think so?"

"I know so… no don't worry and like Morgan said have fun Baybee!"

"Morgan didn't say Baybee!"

"Ugh whatever!" Gunther said laughing

"Up next is two of the first Shake it up Chicago dancers and the maze of tortures survivors, Gunther Hessenheffer and Cece Jones!" I heard the announcer say. That was our queue to come go out.

"Ready Cece"

"As I'll ever be!" I said grabbing his hand and getting out

There was oceans and oceans of people everywhere! They were all cheering and some even had signs with our names on it, other signs just said "Go shake it up Chicago!" I felt so proud to be out here. Then I snapped out of it. The music was starting and I got into our position. I heard the music start and I immediately cleared my mind. I only looked at Gunther as we danced. I felt so free, so wanted, so lucky. After Gunther and I finished our dance we had millions of people cheering for us. We had done it! It felt wonderful. Gunther and I took a bow and left the stage.

"Gunther that was awesome!"

"I know my little cookie! We totally rocked out there!" he said carrying me and kissing me at the same time.

Dance #2 Tinka's POV

"Oh Ty I don't know about this. What if I mess up or something?"

"Tinka you won't mess up but I might!"

"Oh of course you won't you have more practice then me!"

"What are you talking about? You work on Shake it up Chicago!"

"I know but you dance with every girl you've gone out with! And that's a lot!"

Ty rolled his eyes "Okay Tinka let's do this!"

"Ty Blue and Tinka Hessenheffer!" we heard the announcer say. Ty and I grabbed hold of each other's hands and went out to the stage

"Ty and Tinka also are two of the maze of torture survivors!"

Ty and I heard the music start and immediately I was a little nervous. There was so many people! I let my feet move me and looked into Ty's eyes. They were of pure happiness. Was he really that happy with me? Of course he was. At that moment I knew I had to stop questioning my relationship with him. He loved me and I loved him. There was nothing wrong with that. We are both happy, that's what matters. As I was dancing I felt as if it was my first date again. When we danced and felt so free. I felt like that again. When the music stopped the crowd cheered and it was an irreplaceable feeling. Instead of taking a bow, Ty kissed me right there. In front of the crowd. Wow this would be hard to explain to my parents. Oh well, I couldn't be happier.

We exited the stage and we saw Cece and Gunther still making out. Ty and I followed their footsteps and then it was Rocky and Deuce's turn.

Dance #3 Deuce's POV

"Rocky as much as I love you I don't think I can do this!"

"What! Deuce you can't give up on me now! We have to."

"But Rocky this is my first time on a stage; in fact this is my first time dancing!"

"Deuce!" Ty said coming from behind me "Rocky never gave up on you! Now you're not giving up on her! You guys worked hard on this and now it's time to show the world you can do it!"

"Okay I'll do it! But only for you Rocky." I said nervously

"Thanks Deuce. We'll be fine!" Rocky said giving me a peck on the lips

"Now for our third performance we have Rocky Blue and Deuce Martinez!" the announcer said

Rocky grabbed my hand and pulled on stage before I could say anything

The crowd was bigger than I thought. I couldn't possibly do this there was millions of people. But then again, I saw Rocky and I had to do it. Not for me but for her. She recovered and worked hard on this for me. Now it was time to pay her back.

The music started and I grabbed Rocky's hand. I remembered the moves and I moved swiftly through the floor with my Rocky. I could tell the crowd liked it because of the cheering. I almost slipped a wrong move but Rocky covered it up. When the music was done. I felt like a thousand pounds had been taken off my back.

"We did it Rocky! We did it!" I said happily taking a bow

Then we ran back stage.

"We sure did Deuce! We sure did!"

Dance #4 the final dance No POV

The whole gang stood there proud of each other. They went back in their dressing rooms and changed into their foot ball dance outfits.

"Let's do this!" Ty said

Then the announcer said "Now for a final dance closing the Las Vegas it up! Show the whole Shake it up Chicago gang! Dancing "The foot ball game" choreographed by Amanda Shores" "Let's welcome back our Shake it Up Chicago dancers"

The whole gang went out on stage. The music started and they all danced. The crowd stood up and started to cheer. The gang was so emotional and determined to do well they had lots of fun doing the dance and moving back and forth. Then they finished and the crowd was screaming "Shake it up Chicago! Shake it up Chicago!..."

The gang proudly stood there, almost crying of happiness.

When the crowd finally died down the announcer said "So does any one of you have anything to say about you amazing performance?"

"I do!" Rocky said raising her hand

The crowd died down and the announcer passed Rocky the microphone.

"My friends and I received the news about us picked to go to Las Vegas while we were in school. Some of our parents almost denied for us to go. They said it'd be dangerous. We saw no danger just a wonderful experience in a city we've always wanted to go to. Truth is there was some danger. They were right. But our experience in Las Vegas wasn't only danger. It also made us grow closer, learn from each other, learn to cherish what we have, and most importantly we found our true love. That's why I will never forget this wonderful trip we lived through in Las Vegas. It was my nightmare at one point, but most of the time it turned out to be my dream come true. Our dream come true."

Every one stayed silent for a moment. Then the crowd and the rest of the gang all clapped. Deuce grabbed Rocky's hand, Rocky took Cece's, Cece took Gunther's, Gunther took Tinka's and Tinka took Ty's. The gang slowly took a bow. They all smiled at each other. Rocky was right. Las Vegas was their dream come true. They were all happy. And had a wonderful time in Las Vegas. But most importantly, they found their true loves. The crowd continued cheering as the gang stood proudly thinking of how lucky they were to do such a wonderful performance in the show Las Vegas it up!

So how was it? Please review. And again, thank you the entire universe for reading and following! I love you all. And trust me I've read all of my follower's stories and they are amazing! It's an honor to have you guys review for this story. Thanks again everyone and so long!