Marisa and Yuuka approached the gap slowly, them both standing in front of the hole in space looming silently in front of their temporary home. Yuuka looked curiously at it and scratched her head with one hand. "This is strange…from what I know; Yukari would normally like to show up in person for taking people back." The witch next to her turned to look at Yuuka a bit confusedly then back at the gap. "What do you mean ze?" Yuuka pondered for a second before giving a nod. "This is definitely strange." A small, comical anger vein was appearing on Marisa's forehead as she was now giving quite an agitated glare towards Yuuka. "What's strange?!" Yuuka looked at Marisa and walked towards the gap, listening for any sounds before responding to the question she had been posed. "It's Yukari's style to hide sneakily while taking people somewhere they don't expect, but then to show up in her own way to be taking people back as to not aggravate them but more so distract them." Marisa glared at Yuuka walking up to be looking at the taller woman in front of her with an obviously annoyed expression. "Well I don't know if you've noticed, but you're aggravating me right now. So, are we going in or what ze?" Yuuka gave a nod and walked into the gap with Marisa, a few words leaving her mouth. "What will happen next…?

Alice had knocked on the door to Yukari's mansion, politely waiting as she heard some noise from within the large mansion that was positioned along the grand border separating the two worlds. She called out loudly trying to get the attention of the gap youkai whom she knew through intuition and daily patterns about who would be inside. "Yukari! I need to speak with you right now! Your shikigami caused me a lot of trouble and we need to talk about something vit-" Before the youkai girl could finish her sentence, the door was suddenly flung open to reveal Yukari standing there, a delighted smile on her face, yet her expression almost seeming to be filled with too much happiness for her norm. "Ah, if it isn't Alice Margatroid. What's with the burn marks and signs of a struggle on you?" Alice grumbled a bit as she got up and brushed herself off walking past the woman to be inside of the home, her doll Shanghai following after her at her pace. "I told you just a bit ago past the door. I had to fight off against your servant spirit. Now, can we have some tea and talk? It's important." The gap youkai giggled softly and gave a nod in response before she close the door and made a gap underneath them both, taking them both to a small, quaint table with a pot of tea and two cups already set out, Alice now in a chair on one end with Yukari facing her on the side of said furniture. "I see you've already anticipated my arrival…" The girl said this before picking up the tea cup and attempting to drink from it, before setting it down and sticking out her tongue a bit. "Eh…what flavor tea is this? It's pretty bitter." Yukari smiled in her usual, partly carefree manner before she took a sip from her cup. "Oh, it's black tea. I hope you don't mind. I recently got a good amount of black tea from someone I made friends with recently. Luckily, she's not an annoying kind of witch like the other one." Alice heard this and blinked once a bit confused by the comment of the woman as Shanghai tilted its head at Yukari, equally as confused. "I'm sorry?" Yukari tapped the table with her left index finger, almost as if waiting impatiently for something looking at Alice. "Oh, it's nothing you need to concern yourself about. Now, what did you need to talk about?" Alice shook off the strange thing Yukari had said before replying to her question. "You see, I have a feeling you've been up to something. And Marisa has been missing from the forest the last few days. Can you explain that?" When Yukari had heard this the pace of her finger tapping the table picked up, as well as three of her other fingers joining in, her fingers making a wave-like motion with the tapping like one would do on a piano with an scale up of keys. This was an obvious sign of irritation from the youkai, and Alice could easily see this. "Yes, I do in fact. And you beating up my Ran made it even more obvious how determined you are to earn your friend back." Alice heard this and looked at Yukari with a certain, angry glare before she spoke up a bit loudly. "What have you done with Marisa?!" Yukari opened her mouth to respond before she heard the walking of footsteps from a nearby room, one where she knew she had placed a gap earlier. Yukari's eyes wandered down to the table in front of her and let out a sigh. "Glad you two could make it. Perhaps you are interested in some black tea?" Alice heard this before Marisa and Yuuka walked through the doorway to the room, Marisa giving smile and a wave while Yuuka was walking over to take a seat at the table, resting her closed parasol against the table. "Yo Alice. What's up?"

Alice was without words. She had arrived to the mansion in pursuit of getting her friend back, only now to see her back fine and unharmed? This majorly confused and irritated Alice before Marisa took a seat close to her end of the table. Marisa smiled then looked down at the black tea and after at her friend, blinking once before bluntly asking, "What got you so burned and beat up ze?" Alice clenched one hand of hers into a fist looking at Marisa angrily. "Just where did you go?" Then a back and forth conversation was quickly transpiring from the two girls, from Marisa back to Alice. "Eh? What do you mean?" "Where did you go?" "Oh, I went to this strange other world. Yukari trapped me there until a few days had gone by. I learned some really cool stuff there too ze!" "Oh, that's nice. Were you worried at all for me?" "Huh?" "Were you worried at all…for me?" "W-Well yeah…a bit. Why do you ask?" "Oh. Well, I didn't worry for you that much; just enough to have to beat Chen and Ran to get here to convince Yukari to give you back." "What?" After that last bit of needless confusion that Marisa was having, Alice suddenly stood up from her chair and closed her eyes yelling at the young witch. "Baka! I said that I was trying to beat Yukari and her shikigami to get you back! Do you get me Marisa Kirisame?!" Upon hearing this Marisa flinched back in her seat looking at Alice very shocked as Shanghai was even shocked floating over to hide behind Marisa's hat. "Damn. I didn't know you had such fire in ya." Alice let out an angry huff of air before sitting down and blushing just a bit looking to the side. "Thanks…I'm happy you're back." Yukari had then let out a laugh from the other end of the table as Yuuka was simply observing the spat between the two girls, viewing it as cute of them both when Yukari spoke up. "Well well, the lovebirds are finally back together. Now, you can leave my mansion." She smiled and stood up then before she heard the sliding sound of a chair being pushed back, her gaze going to Marisa who was looking at her a bit angrily, but now smugness also seen in her face. "Hold on Yukari. I want to fight you, as payback for you forcing me and Yuuka to go to that witch hating, meister training world." Yuuka stood up from her chair giving a small sigh, then a smile of equal amount. "I wish I could say no to that…but I think Marisa is going to drag me along anyway for a certain reason." Yukari let out a laugh hearing Marisa's request looking at Yuuka then at the young girl giving a bit of a happy smile. "Oh, why not? After all, the bosses you've had to face before now were pretty pathetic when you two worked together. You deserve a tougher opponent." Before anyone else in the room could react, Yukari had taken her fan out from her sleeve and opened it, forcing everyone into a portal which had then dropped them all out to behind the mansion, where the energy of the large, light purple barrier could actually be seen, the base and planted point holding the energy together being centered at that point on the ground. Alice landed off to the side on her butt in front of a small cherry blossom tree, Shanghai floating out from the gap overhead to float a little above her left shoulder as Yuuka and Marisa were standing next to each other, parasol and broom in one hand each respectively, with Yukari on the other side facing them with a bit of a devious smile on her face while fanning herself softly. A breeze softly blew as the tension in the air was slowly growing thicker.

Marisa gave a grin holding one hand out in front of her before she spoke up suddenly breaking the tension. "Say, Yuuka? Mind doing that trick?" Yuuka giggled and gave a nod before she tossed her parasol up into the air, it opening it midair and slowly floating down to land next to Alice, once again closed. Alice looked at Yuuka confusedly and tilted her head thinking to herself, "Trick? Just what kind of trick could Marisa have developed with Yuuka?" She then saw something she hadn't witnessed before. She was witness to Yuuka's body slowly changing form into a green energy mass, the energy then rushing to Marisa's hand and forming into what looked to be a wooden, green mini-hakkero in her hand. Yukari saw this as well staring a bit speechless before letting out a laugh. "My, what's this? The magic energy you two possess lets you both be meisters and weapons to each other?" Marisa grinned and gave a nod to Yukari. "Good guess ze. We worked hard to perfect this you know? And the amount of time you gave us in that world wasn't too much to my liking. So, I thought I'd have us put on a little show for you. Ready for payback time ze?!" Marisa gave a grin pointing her new weapon at Yukari, the happy voice of Yuuka then heard from the center of Marisa's new magic-conducting tool. "I'd watch out if I were you Yukari. One blast would be able to knock down even someone like you. She's harnessing all of my energy after all." Yukari laughed hearing this while she was softly fanning herself before she spoke up now, saying, "Why don't you try it then? Go on, I dare you." Marisa heard how nonchalant Yukari was despite the life-threatening power she held in her hand, getting a bit nervous before speaking to Yuuka. "U-Um Yuuka? What do we do? She's not intimidated at all." Yuuka gave a sigh replying to her half meister, "I thought you might not be up to facing her. Go on and try it if you really want. Just keep in mind what Yukari can very well do if you attack with her projectiles." Marisa heard this from her half-weapon and started to sweat a bit on her forehead. She had heard some times in her life before from Reimu that Yukari was a master strategist. Being alive for so long gives one enough time to perfect their strategies and fighting style, and to gain a mind admirable enough to defeat anyone in a chess style of thinking for combat or for anything else. Very few humans could ever gain this kind of thinking in one life's worth, most would not even get it in a hundred life spans. Marisa fully grasped her weapon, the fate of what she was about to up against before she raised her mini-hakkero high and shouted out loudly, "Falling energy seeds!" The mini-hakkero in her hands blasted a green shot of energy high into the sky, it glowing before it then split off again and again and again.

Yukari waited patiently for them, almost getting tired from having to wait before she then looked up at the sky overhead, seeing all of the energy headed her way, the single blast having split itself off repeatedly one time after another, 10,000 shots of energy headed straight for her like high speed seeds from a dandelion. Yukari reacted quickly and jumped up into the air gliding past most of the seeds of energy, some of them skimming by her and scorching her clothes a bit, her landing on Marisa's head before she closed her fan. "I hope you're ready for pain." Before Marisa could react, Yukari had closed her fan and in reaction, multiple gaps appeared above and around her, completely surrounding her and preventing her from escaping, familiar green energy coming from the gaps. It turned out she had pulled a sneaky move and had opened up a large gap where all the energy would have landed, splitting the gap up into multiple and having it all flying from all directions at the witch. Yukari vanished then into a gap above as the energy quickly rushed at Marisa. She let out a yelp of surprise and held her mini-hakkero tightly in front of her face, Yuuka reacting in time and releasing some of her energy, creating an orb-like barrier around Marisa, all of the energy getting absorbed into it as it was her own energy in the first place. Marisa looked around seeing her no longer under any danger and letting out a sigh of relief before a bit of a strict voice was heard from Yuuka as the gaps all closed revealing Yukari standing opposite from them, "You know, I'm not some shield for you. You're lucky I still have some independent actions that I can pull off. Now, I suggest you do as you normally do and fire at her directly!" Marisa blinked hearing how straightforward Yuuka was, her realizing that Yuuka knows her style, and that trying to do anything roundabout, even against a master tactician like Yukari wouldn't accomplish much. She then grinned pointing at Yukari with her mini-hakkero, hearing the woman letting out a laugh as she has the dangerous weapon pointed at her. "What, you're actually going to fire at me? You're a baka. Just go home already." Marisa then suddenly released a large rainbow of energy, it seeming like one of her master sparks, yet much grander and louder than normal, loud enough to even make Alice and Shanghai clamp their ears with their hands. A loud shout of words then came from the grinning, newly confidence founded witch, "Master Spark of the Four Seasons!" Yukari, once she saw this, tried to open up a large gap to engulf the improved Master Spark to make it harmless, but to her surprise, the overwhelming power kept coming and coming, the gap just large enough to take in the energy but the gap having trouble staying together. Yukari was a bit frightened by this thinking, "Is their power enough to break my gaps? Bah, ridiculous. Useless, it's all useless!" Once that thought had come into her mind however, the energy then grew even larger, the gap being forced shut as she was hammered against the Great Barrier. The energy pummeled her repeatedly; scorching more and more of her body and clothing until she was left with what one might call blackened, charred remains of her clothes still on her body. As the spell stopped she fell to her feet struggling a bit to stand as she glared at Yuuka and Marisa panting from near exhaustion. Marisa flinched back sweating heavily now. "Damnit! That was our only spell we've mastered yet besides that other weak one. Yuuka, do you think you could muster up another one?" The panting of her weapon could be heard as Yuuka was struggling for breath. "Are you…kidding…? I'd need at least ten minutes…for that again….hah…" Marisa looked at her weapon shocked before asking her, almost breathless herself and quite angry as well, "Ten minutes?! You've gotta be kidding me ze!" Yuuka then responded back now a bit angrily herself, "That spell ate away at my soul you know?! Y-You can't just replenish soul energy that gets whittled away by a powerful spell…gah…" Marisa had heard this from Yuuka before, but she had thought Yuuka was merely joking before when they first figured out how to use this spell of theirs. "I got it…your soul needs some time to rest at the moment before unleashing a spell like that again; otherwise you'll suffer permanent damage. Don't worry, I didn't forget." Yukari then let out a laugh through her slightly croaked breath, looking at them both before opening her fan in her hand and raising it to the sky. "Let's see how you both like it!" Marisa was a bit befuddled before she looked up at the sky, seeing a gap overhead as her eyes widened, hearing the roaring from before as she held her mini-hakkero above her head, grasping her broom tightly in her other hand. "Yuuka! Barrier! Barrier!" Yuuka could only muster up as strong of a barrier as she could around Marisa, yet it being in vain as the spell crashed down onto them both, scorching them both and paining them intensely as Marisa collapsed to the ground, her clothes much like Yukari's, being only what could be called burned remains as she slowly got up panting heavily, it obvious her amount of energy left is abysmally low as Yuuka then changes herself back into her normal, human-like form of appearance on the ground and on her knees panting heavily, herself having multiple scorch marks along her face, hands, legs, and even along her clothes as well. She shakily reached her hand out to send a vine up from the ground near Alice, causing Alice to flinch back surprised as Yuuka's parasol was flung back over to her, her catching it and slowly working her way back to standing up straight. "Hah…seems…all of us are…pretty exhausted." Marisa gave a nod holding her chest with right hand, her left barely able to grasp her broom anymore as she spoke out as loudly as she could, "Then let's finish this!" Alice quickly got up worriedly looking at Marisa and shouted loudly, "You idiot! Don't do something that you'll regret!" Yukari nodded then as she fanned herself very gently and slowly, waiting for Yuuka and Marisa to go first. Yuuka and Marisa then flew quickly at Yukari as Yukari dashed at them, them all having bursts of magic energy held in their weapons; Yuuka's parasol glowing green, Marisa's mini-hakkero glowing golden, and Yukari's fan glowing purple. As the two Master Spark users collided with Yukari, their weapons all clashing at once, a large burst of mixed colors of energy were released, and an unknown laugh was heard. When the energy dispersed the three of them were standing, Marisa to Yuuka's left and Yukari in front of them both. Then all three of them collapsed against each other and slid down onto the ground to fall asleep exhaustedly.

Alice was in shock for a moment seeing what had just unfolded in front of her. Yuuka Kazami, the woman she once new from a long time back, had partnered up with her friend to combat Yukari Yakumo, and it all ended in a tie? It all seemed so strange, yet the fight still seemed more like it was the playful, everyday ones that Gensokyo was used to with all of its danmaku battles they would have during incidents. Alice slowly got up and walked over to Marisa and Yuuka, sending out some dolls to pick up the two of them and leaving Yukari there she looked back at her unconscious on the ground. "Thank you for the tea and the show…even though both weren't that fun for me." She then gave a sigh of relief, at least being able to see Yuuka and Marisa breathing normally as she flew them all away. Marisa to her home, Alice to her own, and Yuuka to her mansion with a highly worried Elly receiving for her and happy to care for her.

Every being, no matter what they are, have a certain distinction somewhere in their mind to work together with one another. Whether it's solely for their benefit, or another's, they continue to do this every day. This goes for communities, friendships, love, and just about every single group of people possible within life. No matter how many bonds are broken between living beings we will all go back to working with one another again soon after that bond is repaired, and even if not, doing so with another. We all yearn for something, and working together can produce results that astonish those involved no matter the task. Combined strengths can bring about many things; certainty, miracles, experiences, reward, possible pain and even increased enjoyment. As living beings, everyone shall continue to work with each other in some way, to bring about our promised dreams and truths.

(I'm so glad I finally got this done! I cannot tell you all how happy I am I got this final chapter done and that my mind was finally up to writing again. Now, I have thoughts about this story from me if you all don't mind. Please feel free to skip past this part if you don't want to see what I have to say about my project. I'm honestly very impressed with myself and this is my first time writing my own crossover. I think I did well and I received generally positive feedback too. I tried to increase the spacing in this final chapter too since a lot of people spoke up about that. I had a lot of fun writing this and I enjoyed having the characters who did crossover meet and talk. I also made 2 references to a certain series with witches. I wonder if some of you readers know the series I referenced. Either way, I thank you all for your feedback and your appreciation of my story. I hope you all shall enjoy having this story to read. Once again I'd like to say sorry the final chapter took so long to get out to everyone. I can probably never say sorry enough for that, but neither can I do so for the amount of times I can say thank you to everyone for your support. I hope I can get another crossover story out there at some point, but I can't promise when it will be. Have a fantastic day everybody, and I hope you can find happiness in anything that happens~)