A young woman with dark skin and curly hair pulled back into a ponytail walked into Granny's diner and looked around.

She felt like she belonged here, but she wasn't sure how to go about getting a job.

She saw Granny and walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Kiarra, I wanted to see about getting a job here."

Granny looked up at the beautiful young woman through her glasses.

"You're hired." she said gruffly.

"Really?" Kiarra said blinking a few time.

"Yeah." Granny replied.

"Ruby'll show ya where to get an outfit."

"RUBY!" she yelled.

A young woman wearing a short red skirt and a tank top flounced in.

"We have uniforms, but the little rebel doesn't wear them." Granny said in a low tone.

Ruby grabbed Kiarra's hand and skipped her all the way out back where the outfits were.

A few minutes layer Kiarra came out dressed in a yellow cotton dress with a white apron. On most women it would look alright, but for some reason, on Kiarra, it looked really good.

She walked out and got to work right away.

She found that almost every costumer was a regular. The most frequent were, Emma Swan the sheriff and her pretty dark haired friend Mary Margret, the pawn shop owner, and David.

Kiarra figured that Mary Margret and David were in love, the way they looked at each other, but then Kiarra found out David was married. That's too bad.

Kiarra wished that someone would look at her that way.

She sighed sadly and blew a strand of dark hair away from her face as she flipped a pancake over and got ready to bring that little boy, Henry his hot chocolate with cinnamon and whipped cream.

When she arrived at Henry's table there was a handsome Italian man in his early twenties sitting next to Henry and taking part in what looked like an exciting conversation.

"Here's your hot cocoa Henry. Do you want anything sir?" she said turning to the Italian.

He leaned over "Call me Enrique." he said resting his elbow on the table and smiling flirtatiously at Kiarra.

"Okay Enrique, would you like anythin'?"

"I'll have some hot chocolate and uh, do you sell beignets?" he asked.

"We sure do." she said, and left to get his order.

She passed Ruby on her way to the kitchen. Ruby noticed her silly grin and elbowed her. "I'm guessing you just got an eyeful of that Italian hottie over there." she said tilting her head towards Enrique. Kiarra just smiled shyly and shook her head.

When she brought Enrique his cocoa and beignets he looked at her, and in an amazingly attractive accent asked for her phone number.

"Uh, Miss... Kiarra," he said looking at her name tag.

"Would you give me the pleasure of knowing your phone number so I may contact you?"

She blushed, then nodded and gave it to him.

He left with a dazzling smile on his lips.


A few days later Kiarra was going to stay over at Ruby's apartment to get to know her better, have some girl time. After dressing in their pajamas Ruby plopped down on the bed and stared at Kiarra.

"So...What's with you and Mr. italiano?"

Kiarra blushed and looked down, fiddling with her fingers.

"I don't know." she said quietly.

"What do you mean you don't know!" Ruby said standing up and placing a hand on her hip.

"You obviously have a thing for him. I can see it. So you better do something about it."

She said. Kiarra looked at her.

"What if, he doesn't like me? Or what if he thinks he likes me and then figures out he really doesn't? Or what if he's a player who is all over all the ladies? Or what if-"

"STOP!" Ruby yelled, throwing her hands up.

When she saw Kiarra's face she calmed down.

"Kiarra, really. You can keep going on with your what ifs for the rest of your life, or you can take a chance, and maybe find your soul mate."

Kiarra looked at Ruby. "You're right." she said.

"I'm gonna take a chance on love."

"Good for you!" said Ruby, clapping her manicured hands together.

"has he called you yet?" Ruby asked.

"Not yet."Kiarra replied.

"So...what about you Ruby? Do you have anyone... Special?"

Ruby blushed. "Well, you know, I kind of like Dr. Hopper." she said quietly.

"Then why don't you do something about it?" Kiarra asked, raising her eyebrows at Ruby.

"You told me to take a chance on love, so why won't you?"

"It,it's different. Me and Him are so... Different."

"Mmmhmmm." Kiarra replied with a smile that cause Ruby to hit her over the head with a pillow.


The next day Kiarra got up and dressed and she and Ruby hurried to the diner.

"Morning Granny." the girls said flashing smiles at the older woman standing at the cash register. "Morning ladies." she replied. Kiarra skipped out back to get dressed, excited over the prospect of seeing her much anticipated guest.

Sure enough, later that day Enrique shows up, as handsome and flirty as ever.

"just lookin' at him makes my heart flutter!" Kiarra excitedly whispered to Ruby.

"Akemay an ovemay!" Ruby said

"What?" Kiarra asked looking confused. "Make a move!" Ruby whisper/hissed.

Kiarra shuffled nervously on her feet. "Ok." she said, and walked over to Enrique's table.

"Hey Enrique," Kiarra said flashing a gorgeous smile at him." "Hello, Beautiful lady" he said.

"What do you wanna order today?"

"I'd like to order a date with a beautiful young waitress named Kiarra." he said smiling.

Kiarra blushed a deep red.

"Hmm, and when would you like this date to be?"

"As soon as possible, so tonight after she gets off of work."He said winking at Kiarra.

"Sounds great to me." she replied.

"See you after work."

"See you, Bella."

"Bella?" Kiarra asked looking at him. Did he really just drop the wrong name?

"It means beautiful in Italian." he said.

"Oh."she replied.

They said goodbye and Kiarra felt like she was floating on air for the rest of the day.