Disclaimer: Harry potter, (characters, locations etc,) is a copyright of J.K. Rowling and trademarked by Warner Brothers. Any use of recognizable materials is for entertainment purposes only and I gain no financial benefit. This work of fan-fiction is non-canon with an original plot created by me and is not affiliated with J.K Rowling or Warner Brothers. I want to thank J.K. Rowling for writing an inviting and creative world and allowing us to create new stories with her characters.

Suddenly she wasn't laughing anymore. The hand that had been on his shoulder had moved to his chest; his white shirt inter-woven with her fisted hand. A solemn expression with far away eyes graced her features.

His chuckling continued for perhaps a moment before petering out. He tilted his head sideways, concern filled his eyes, and queried, "Hermione?"

With a start she looked at him, her thoughts returning to the present. She pulled herself closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her other arm around his waist.

Without thought Harry enclosed her in his arms and rested his cheek on her head.

"Hermione?" he asked again.

In a voice near tears she replied, "I don't think I could lose you Harry." she clenched him tighter to her, "The thought of you gone scares me like nothing else does."

"Shh, shh." Harry cooed comfortingly to her. His hand had started to rub her back. "You don't have to worry about that Hermione. I mean, how would I get along without you? You're stuck with me."

Hermione gently pulled herself back to look him in the eye. Finding those emeralds shining with care, compassion, mirth and… love?

Without warning, her lips pressed against his.

Startled, Harry tensed. Hermione was kissing him. Hermione was kissing him in a definitively non-friendly way. Hermione was kissing him and all he could think about was to kiss her back.

He didn't know what they were doing. She was his best friend and there had never been any feelings between them. Had there? He'd always known she was attractive, and that she was an amazing person. But it had always seemed familial, never romantic. This, this felt entirely different and like something he never wanted to give up. He felt her relax into his embrace as he pulled her closer. He raised one hand to the back of her neck and held her head as he tilted his.

She felt him tense, she understood why. It was a shock to her too, this sudden surge of emotion. Then he was kissing her back. The anxiety flooded from her as she felt his arms gently pull her tighter to him and his head tilt slightly.

The kiss had started gentle and tentative. As they became more appreciative of it, it had progressed to something akin to long separated lovers, not needy and lust fueled but more an affirmation of their love.

Lips parted and their tongues dueled. For a long moment there was only the sound of soft moans of pleasure. A pleased sigh left Hermione's lips as they separated and she rested her head on his shoulder, gently kissing his neck. Standing in the kitchen of Grimmauld place, arms wrapped around each other they contemplated what had just happened.

"Hermione?" she heard him ask.

She knew immediately what he was asking. What was that? what happens now? "I don't know," she replied simply.

"Ok." he said. With a kiss to her forehead he pulled himself from her hold and grasped her hand as he walked to the door

Aug, 9, 2012: Added a disclaimer and altered one line (paragraph 9.)