Okay I hate to just freak you out and give you this totally not a chapter update, but I hated keeping you guys waiting.

I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to make this a 2 part work since I've gotten so much great feedback from everyone. Really, if you've been following and reviewing, I really appreciate your encouragement and I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating! I have experienced total writer's block and have lost so much of my inspiration lately


I am planning to write a 2nd part about the two during Thor (the movie) and The Avengers. I've already begun the first chapter, and it'll be called Thorki Ramblings 2, so keep an eye out for it.

I really appreciate your patience, what with life being so hectic and school and family and all these other shows and series I've been getting into, it's been difficult to find some good Thorki inspiration!

But I promise I'm trying to get back in touch with it!

Thanks again guys!