The place was simply called "The Prison" and save a handful of CIA and the ones who were interned there, no one knew it existed. The construct was twenty stories underground and if you were to walk directly above it you'd be walking through simple Virginian farm land with no clue what was below your feet.
The Prison was where the CIA kept it's most curious of commodities; human beings. Individuals whom were too intelligent to go to waste, but to dangerous to be free.
Deep in the bowls on the lowest level of the Prison was where Agent Anders O'Reilly now stood staring through a thick glass window to the figure that sat chained up beyond.
"This is a mistake," he said alas. Then he turned to the figure standing next to him an older man with silvery hair and cold gray eyes.
"Then you should have done a better job," Gray eyes replied. Anders glanced behind him where Falcon and his Specter team waited obediently for orders. When Anders had heard the team had basically come in and saved the day he'd been very grateful to his friend. Then he'd learned why the team was there and hadn't been so sure gratitude was the right word.
"I had things under control," Anders said turning back to the gray eyed man. Those eyes left the window and locked onto Anders'.
"You went off the reservation O'Reilly," he growled. "You broke your cover and you failed to follow a direct order." At that comment, Anders felt rage heat his cheeks.
"Williams was completely innocent! I refused to kill him in Jersey why the hell would I agree to it in Hawaii!?"
"Because that's what you were ordered to do," Gray eyes shot back. "We would have had this under control if the Williams variable hadn't been a factor."
"Even if Williams was dead his team would have made an impact," Anders continued to defend his position. "They would have stepped up even if he'd been killed."
"And maybe if the detective had been killed in Jersey, Dart wouldn't have even ended up in Hawaii," Gray eyes defended with equal fortitude. "Maybe if Dart didn't have the leverage, things would have been easier to control." Again Anders anger raged.
"Things or people!?" he barked.
"Anders," Falcon said from behind taking a step forward. "We all do what we have to do. The world is a scary dark place and your friend the detective gave proof positive that sometimes the only way to fight it is to have someone darker and scarier. This is how we do that." Anders however stepped away from the man with a scowl.
"You were sent there to kill me, Wills and his team if we didn't get that Sub back and kill Dart," he spat.
"And like you we forced the belief that we just needed time to get things done," Falcon replied. "To give you a chance."
"One last chance," Anders snarled. Then he whipped his head back to Grey eyes who was looking on attentively. "This is a mistake," he repeated as he pointed to the chained and drugged figure beyond the glass. "To make that man an agent is like giving Satan the key to the pearly gates," he spat.
"He's got a tactical mind that won out over everyone involved in this situation," Grey eyes explained with dead calm. "He even bested one of the CIA's best and now Dartelli is in a million small pieces. His mind works in a way the CIA and scientific world very rarely sees… Agent Anders, you will reprogram him and you will get him to work with us." Anders swallowed and shook his head running a hand through his hair.
"You're punishing me," he said. "You and the higher-ups are all bent out of shape because I didn't pull the trigger and erred on the side of faith in humanity so you're punishing me by putting me in charge of that piece of work."
"Wrong," Grey eyes said. He pushed Falcon back toward his waiting team. "I'm educating you just like I'm educating this Specter team…" All the operatives stood a little straighter at the dark tone that had suddenly arisen in the man's voice. "There are agents who do their job without question, O'Reilly. Agents who were waiting to take out you, Williams his task force and these men behind us had Dartelli escaped that day." The Specter team's eyes grew ever so slightly at the truth of the matter. "I want you to know," Grey eyes continued, "That actions have consequences and while I'm willing to give my agents the benefit of the doubt, I'm also not ever willing to risk putting personnel feelings above accomplishing a specific task dictated to me by people well above both our pay grades. People who's entire lives are dedicated to knowing a hell of a lot more than we ever will."
Anders took a breath, knowing what he was hearing was the absolute truth. It still stung but he understood and backed down slightly.
"What if it doesn't work?" he asked. He looked Grey eyes in the face again. "What if the reprogramming doesn't work?" he repeated. Finally the man before him looked back through the glass and shrugged.
"It's simple you release a man who has the intelligence, education, know how and means to control the world as we know it," he replied nonchalantly. He snapped his head toward Anders and jabbed him in the chest. "Make it work," he ordered. Then Grey eyes turned to the Speter team behind him; they all stiffened under his gaze. "Lesson learned gentlemen?" he asked.
"Yes sir!" they all barked. When Grey eyed finally walked off, everyone instantly eased their stances.
"That guy needs to pull the stick out of his ass," Falcon muttered. Anders just sighed and shook his head then turned toward the door on the other side of the glass.
"Can't believe this is happening," he said.
"Believe it," Falcon sighed. Then he gave Anders a pat on the back, "And pray to god you're as good as you think you are." Anders just rolled his eyes and entered the small room where a single figure was seated strapped to a chair with IV's of powerful drugs going into either arm.
"How's it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?" Anders snarled in disgust.
The figure in front of him raised his head slowly looked at the Agent in front of him. A moment later, the drugged figure twitched an eye and smiled;
"It feels amazing," he slurred. He weakly tested the thick straps holding his arms, legs, upper and lower torso down. "It's all so much clearer now. I understand everything."
Deciding to break slightly from protocol to find an answer he'd desperately wanted for a long time to come, Anders leaned in.
"I need to know what happened in that warehouse." Cahill's drugged wild eyes danced with happiness.
"Gable died," he replied. "And since you're here and we're both still alive, I'm guessing you got Dart as well. Which means… which means I have my detective all to myself now." Anders resisted the urge to shudder, instead he slammed a hand on the side of the chair.
"Tell me what happened in that warehouse!" he snarled. Jackson almost looked like the threatening tone was a compliment. It was that look that made the agent realize if he wanted answers he'd have to play along. He stood up, calmed himself and shrugged, "Tell me and I pass on a message from Danny," he said. That was when Jackson's eyes bulged.
"A message? For me?" he asked with disturbing hope. Anders just nodded and amazingly Jackson quickly almost eagerly started again, "Danny charged toward his little girl screaming, screaming like I've never heard before. It was so exhilarating to know I'd brought him to that point. He threw Reed, just… tossed him like he was nothing!"
"Then?" Anders encouraged.
"He grabbed his daughter and turned away from Gable," Cahill replied. "I've never seen someone remove ties so fast!"
"Focus!" Anders barked. Cahill chuckled than nodded only to have his face grow dark with a deep rooted insanity. Drugs or true emotion O'Reilly would never know.
"Then Reed hit him, he hit him with that chair when Danny told Grace to run," Jackson explained. He looked Anders in the eye with genuine concern and fear, "I couldn't let that happen," he said. "I couldn't let him take my moment away from me."
"What happened next?"
Jackson rolled his head and stared off into space as if reliving the moment.
"Danny wasn't getting up," he went on. "And Gable… I had to stop him, I had to save my detective so I grabbed him by the throat and I didn't let go. I couldn't let go." Anders inwardly sighed with relief, even though the story was disturbing it was clear who'd dispatched Gable Reed from this world. It was clear, Daniel Williams really was as good and as save worthy as O'Reilly had believed him to be.
"You killed him," Anders stated. Jackson shot his gaze back, springing from the memory.
"I saved Danny," he said simply. "I saw how much blood there was and… and I didn't want Grace to be scared of her father. The great man who her father is so I took her and I hid away with her." No doubt Cahill's own blood loss from his bullet wound had made him pass out after such an event. Shaking his head Anders realized just how much the obsession had driven the man before him to complete and utter madness.
"You'll probably never see the outside of solitary again," he said. Apparently this was of no concern to Cahill as he twitched his drugged head once again.
"Danny… what did he say? What did he tell you to tell me?" he asked. The CIA man looked back to Falcon in the doorway and then to Jackson. He narrowed his eyes, reprogramming begun with the breaking of a man's soul. That and Anders was no longer afraid or wary but simply angry that such a pathetic man had caused a good man so much grief.
"You really think he actually gave me a message for you? You're just another scumbag criminal that he and Five-0 have put away. Tomorrow, you wont even be a blip on the radar for any of them." It was a lie, Anders knew it was. He knew Danny would never forget and it would take him a long time to heal but he wasn't about to let Jackson have that satisfaction.
In response, Cahill looked like he was about to start foaming at the mouth.
"No," Jackson said shaking his head vehemently. "No!" he yelled trying to feebly fight off the drugs and his restraints. "Tell me what he said! Tell me! Tell me damn it!" Anders simply leaned in, winked and replied;
"He didn't even ask if you were dead or alive." With that the agent walked away from the man and out the door. He couldn't help but smile as most of the Specter team rushed in to up the sedation on their raging prisoner.
Falcon hung back and gave Anders a serious look.
"You know you're scary good at this right?" he asked. O'Reilly just smiled.
"E lawe i ke a'o a mālama a e `oi mau ka na`auao," he replied. Falcon just gave him a crazy look before Anders laughed and translated; "Take what you have learned, apply it and your wisdom will increase."Falcon just blinked then shook his head.
"You've been in the sun to long," he snorted. Then disappeared into the room where the Specter team was still preparing Cahill for his soon to be rigorous reprogramming.
Anders didn't let the concern show on his face until he was alone in the hall. Cahill's words and the wicked grin that had suddenly spread across that face had gotten to him more than he was comfortable with. Anders knew then and there that failure was not an option. If it took everything he had Cahill would be broken or they would both die trying.
That's it that's all folks! Hope you liked it from start to finish. I'd love feedback on the whole piece.
Love to all the reviewers who stuck with this story so long!