Hey Guys! It's been a while. So I have news, and while I consider it fairly good news, there are those who would not see it as such.

Unintended Complications is over. In its place is born a new story: Mew's Legacy.

It is, for all intents a purposes, a rewrite of UC. However, that does not stop it from being its own story. It became its own story rather quickly, actually.

For my loyal readers, the characters are similar, and you'll recognize quite a few of them. For those of you who are new, well, you'll probably also recognize them if you've gotten this far into this story.

You might be wondering what caused me to even consider a rewrite. Well, I'll tell you.

I started this story in the summer of 2012. Since then, I have grown as a person and as an author. I realized that the tone of the first few chapters did not match that of the later ones. And thus, I started my rewrite.

It's been hard, rewriting UC. I love my characters far too much to change, but alas! I was forced to. Thus, I put my hand to it, and a new and improved form of each character was born. Some have been delegated to less important positions, some have been elevated, and some removed altogether. Some have been tweaked a little, and some have been tweaked a lot. It varies on a character to character basis.

The plot, too, has changed drastically. I cannot give many details about it, but I promise, it'll be pleasant to both my new readers, and my old.

Since I feel very terrible about discontinuing my story, I shall leave you with a teaser of the legacy of this story: Mew's Legacy.

The cyndaquil dashes behind me. "This is Via. I helped her out earlier."

"Well, any friend of my son is welcome here!" exclaims the raichu. He returns his focus to the appliance. "Why don't you two go inside? I've almost finished, so I'll be in in a sec."

"What's your dad doing?" asks Via in a hushed voice.

"Daniel! You didn't think to explain my job to your friend before you brought her over?" Papa questions. "Never mind, I'll do it myself."

"Here we go," I whisper under my breath.

"I am what you could call a... tinkerer. Yes, that's a good word for it. I tinker with artifacts that trading caravans sometimes bring by. Occasionally, I can get the things working and from their function, I can determine what their uses were."

"Whoa! What kinds of things?" the amazed fire type asks.

"Take this, for instance. Humans once used it to... well, that's actually what I'm trying to find out. I suspect this little sucker once blew things up, but we can't know for sure."

Via stares at the assumed volatile piece of weaponry as Papa tosses it up and down.

And there you have it. A slight teaser as to the future of this story, and the legacy it will leave behind. And now, for the last time of this story, I bid thee farewell.

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