Alright. So here's the deal. This story is an initial copy. As such, it has a ton of imperfections. You want a story without them? Read the more recent copy of this: Mew's Legacy. Just click on my profile page, and scroll down til you find it. Simple.

I will not be updating this! UC, my friend of a year and a half, is dead. Its legacy lives on though. Again, Mew's Legacy. Read it. Not this.

Unintended Complications


Running. Fleeing.

I revert to my most basic instincts.

Flee! Evade danger!

I glance over my shoulder to see my pursuer. Black robes and a hood; a hood that covers his face. It reveals nothing but his eyes; his blood red eyes. He rushes at me. I turn to flee.

Run! Must escape!

I teleport. The man teleports with me.

How? No.

I do not have time to wonder how this strange man can teleport. I teleport again.

Is he gone?

No. He teleports behind me. He leans over and whispers in my ear, his voice raspy and thick with malevolence.

"I've finally caught you. And do you know what I am going to do with you?" I tremble in fright.

"I am going to kill you, Mew. I am going to kill you on the orders of my superior," he whispers into my ear.

Run! Find an escape! I glance around and see a pipe hanging above us. The man notices my eyes glint with hope, and stomps his foot on my tail.

"Fool! There is no escape! No one can help you! No one can save you! And no one will ever catch me," the man rasps loudly as I cry out in pain.

He pulls a shiny black dagger from beneath his robes, and it seems to suck all the life from the surrounding flora. He brings it to my neck, and I gasp as I feel the cold metal cut through the fur on my neck with ease.

"Any last words?" he cackles.

"Yes," I spit at him, "Go to Hell!"

He cackles again, "Now Mew, those aren't very nice words. You don't deserve the merciful death my master wishes of you. I would disobey his orders, but he despises traitors. Goodbye, dear Mew. Rot in hell, like you so deserve!"

The last thing I feel before being granted the grace and mercy of death are the muscles in his arm tensing as he slices the blade across my neck.

Chapter 1: Judgment

The sun shines through the window, the rays of light hitting my eyelids and waking me from the deep embrace of sleep. I groan and roll over on my side, trying to ignore the birds chirping just outside my window. I smell pancakes baking, and sit straight up in bed as I hear the distinct sizzling of bacon on a frying pan. Then, the scent of the bacon mingles with that of the pancakes, giving me the feeling of floating above the clouds. I rise out of my bed like a zombie and stomp down the hall. As I near the kitchen, I hear my younger siblings arguing over... something unimportant, probably. I only care about the delicate bacon that will soon be digesting in my stomach. I step into the kitchen, searching for the bacon. My mom glances at me, hands me a plate of bacon and says something to me. I don't hear the words, as I am too engrossed in my plate of bacon and pancakes. I sit at the small wooden table and glance around for the maple syrup, finally spotting it in the hands of my younger sister. As my siblings' argument now involves me, I start to pick up parts of the fight.

"...ive me the syrup," I hear my sister yell. I wince and wish I could cover my ears, but I am too busy defending my plate from the ravenous being that is my little brother.

"Never!" my brother responds at the same volume. I glare at him and he backs away from my plate.

"Luke, give me the syrup," I command, enjoying the glare I receive from my sister as he hands me the syrup, "Thank you."

I pour syrup on my pancakes, sighing with delight as the scent of the maple syrup mixes with those of the pancakes and bacon, before handing the syrup to my sister.

"Hey!" Luke yells, "I haven't used it yet!"

I glance at him attempting to grab the syrup out of his twin sister's hands. "Luke, you should've just used it, instead of keeping it away from Luane."

He continues glaring at me and sticks his tongue out.

"Real mature, Luke,"

I sigh and return to my breakfast. I pick up the three-pronged fork, also known as a trident, and start destroying the poor, delicious bacon. The salty deliciousness puts me in a bacon-induced trance that allows no sound to reach my ears and no siblings to awaken me. The taste of the salty fat mixes with the sweetness of the maple syrup and the fluffiness of the pancakes, sending signals of pure bliss to my brain. I continue eating throughout the symphony of flavors, and I eat until the absence of sweet syrup releases its hold on my mouth. I snap out of my trance long enough to swipe the syrup from whichever twin held it, too engrossed in getting my food fix to care who had it, and pour more on the rest of my pancakes. I feel someone taking the syrup from my hands, but I don't care as I return to my breakfast orchestra. The feel of the bacon swimming in my mouth sends my taste-buds on a trip through the cosmos, the pancakes cushioning the bacon's crash-landing on a distant planet. I subconsciously poke my trident of the cosmos at the plate, and the subconscious realization that I have run out of fuel, ie bacon, strikes me. I glance sadly at my plate as I snap out of my breakfast induced trance. I hold the completely empty plate out to my mother, who shakes her head.

"Sorry, Daniel. We're out of bacon," she says to me. "I'll hurry to the store and get some more. Luke, Luane, come on. We're going shopping!"

I laugh as Luke groans and Luana cheers. "Alright. Finish your food, you two. Then we will go," my mom states. At this point, I practically shove their food down their throats in an attempt to get more bacon.

"Daniel," my mom starts, "You watch the house while we're gone. Bye!"

I wave at her while looking sadly at my empty plate.

"Bacon?" I ask sadly to the empty room. I sigh and place my plate in the sink before walking into the living room. I sit on the plush, brown couch that has seen better day, and sink into it as it gives under my weight. I reach for the TV remote and realize I should've gotten it before sitting down. I sigh again and grab the nearest gaming console, which just happens to be my DS Lite. I check the game to see what I will play. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

"Well," I say aloud to the still empty house, "This will work."

I push the gray game back into the console and push the on button. Nothing happens.

I sigh again, "Looks like I'll have to get up after all."

I stand and start towards my room when the doorbell rings. I sigh before trudging towards the door. "Mom, I'm always saying not to lock the doors when... you... leave?"

My words trail off. For before my eyes, a pink cat-like creature lies on the doorstep with an obsidian dagger glaring with blood stabbed through a piece of paper and the creature's heart. I gingerly pick up the creature, scowling as the foul scent of death reaches my nose, heart pounding with shock as the creature's shiny, red blood flows over my hands. I pet the creature gingerly, my fingers getting caught up in its pink, matted fur.

"Who could have done this to you?" I ask sadly. I feel the tears drip down my face as my hands shakily take the bloody dagger out of the deceased creature's chest. I expect blood to squirt on me, but nothing happens. Opening one eye, I carefully take the blood-stained parchment off of the dagger's blade. I squint to make out the words written in blood.

'Duly destroyed, dear, dear, Mew. You were not long for the world, and this is the fault of I. My master commands beings as dark as night, like shadows, fleeing from the light. I sacrifice you to my lord, and pray that his blessing be graceful and impure. I wish I could have made your death more painful, for you are truly a demon, fleeing me and evading your eventual capture. My master wishes for your death to be clean and sacrificial, so I mustn't do so. I am not sorry for my deeds, and I will not be punished in this life for this act of sacrifice. To the poor, poor sap who finds this note... I hope you can evade my master's enemy's wrath! Insincerely, Z'

I glance sadly at the pink cat. I cry over its body, sobbing for the loss of life. I gingerly take the body outside, where I set it down and dig a grave. Chisel in hand, I engrave words into a large rock at the head of the grave.

'Here lies Mew. Mother of Life, from her blood came the creatures of the world. Her death will forever be remembered, and her deeds will never be forgotten. May your spirit rest in peace, dear Mew. Make your way to the great beyond.'

I sigh and plant a rose seed from my mother's store from the shed above the grave. I cry as I make my way inside to wash off the grime and blood that has stained my skin.

As I return to the kitchen, I wipe the table down with sanitizer, and pack my bags. I leave only a note, to tell my mother and siblings of my departure. I pin it to the fridge, and open the back door, locking it on my way out. Thunder shakes the ground around me as I walk away from my life. Rain strikes the ground, the gentle pitter-patter hiding my tears. Lightning flashes in front of me, illuminating the road and the surrounding houses. I stand on the curb opposite my house, watching the torrential downpour wash the blood off of the porch. I sob quietly, and turn to walk out into the street. Thunder roars overhead, lightning strikes the road not two feet away, and I hear tires screeching to turn away. I glance to my left, blinded by two bright lights, not five feet from each other. I feel excruciating pain and can almost see my lifeless body hitting the pavement.

A gentle rhythm plays as I feel my soul mending. My sorrow disappears, leaving only thoughts of rage. Why did she have to die?! Who would kill Mew? Who would commit such a heinous act as only killing the mother of life is? I must avenge her. I must avenge Mew's death! But how? How can I? How, when I watched myself die?

My angers fades away as that realization strikes me like a truck...

Am I dead? If so, where am I? Does my soul fade away into oblivion, or do I go to a higher place? Do I reincarnate, or do I burn in the layers of hell?

"Daniel," a soothing voice, filled with years of knowledge and wisdom, whispers gently, "Daniel. Awaken, Daniel. Open thy eyes; see thy surroundings."

I blink my eyes, and wish I hadn't. Standing, or more accurately, floating directly in front of me is a large dark creature, with a body of a serpent dark as night, and skeletal wings like a birds after death, coated with blood and darkness. Its ominous breath reaches me, scratching my face. I wince as I recognize the scent on it. Death. It reminds me too much of Mew. I burst into tears, not stopping even when the salty fluid enters my mouth.

"Daniel," the soothing voice whispers, "Despairith not! The punishment for a crime thou didst not commit shall at first seem harsh, but it shall be the blessing mine own lord didst intend. This is not mine lord. This is mine own sister, Giratina. Ruler of the underworld, banished to help the souls of those departed onward to a happier place. My lord didst command she to place thee here, in limbo. Hark! My lord dost approach!"

I blink away my tears as a brilliant white light soothes my sorrows and banishes the shadows of this dark, dark world. Giratina cowers at the light, shying away from the source. I force myself to look through the light; force myself to see what could make this glorious and sacred light. A brilliant white horse with fur that shines with sorrow and wings resembling the sun in an abstract way stands majestically, proud and tall in this dark void. Its voice booms, and the shadows shy away even further, "GIRATINA! Hast thou done as I didst command?"

Giratina nods viciously, not daring to upset the majestic creature. "Y-yes, m-my lord." She bows her head.

"Tis well. Daniel, come forth and receive thy just judgment!" the majestic creature booms.

I stand frozen in fear, but feel myself walk forward against my command. "Y-yes?" I stammer.

"Daniel. Dost thou know why thou art here, Daniel? Thou art here because thoudidst slay a being most pure. Thou art here, because thou didst murder the fair maiden Mew in cold blood. Giratina didst search, but something thou did in thy dark ritual," the majestic creature scowls as it says that word, "caused her soul to vanish. Giratina cannot find her soul. Tis not in the realm of the mortal, nor in the realm of the departed. Tis as if it simply vanished. What have thee to say for thine own self?"

"I didn't do it!" I cry, not caring if I die or burn in the last layer of hell, "I didn't do it!"

"Thou dost lament? Tis not the behavior of one skilled in the art of killing. Tis the behavior of one who dost mourn. Thou dost lie to me. Thou dost lie to the creator of the universe! I commend thee for thy bravery and thy skill at thy ability to lie in front of mine daughter, the souless one whom I didst give the sorrowing task of judging the souls those departed from the realm of the living dost bring, but thou must be punished! Thou art sentenced to thine death. Enter the portal, and thine soul willst be erased from existence!" the majestic creature, who I now know to be the creator of the universe, booms.

I jolt in surprise, for I could swear I saw it wink at me. It nods to a large blue dragon whose body glares with reflected light, and the blue dragon shoves me through a pink portal tinged with blue and violet. I sigh as I feel my body, or is it my soul in this place before yet after death, being torn apart, shredded into thousands upon thousands of pieces. Yet even throughout this excruciating pain, I hear that soothing voice alongside that of the creator sing twenty-two simple notes, and the pain no longer feels quite so terrible.

"I will now ask thee a series of questions. Please answer them with thine honesty and heart," the soothing and angelic voice whispers.

"Where am I?"

"Question one. A man slugs thee in the face for no apparent reason. What dost thou do?"

"I ask him why. Who are you?"

"Question two. Thy friends plan a surprise party, but thou dost find out. What dost thou do?"

"I pretend to be surprised. They went through a lot of work. How did I survive?"

"Question three. Feline, Canine, Reptilian, Avian, or Aquatic?"

"Feline. Why did the creator wink at me?"

"Question four. If thou had the opportunity to return to thy life, what wouldst thou do?"

"I'd tell my family goodbye. I'd catch the killer of Mew, to make sure he never harms again!"

"Really?" the voice chimes in surprise, "Thou dost not lie? Alright. Question five. Assuming that thou dost receive three wishes, what wouldst thou wish for?"

"Three wishes? It would depend on the wish-giver. My first wish would be to know exactly how the wish-granter will interpret my wishes. My second wish would be for the wish-granter to take all my wishes exactly how I mean them, with no harmful effects to myself. My third wish would be... Knowledge. I would wish for knowledge. I love to read. I love to write. I would wish to know everything. Maybe then, I could have talked my way out of this punishment. Maybe then, I could have told those creatures who killed Mew. Maybe then... I wouldn't have a hard time finding the killer."

"Interesting. Question six. Thou must have cared for the fair maiden Mew, correct?"

"I never met her. It's a shame she had to die. I'm certain she was a good person."

"Verily, she was. Tis a shame thou never willst meet her. Question seven. Thou dost intend to discover the identity of Mew's assassin?"

"Absolutely, if at all possible. Mew didn't deserve to die. The way I see it, the killer would have to have had no emotions to commit such a heinous crime, especially if he knew who Mew was."

"And thou dost knew whom the fair maiden Mew was?"

"I knew all life, except maybe Arceus, was created from her blood. I imagine that her death will be disastrous for the world."

"Thou art correct on both counts. Now, last question. When thou return to thine life, thou will lose thine memories. I can grant thee some of mine own knowledge. Dost thou wish this?"

"Yes. It is enough that I will be returned to life. If you can do so, I will graciously accept your gift. Now I have a question for you. Who are you?"

"...I have analyzed thine responses. Thou art a caring and cautious personality. Thou dost love all forms of life, and cannot imagine the destruction of any life. Unfortunately, thou hast seen more of this than most. Thou wouldst gladly give thy own life to restore another, and this is most admirable. Thou art a bringer of vengeance, not a disciple of revenge. Thou dost also prefer knowledge to wealth and power. Thou wouldst gladly read thy entire life, if thou were so allowed. Thine preference of felines indicates that thou art laid-back, and thine response to known surprise indicates that thou dost appreciate the efforts of others. Thou willst need a partner with a fiery personality to keep thee focused. In addition, thou dost always try to think things through, and will almost certainly plan for everything. Thou wouldst honestly waste two wishes on the success of thine third, and this is most admirable. Even though thou dost try to plan for everything, sometimes events occur unexpectedly. Thou must be brave. Thou must be smart. Thou must be fast. That is why thou willst be... a Shinx!"

"A Shinx? Okay, but you didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"A friend. I will be with thee, and thou willst figure out who I am, in time. Now thou must go! Prithee well, and enter the world of Pokemon!"

And I remembered nothing more... Nothing more, but darkness.