I know I just recently updated...but since it's...well...I figured I might as well post this.

Welcome to the last chapter of "Why You Should NEVER Leave Daphne Home Alone".

I might make a sequel for this, but if I am, it's going to take some time to plan, so you'll have to wait a bit.

Well, onto the chapter!

I do not own the Sisters Grimm. Never have, never will.

This was bad.

Daphne sent a glance at the clock.


She had half an hour.

"Miss Grimm! Miss Grimm! May we have a word with your guardians, please?"

"Miss Grimm and Miss Grimm, tell us what it was like to be trapped in a house filled with two infamous murderers!"

"What caused Greggory Miles and Mark Sutton to become so hysterical last night?"

These questions were getting annoying.

"Oh, no!" Red cried in a hysterical voice. "Elvis! He's loose!"

Right on cue, the giant dog came running outside, snarling at all the reporters.

In unison, they all backed away, looking terrified as Elvis approached them, growling.

"Someone call animal control!" one reporter yelled.

"No!" Daphne yelled. "Just go! No one is coming to talk to you!"

Officer Morgan, who had been trying to control the crowd for several minutes, took advantage of the moment. "All right, everyone! Come back later! Just go on home, and I'm sure that the guardians of these two girls will answer all of your questions another day!"

As if to help prove her point, Elvis let out a bark.

Grumbling, the reporters began to trickle back into their respective cars. Officer Morgan's eyes were narrowed as she stared down the more resisting ones.

In about twenty minutes, all the reporters had finally vanished. Officer Morgan gave the two girls a kind smile, which the two returned weakly.

"Don't try getting your dog to attack them again, okay?"

Daphne let out a sheepish laugh. "Sorry. We're just...not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. If you could give us time...we'd gladly answer some questions."

Morgan nodded. "Of course. You don't have to worry about anything. Though, if you don't mind, I would like to talk to your—"

She didn't even finish her sentence before the girls promptly slammed the door in her face.

Daphne leaned against the door, letting out a huge sigh. "I thought they'd never leave," she complained. "Good thing they did, though. What time is it?"

Red glanced at the clock. "Eleven forty-four."

"Crud," Daphne muttered. "Quick, we only have about sixteen minutes to get into position! Move move move!"

Red darted out of the room quickly, racing upstairs and coming back downstairs with a book in hand in less than two minutes. Daphne ran into the kitchen, pouring two glasses of soda before racing back into the living room, settling them on a small desk next to her favorite chair.

"I usually sit here, though!" Red cried, grabbing a cup and moving it towards a small chair.

"It doesn't matter! We have to hurry!"

Daphne quickly grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V, flipping through channels until she found one show that Granny Relda would believe they were watching.

"Once Upon a Time?" Red scoffed, looking at the television screen. "I should let the producers know that I do not dress like that. And I'm not even of legal drinking age!"

"Complain another day," Daphne snapped. "Elvis!"

The dog curled himself at the center of the rug, looking up at Daphne for approval.

"Good," the girl said, nodding. Another glance at the clock made her feel sick.


"Why does so much time pass it such short time?!" she wailed. She turned up the T.V louder, and tossed her trenchcoat on the armrest of her chair.

"Is everything ready?" Red asked.

Daphne looked around. Nothing seemed out of place.


"I don't think so," the girl said. She plopped into her chair, taking a drink from her cup and staring at the screen. Red sprawled onto her chair, opening her book.

One glance at the window showed the Grimm's car coming down the road.


"Oh, come on!" Red cried at the television screen. "These guys don't know anything! Rumplestiltskin does not—"

"Don't be so judgemental, liebling," a familiar voice said. "The creators of Once Upon a Time don't know the whole story, do they now? Besides, it's a perfectly good show, even if a few things are a tad bit off."


"Granny!" Daphne cried, grinning from ear-to-ear as she jumped out of her seat and gave her grandmother a hug. "How was London?"

"Oh, it was just fine," Relda replied, waving the discussion away with a wave of her hand. She looked around, frowning slightly. "Where's Snow?"

Daphne swallowed and had to force herself to keep the smile on her face. "She left awhile ago. She thought that we would be able to take care of ourselves for a few hours, since you were coming back today." Sensing danger, she quickly changed the subject. "Where's—?"




"Stink pot!"

"Freak baby!"

Daphne sighed. "Never mind."

The two arguing teenagers stormed into the room, both of their faces red with anger.

"I keep telling you, it wasn't my fault!" Puck was saying to Sabrina.

"And I keep telling you that I don't believe you!" Sabrina snapped. "I can't believe you did that, anyway! It was completely humilating!"

Puck smirked. "You didn't seem to mind."

Though Daphne had no idea what they were talking about, she knew instantly that Puck had chosen his words poorly. Sabrina stopped walking, stared at the ground, fists clenched, her whole body trembling with anger.

The fairy quickly realized his mistake, and attempted to back up, laughing nervously. "Hey, I didn't mean—"

Before hee could finish his sentence, Sabrina punched him in the stomach, before turning on her heel, screaming, "PERVERT!" before exiting the room.

"Sabrina!" Relda cried, her tone scolding. "Come back here!" She quickly followed Sabrina.

Puck looked up, finally regaining his breath. His eyes locked with Daphne's. "You," he snarled. "You somehow sent him over to London—"

"No more arguing!" the voice of Uncle Jake cried. "I had to listen to you argue with Sabrina argue all the way from London! I am not in the mood right now!"

"Yes," Mr. Canis, who had just come through the doorway, agreed. He shut the door behind him. "It gave me quite the headache."

"Not that you were any better!" Jake cried. "You were yelling at the only flight attendent who didn't look like she wanted to throw us off the plane while we were still in the air!"

Before they could argue any further, there was a pounding on the door.

"Could you get that, please?" Relda's voice called.

Jake reached over and opened the door. Instantly, a woman came barging inside, scooping Red and Daphne into a giant bear hug.

"I heard everything on the news!" the famous Snow White cried, sounding hysteric. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you!"

She dropped them, looking like she was on the verge of tears. "Relda?" Snow called.

"I'm here!" their grandmother's voice said, appearing in the doorway with Sabrina's wrist clutched in her hand.

"I'm so, so sorry I wasn't here," Snow mumbled. "I'm sure the babysitter you hired was scared senseless! I should have been there...though I'm so glad that these two taught those men a lesson!"

Relda blinked. "What do you mean?"

Daphne shot Red a panicked look.

Things were going downhill, and fast.

Before Snow could continue, there was another knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Sabrina said, walking towards the door and opened it, revealing Joanna Morgan.

"Are you Daphne and Red Grimm's guardian?" Officer Morgan asked.

Sabrina blinked. "No, I'm their older sister."

"Can I speak to your parents, or guardian?"

"Sure." Turning her head, Sabrina called, "Granny!"

"Yes, yes, I'm coming." Relda appeared beside her granddaughter. "Hello, Officer. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Officer Morgan nodded. "Yes, there is. May I come in, please?"

"Of course." Relda stepped aside, and Officer Morgan entered the house. "I wanted to speak to you about the break in of Greggory Miles and Mark Sutton."

Relda tilted her head. "I'm afraid I was out on important buisness. I left these two—" she indicated to Daphne and Red, "—in the care of Miss White here."

Snow raised an eyebrow, confused. "I called the girls saying that I wouldn't be able to come watch over them. Daphne said she would tell you. I wish I was here, though! I was terrified when I found out, and..."

Everyone turned to stare at the two girls. Snow, Relda, Canis, and Officer Morgan looked stern; Sabrina looked bemused; Puck was amused; and Jake looked confused.

"Girls," Relda said sternly. "I think you have a bit of explaining to do."

"Yeah," Puck said, snickering. "I agree."

Daphne and Red glanced at each other, before saying in perfect unison:


The End.