Passion for a Prince
Chapter 8
By: Silent Moon
Rated: R
Disclaimer: standard
Author's Notes: I can't believe I've managed to finish this at last!!!! Hurraaaay!
Hope you all enjoy. I reread everything and finally put the last half of this
rather long chapter in....I think I might throw together a little tiny epi too.
Let me know what you think! ;O)
Gioia nel cuor trovero
Con te il ciel ragguingero
Pace ci sara
I will find joy in my heart
With you I will reach heaven
There will be peace
Solo Con Te (Only With You)
The grand hall was alight with torches, ribbons and fanfare. The crowd
whispered and gossiped. Nobles shamelessly gawked and compared notes
about the Young Prince's romance, duel and subsequent marriage.
This morning he was supposedly restoring his mistress's title! This
was shocking enough, but then he was marrying her! A woman once no
more than a maid and mistress, was to be Queen!!! Many were eager
for their second and better look at this woman who would be Queen.
Was she regal? Beautiful? Noble? Plain? Dowdy?
In Endymion's room, Molly fussed over Sere's dress and hair until
the latter thought she would be driven to distraction.
"I'm sure it's fine Molly! Really!"
"It has to be perfect!"
The dress was elegant and white, with a full skirt and train.
The delicate lace veil would be attached after her title was
restored--then she would walk up the aisle.
The veil would be replaced by a heavy pearl crown that evening.
A white crown, it's gentle sea pearls lined with exquisite diamonds.
The crown of the former Queen.
Molly dusted her skin with a fine powder as the finishing touch to
her cosmetics. Then a knock came to the door.
Molly ran to it and ushered a dashing Endymion in. For the first
time he wore all his Prince finery--and he wore it well. He looked
regal, confident and disturbingly somber. For the first time to her
recollection--Molly felt intimidated by his presence. This was
not Endymion....this was the future King....
Endymion's heart was heavy still with the weight of what he was
to become. Heavier with worry of how to approach Sere with the
wishes of his father.
He looked at her, dressed in all the finery she rightly deserved
and wondered again how the love he shared with her somehow made
up for what was stolen.
And it was this humbleness that would make him a great King.
He turned to Molly, "I must speak with her..."
Molly nodded quietly and left.
Sere turned and took both his hands as he came over to her,
"Do I look alright?"
He smiled, "You look perfect."
She smiled in return but his face grew serious, "My love, I must
discuss something upsetting with you."
She nodded and sat down with a serious face as he kept hold of her hand.
He took a breath, "My father wishes to attend the wedding..."
He watched the play of emotions on her face.
"There is something else." He said quietly, then knelt
before her, "About your parents..."
She looked into his eyes then and his heart broke. She was
brave but in the depths of her eyes he saw something soft and desperate
something begging gently for mercy...
"Twas not my father who...who murdered them."
Sere's mind flashed back....coming home and finding her parents
murdered...their bodies bloody and limp on the floor....
She bit her lip, "He was standing over them Endymion."
Endymion nodded, "He arrived after their deaths, after
my brother had charged in and taken them in my father's name."
Sere's eyes filled up and she hung her head for a moment,
collecting herself, "He'll never be punished...will he..."
It was more statement than question.
Endymion hung his head. No, if his father had not punished
Andrew yet, it would not be done. Sere knew it.
And he could not raise a hand to his brother. It was the rule
of Royalty. Andrew had the right to decide any sentence for
his people. No matter how cruel. No matter how unjust.
"It will never happen again." He assured feebly.
But that did not bring back her parents.
"This is too much power," She said softly, "The
power to murder freely--without repercussion."
He took her hands, "That power is the pain and
responsibility of being a Ruler."
His eyes beseeched hers for honesty, "Are you certain?"
She looked down a long moment, took a deep breath, "Yes."
He exhaled in relief and kissed her hands gently, "I will
leave you to get ready..."
He closed the door softly behind him and headed back down
the hallway to find his father. They needed to discuss
His brother's jealousy and hatred could only grow
stronger after this day. And his father was the only
man who might understand and know what needed to be done.
He arrived at the great oak doors of his fathers chambers
but stopped as his hand reached up to knock.
What could his father do? It was he, Endymion, that would
be King in mere hours. He must attend this matter himself.
He must face Andrew again, and settle the hatred between them.
For his brother had loathed him from birth.
Perhaps jealous of the strange bond he had with his kind mother.
Endymion could still hear his brothers voice at their mother's
funeral, "Now you have no one Endy. No one to protect you."
Strangely those words were true. And unlike his gentle, assenting
mother, he had to find the strength to protect himself--and his kingdom.
And he had to protect them from people like his brother.
He turned and headed for the tower where his brother lay healing.
Sere regarded herself in the mirror. Her face was very pale. Too pale.
How could she be married in the presence of the man who beat her and
left her for dead? The man whose son murdered her parents?
A cruel man. A terrible man. Her lovers father.
Sere knew the men of her generation were raised to be harsh, strong,
Her own father had been strict and unwavoring in his beliefs. But
love had gentled him. Love for her mother and for she, his daughter.
Endymions father possessed evil and cruelty. And it seemed nothing
softened him. Although, the expression on his face as he whipped
Endymion revealed he did not strike his sons....
Her head spun. What must she do?
She slipped out into the long hallway and walked slowly, trying
to collect herself. Overwhelmed.
She came to great oak doors left open. The chambers within vacant.
A painting took up one wall with its immensity. A woman, ravan-haired
and blue-eyed. Her uncanny resemblence to Endymion gave her away.
His mother.
Molly had spoken of her. Endymions soul took from hers.
A sound behind her made her turn, startled, and come face to
face with the King himself.
He watched her carefully, then his eyes went to the painting,
and suddenly softened.
"She was lovely. So fragile, but so steady, so...unchanging."
He shook his head, "I never understood it."
He met Sere's eyes, "She was a stranger when we married. And
our natures were quite opposite. Yet, for all my temper and
strength, she held a power over me that no man, no army, no
force on earth ever has."
He stepped closer, "I believe in love. I believe it is the
most powerful force in this world. With it you can overcome
any obstacle. Defeat any enemy."
He put a hand on her shoulder, "Even me."
Her eyes widened.
He squeezed her shoulder, "I pledge to honour you as Queen
and wife to my son. I will never oppose you, and I will
protect you and your children until my dying day."
Sere swallowed and watched as the King turned without
another word and walked away.
He had made peace with her.
She should say something.
She hurried down the hall after him, "Wait!" She called
but it was drowned out by a sudden anguished cry.
The anguished cry of Endymion, echoing down from the tower.
She and the King turned as one and ran towards him blindly.
And he nearly ran them down rushing down the stairs
with wild eyes and out the door to the courtyard below.
They followed him and Sere's hand flew to her mouth at the
sight that greeted her there.
Andrew lay on the ground, broken and bleeding.
Endymion fell to his knees and gathered his brother
in his arms, "Why! Andrew why!?"
His brother's dying eyes looked up at him and Endymion
read his sudden words in them.
Sere watched something indescribable pass between them
both. Then Andrew was gone.
The King watched then turned his face away in sudden
pain. He suddenly looked very old.
Sere left Endymion to hold his dead brother until
his goodbye was spent.
She turned and led the King inside, gently holding
his arm.
What a strange way fate had of stringing together
the souls of human beings.
Endymion came to their chambers later with haunted eyes.
His bloodied finery was replaced, but his trembling hands
remained. Sere saw many unshed tears hidden in his beautiful
ocean eyes.
He came to sit beside her and stared into the fire.
Finally he spoke, quietly, "He said there could only be
She winced. Andrew had murdered himself with jealousy. With
the need to be most, to be only, to be alone and powerful.
For he had thrown himself from the window as Endymion ran to
stop him.
Sere took Endymion's hand in silent comfort.
And she realized this would not be the last time she had to
now that he would be King.
A sensitive King.
It would be very hard for him.
"Shall we postpone?" She pressed gently.
He shook his head, "The guests are assembled, everything
is ready. I must be ready as well."
"But surely--"
"Sere, I know, but I am King--I must face death with
strength and leadership."
She nodded sadly.
He was very noble.
And it was with great nobility that Endymion made the long walk
down the great hall, in front of countless people, to his father
sitting on the throne.
He took his place beside him as the nobility of the land whispered
conscpicuously about his dress and his unexpected ascension and
the scandal he was about to commit. No one yet knew of Prince
Andrew's death.
Prince Endymion stood and summoned Sere forward.
Everyone in the room turned to stare at the delicate girl in
the white dress stepping with grace and dignity to meet the
man everyone knew was her unwed lover.
Endymion raised his sword and gently levered it to her shoulder.
Then he replaced the sword with his hand and turned to face
the hall.
"This is a great Kingdom." He began, "Its lands are great
and vast, its people strong and proud. I see no need
to merge with another royal family to expand what is already
a powerful land. I choose my bride not to benefit this
Kingdom with her wealth and status--but with her intelligence,
kindness and strength of heart. She is the woman I love as
much as this land and I choose her for my bride. Countess
The Nobility stared back in awe. Then, overcome by the implied
flattery that they, in some way, made the land so great and
powerful, they broke out into thunderous applause.
Sere let out the breath she'd been holding.
Admist the clapping noble women compared notes on this fair-haired
Countess. And in their vast wisdom they decided she would indeed
be an asset to *their* great Kingdom--afterall, she was as pretty
as a Princess and her dress was quite fashionable.
Endymion and Sere exited quietly as the King stood and addressed
his people about the coming wedding and coronation. Food and
drink awaited the nobles to satisfy them through the lengthy
proceedings of the day.
Molly dressed Sere in her bridal array, tucking blossoms
in her fine blonde hair.
"It seems wrong to wed on the day of his brothers death." Sere
spoke softly, "Now the anniversary will always be a painful one."
But Molly shook her head, "This is a day of great strength for
him. Besides," Her face took on a darker expression than Sere
had ever seen, "The only tragedy in Andrew's death is the pain
it causes Endymion. He was a cruel and terrible man--and Sere,
he never would have stopped hunting you."
She spoke the last part softly and Sere shivered at the truth
in her words. She felt a terrible guilt towards Endymion
knowing that in her heart was relief at Andrew's death. She
was free and safe, and at last the injustice of the past was
buried forever.
But would that hidden seed of relief drive a wedge between them?
Would the poison of Andrew live on to tangle through their marriage
and unravel it? Sere worried that her love, without meaning to, asked
Endymion to betray his brother in some way.
She had never asked him if he loved or hated Andrew. It was a
complicated relationship, she was certain. But her own sense of
justice at his death might hurt Endymion,
could he grieve and rely on her when he would know that for
her it was merely justice served? But it wasn't.
It wasn't. She told herself.
No matter that he was cruel and would have raped her.
No matter that he murdered her parents as though they were
merely animals to him.
No matter...her mind blurred with rage.
It was very hard to remember he was brother to her beloved.
Her heart was heavy.
She walked down the long aisle on the arm of Endymion's Captain.
His chest puffed proudly as he led the beautiful bride to the new
Everyone stood. They were a soft blur through her lacy veil.
She reached Endymion and took his arm. It was impossible to
read his expression.
And so, chest heavy with worry, uncertainty and guilt, she
said her vows. They lit the candle, fulfilled all the sacred traditions
and finally Endymion lifted the veil.
She looked into his eyes and realized, she could hide nothing from him, ever.
He could read her sorrow, her guilt, her anger, her every emotion just
as plainly as though she had written or spoken the words.
He was her lover, her husband and her King. And she watched his eyes
take it all in, accepting, acknowledging, his emotions just at the
She clasped his hand and he drew her in to kiss her.
From now on, everything that happened, happened to them both.
They walked down the aisle and as they reached the end of the hall and
left through the doors Molly was hidden just around the corner to shower
them with rice and rose petals.
It brought something sweet and free to the moment.
Endymion swept her back to his chambers and kissed her by the fire. The
kiss held long until Sere laughed,
"You will *not* get all these buttons undone and done up again before
the coronation!"
And for the first time to her recollection, he laughed,
"What do you mean done up again?"
They settled down in the little sofa by the fire.
"This is wrinkling my dress terribly!" she admonished trying
to sit with all the crinolines beneath her skirts.
"I'm afraid I care not. You are my wife and I shall
wrinkle your dress as much as I wish!"
He pinned her down and kissed her face and neck
until she squealed before releasing her to sit beside
She looked at his face, relaxed for the moment, laughter
lines about his eyes...he was more than her love, he
was her beloved. Her heart ached with love.
He smiled and leaned over, "I love you too."
She met his kiss halfway, "You read me so easily."
He pulled back and turned serious for a moment.
"I can, and there is something you must know."
He leaned closer to her, "My brother..." He swallowed
and then steadied as her eyes pooled with sudden anguish,
"My brother has always been lost to me...the only love I
lost in his death, I found in the last moments before
he was gone."
His eyes turned very sad a moment and he looked away.
"You have nothing to feel guilty over--I see it in your
face. You are right to feel justice is served. And
so am I. He would have killed me to take the throne,
and to take you."
He faced her, "When I first realized I loved you, I felt
this terrible uneasiness. I recognize now it was my heart
awakening and desiring to take action in more ways then just
you. But it was more than that as well. I felt that while
you gave me everything it was in your power to give, I did
not return this gesture. You were a servant, subject to the
whims of my father and brother, treated cruelly, your family
murdered in the name of my own, yet you gave me your love,
your heart and body, and asked nothing of me."
He knelt before her, "Now that I have taken the throne,and have
the power to restore your title; the power to serve my people and
free my land of injustice. Now that I can truly say I serve the
desires of my heart in all ways. Now I can offer you everything
I have the power to give you. And I give it to you freely."
Her eyes filled up as she kissed him, "Your love was enough."
She said softly, "But I accept, everything, I promise to
be strong."
Molly came in a little later and unhooked Sere's veil.
"Your skirts are wrinkled!" She exclaimed in horror
and was startled to see Endymion muffle a laugh in his
She tidied and smoothed them both as best she could and then
they were off, to take the crown.
The coronation ceremony ran smoothly. The entire Royal Guard
was present and the Elder Guards shed visible tears as Endymion
was crowned.
The King handed over his crown and stepped off the throne looking
suddenly old and tired.
The death of his elder son was taking a much stronger toll on him
then on his son.
But there was something in his eyes that had not been their since
Queen Gaia had been alive as he placed her crown on Serenity's head.
And he spoke clearly to the assembled court, "My son Endymion is now
King of Elwinshire. I present him and his Queen to you and pledge, with
you, to honour and serve him as long as I dwell in these lands."
Then he bowed to them both as they sat at their thrones.
And the entire court, to the last Guard present all bowed behind him.
Serenity and Endymion both paled and looked very young. The King leaned
back and whispered, "You'll get used to it."
And he winked at Endymion for the first time since he'd been a boy.
Different members of the Court approached and gave speeches, offered gifts,
and in general showed self-gratifying flattery to the new Royalty that was
nearly laughable--though not completely which allowed the young King and
Queen to keep entirely straight faces throughout.
And then, as they walked down the Hall to leave the Royal Guard stood at
attention and saluted King Endymion. The oldest Guard approached and moved
to kneel but Endymion waved him up and shook his hand instead--only to be
pulled into a fierce hug.
The Elder Guard pulled back with such a proud expression reflected in his eyes
that Endymion's eyes pooled with unshed tears.
"Your loyalty means most to me." He said with emotion.
The Elder Guard nodded.
"I'll need to assemble a meeting tomorrow. I want all the information you
can gather about the justice system. Remember that far-fetched plan
we had to assemble a jury and court? I want to organize and implement it
The Elder Guard patted him on the back, "I look forward to it, your Majesty."
Then they bowed. Endymion and Serenity bowed in return and left together.
That night, in the King and Queen's chambers--for shockingly they
shared chambers and planned to after the wedding night!--Endymion
and Serenity sat by the fire, crowns aside, clothes more casual,
hair undone and talked.
"A Jury and Court?"
Endymion nodded, "No actions would be taken in the name of the King
until a jury of Commoners and a Court, held by myself and my guard
judged the circumstances and evidence of the case."
She looked at him with admiration.
He laid his head back against the sofa wearily, "I want to hear from
the people, see their lives and improve them. I want everything
to change."
She smiled as he sipped his wine, "We'll do it together." She said
He leaned over to kiss her then pulled her close, "Alright Queen,
wife, mistress....prepare to have your skirts wrinkled."
He pulled her close with a laugh--his heart felt free, certain...and
though he knew he had already promised himself, he promised again,
to always trust his passion to lead him.
And as he lost himself to his particular favorite of passions,
a knock sounded at the door. Endymion pulled up with a start,
his hair most attractively tossled, his eyes a bit dazed (much
to his wife's satisfaction).
He went to the door, Serenity behind him and opened it.
The old King stood there, dressed in the clothes of a commoner
and carrying a travelling bag.
He took in his youngest song, looking so like his mother,
and the beautiful new Queen, hair down, face beautiful and rosy.
He thought at that moment that he saw her as Endymion must.
"I am leaving." He informed them.
"What?" Endymion questioned, "Why?"
The old King took a deep breath and Serenity saw his grief like
a shroud around him.
"I must travel out my grief. My son is dead, my time over this land
is done. I need to get away."
He faced Endymion, "It won't be forever, but I do not know when I
shall return. I trust you with everything. I shall not worry."
"Thank you." Endymion said, frowning, a little bewildered.
They all stood a little awkwardly, finally Endymion went for his shoes,
"We'll take you to your carriage and draw up some horses for you."
The King nodded and waited for them to get their shoes and sweaters.
They walked downstairs and Endymion turned, "You get some food from
the kitchen and we'll have your carriage ready."
The two headed on alone for the stables.
"I'll get Melvin to draw up the best carriage for him."
Serenity nodded and took his hand as they stepped from the door to
the ground.
But as they came around the corner in search of Melvin (his torchlight
had indicated he was still up and about) they came upon a most
unexpected sight.
And that sight was Melvin in a passionate embrace with Molly, kissing
her quite madly. They jumped apart and Molly shrieked.
Melvin was most distressed, trying to apoligize and assuming he would be
fired, hanged or burned at the stake. But when he looked up he found
the new King and Queen grinning like regular idiots.
"Not a word you two!" Molly warned, blushing, trying not to smile
and imploring them, all at the same time.
Melvin looked between them curiously.
"Take good care of her." His King smiled, winking at him.
Melvin was quite beyond words.
Finally Endymion turned serious, "The King wishes to travel, an extended journey.
I want the best carriage to take him as far as he needs and the best horse
given to him from there."
Melvin nodded, bowed and scurried away.
And Molly was spared the comments just-at-the-ready from Endymion and Serenity
by the appearance of the old King.
She took the opportunity to vanish, and Serenity with her.
Endymion was left to say goodbye.
He couldn't believe how old and...average his father looked. As
though he could be any man. But he couldn't.
Their eyes met. His father smiled, "Pretty handy with that sword
Endymion nodded.
They were silent.
The time for a father-son relationship that involved laughter was still
faraway. Endymion knew his father hoped time and this journey would
heal the pain and regrets.
Perhaps when the suffering of the Kingdom was finally over...
The carriage pulled up. The Old King turned and put a hand
on his son's shoulder, "You..." His voice broke for the first
time Endymion could remember as he met his eyes, "You have all
the best of your mother in you..."
Endymion bent his tall frame down and hugged his father, who returned
the gesture a little awkwardly.
"Goodbye Father." He said as the Old King looked back from the carriage,
"Safe journey."
Then his father was gone.
He watched the carriage vanish into the distance.
Then he turned to head back into the castle. He climbed the stairs and
turned down the hall to his chambers...then stopped. Instead he headed
up one of the towers and went to the window.
He rarely looked out on the Kingdom-it had always given him too much pain.
But tonight he looked out at the houses, the firelights, the silence of night
and he felt hope.
His Kingdom. He felt a swell of confidence. He would make it right. His
father was right. He was the best of his mother.
"Thank you." He whispered to her before heading back down.
He found his chambers empty and sat by the fire waiting for Sere. She was
no doubt torturing Molly for all the details of her romance.
He smiled, the Queen, late to her chambers on her wedding night, because
she was gossiping with a servant--her best friend. He felt good about his
reign already.
She burst in some time later, hair cascading around her, breathless and
giddy from talking to Molly.
He felt a swell of love for her. What a blessing to love and be loved.
Her heart had unlocked the very best in him and now he could offer
her enough to feel worthy in return.
She stopped and met his eyes, smiling, and stretched out her arms,
"You, are *never* going to get all these buttons undone!"
He caught her up in his arms and turned her 'round, "There can't be
that many...good lord!"
And at that moment, the new King felt a law about buttons on dresses
might be in order...
The buttons did eventually come off, and Sere was delighted to see
him actually having fun in their lovemaking. There had been a secret
sort of intimacy before, something raw and special. But now...they had
forever and nothing to fear and he finally seemed free.
She felt the difference, his willingness to take for himself. And as he
took, he gave everything in return. It was what made him wonderful in
every way.
And tonight he took her, claimed her as wife and Queen. She felt beautiful.
She laid back on the bed and held out her arms to him. He smiled as he
leaned down and took her mouth with his own, slipped inside her and lost
everything...found everything. If he ever met greatness it was here. Something
about the way they fit together....
Later, as they lay together in the quiet night, the fire crackling gently, she held
him against her throat and asked, "How do you feel?"
He slipped a contented arm around her, "Everything is new."
Then he leaned up to meet her eyes, "And everything is wonderful."
She smiled and he kissed her, climbing over her, "Never wear so many buttons
She laughed.
Chapter 8
By: Silent Moon
Rated: R
Disclaimer: standard
Author's Notes: I can't believe I've managed to finish this at last!!!! Hurraaaay!
Hope you all enjoy. I reread everything and finally put the last half of this
rather long chapter in....I think I might throw together a little tiny epi too.
Let me know what you think! ;O)
Gioia nel cuor trovero
Con te il ciel ragguingero
Pace ci sara
I will find joy in my heart
With you I will reach heaven
There will be peace
Solo Con Te (Only With You)
The grand hall was alight with torches, ribbons and fanfare. The crowd
whispered and gossiped. Nobles shamelessly gawked and compared notes
about the Young Prince's romance, duel and subsequent marriage.
This morning he was supposedly restoring his mistress's title! This
was shocking enough, but then he was marrying her! A woman once no
more than a maid and mistress, was to be Queen!!! Many were eager
for their second and better look at this woman who would be Queen.
Was she regal? Beautiful? Noble? Plain? Dowdy?
In Endymion's room, Molly fussed over Sere's dress and hair until
the latter thought she would be driven to distraction.
"I'm sure it's fine Molly! Really!"
"It has to be perfect!"
The dress was elegant and white, with a full skirt and train.
The delicate lace veil would be attached after her title was
restored--then she would walk up the aisle.
The veil would be replaced by a heavy pearl crown that evening.
A white crown, it's gentle sea pearls lined with exquisite diamonds.
The crown of the former Queen.
Molly dusted her skin with a fine powder as the finishing touch to
her cosmetics. Then a knock came to the door.
Molly ran to it and ushered a dashing Endymion in. For the first
time he wore all his Prince finery--and he wore it well. He looked
regal, confident and disturbingly somber. For the first time to her
recollection--Molly felt intimidated by his presence. This was
not Endymion....this was the future King....
Endymion's heart was heavy still with the weight of what he was
to become. Heavier with worry of how to approach Sere with the
wishes of his father.
He looked at her, dressed in all the finery she rightly deserved
and wondered again how the love he shared with her somehow made
up for what was stolen.
And it was this humbleness that would make him a great King.
He turned to Molly, "I must speak with her..."
Molly nodded quietly and left.
Sere turned and took both his hands as he came over to her,
"Do I look alright?"
He smiled, "You look perfect."
She smiled in return but his face grew serious, "My love, I must
discuss something upsetting with you."
She nodded and sat down with a serious face as he kept hold of her hand.
He took a breath, "My father wishes to attend the wedding..."
He watched the play of emotions on her face.
"There is something else." He said quietly, then knelt
before her, "About your parents..."
She looked into his eyes then and his heart broke. She was
brave but in the depths of her eyes he saw something soft and desperate
something begging gently for mercy...
"Twas not my father who...who murdered them."
Sere's mind flashed back....coming home and finding her parents
murdered...their bodies bloody and limp on the floor....
She bit her lip, "He was standing over them Endymion."
Endymion nodded, "He arrived after their deaths, after
my brother had charged in and taken them in my father's name."
Sere's eyes filled up and she hung her head for a moment,
collecting herself, "He'll never be punished...will he..."
It was more statement than question.
Endymion hung his head. No, if his father had not punished
Andrew yet, it would not be done. Sere knew it.
And he could not raise a hand to his brother. It was the rule
of Royalty. Andrew had the right to decide any sentence for
his people. No matter how cruel. No matter how unjust.
"It will never happen again." He assured feebly.
But that did not bring back her parents.
"This is too much power," She said softly, "The
power to murder freely--without repercussion."
He took her hands, "That power is the pain and
responsibility of being a Ruler."
His eyes beseeched hers for honesty, "Are you certain?"
She looked down a long moment, took a deep breath, "Yes."
He exhaled in relief and kissed her hands gently, "I will
leave you to get ready..."
He closed the door softly behind him and headed back down
the hallway to find his father. They needed to discuss
His brother's jealousy and hatred could only grow
stronger after this day. And his father was the only
man who might understand and know what needed to be done.
He arrived at the great oak doors of his fathers chambers
but stopped as his hand reached up to knock.
What could his father do? It was he, Endymion, that would
be King in mere hours. He must attend this matter himself.
He must face Andrew again, and settle the hatred between them.
For his brother had loathed him from birth.
Perhaps jealous of the strange bond he had with his kind mother.
Endymion could still hear his brothers voice at their mother's
funeral, "Now you have no one Endy. No one to protect you."
Strangely those words were true. And unlike his gentle, assenting
mother, he had to find the strength to protect himself--and his kingdom.
And he had to protect them from people like his brother.
He turned and headed for the tower where his brother lay healing.
Sere regarded herself in the mirror. Her face was very pale. Too pale.
How could she be married in the presence of the man who beat her and
left her for dead? The man whose son murdered her parents?
A cruel man. A terrible man. Her lovers father.
Sere knew the men of her generation were raised to be harsh, strong,
Her own father had been strict and unwavoring in his beliefs. But
love had gentled him. Love for her mother and for she, his daughter.
Endymions father possessed evil and cruelty. And it seemed nothing
softened him. Although, the expression on his face as he whipped
Endymion revealed he did not strike his sons....
Her head spun. What must she do?
She slipped out into the long hallway and walked slowly, trying
to collect herself. Overwhelmed.
She came to great oak doors left open. The chambers within vacant.
A painting took up one wall with its immensity. A woman, ravan-haired
and blue-eyed. Her uncanny resemblence to Endymion gave her away.
His mother.
Molly had spoken of her. Endymions soul took from hers.
A sound behind her made her turn, startled, and come face to
face with the King himself.
He watched her carefully, then his eyes went to the painting,
and suddenly softened.
"She was lovely. So fragile, but so steady, so...unchanging."
He shook his head, "I never understood it."
He met Sere's eyes, "She was a stranger when we married. And
our natures were quite opposite. Yet, for all my temper and
strength, she held a power over me that no man, no army, no
force on earth ever has."
He stepped closer, "I believe in love. I believe it is the
most powerful force in this world. With it you can overcome
any obstacle. Defeat any enemy."
He put a hand on her shoulder, "Even me."
Her eyes widened.
He squeezed her shoulder, "I pledge to honour you as Queen
and wife to my son. I will never oppose you, and I will
protect you and your children until my dying day."
Sere swallowed and watched as the King turned without
another word and walked away.
He had made peace with her.
She should say something.
She hurried down the hall after him, "Wait!" She called
but it was drowned out by a sudden anguished cry.
The anguished cry of Endymion, echoing down from the tower.
She and the King turned as one and ran towards him blindly.
And he nearly ran them down rushing down the stairs
with wild eyes and out the door to the courtyard below.
They followed him and Sere's hand flew to her mouth at the
sight that greeted her there.
Andrew lay on the ground, broken and bleeding.
Endymion fell to his knees and gathered his brother
in his arms, "Why! Andrew why!?"
His brother's dying eyes looked up at him and Endymion
read his sudden words in them.
Sere watched something indescribable pass between them
both. Then Andrew was gone.
The King watched then turned his face away in sudden
pain. He suddenly looked very old.
Sere left Endymion to hold his dead brother until
his goodbye was spent.
She turned and led the King inside, gently holding
his arm.
What a strange way fate had of stringing together
the souls of human beings.
Endymion came to their chambers later with haunted eyes.
His bloodied finery was replaced, but his trembling hands
remained. Sere saw many unshed tears hidden in his beautiful
ocean eyes.
He came to sit beside her and stared into the fire.
Finally he spoke, quietly, "He said there could only be
She winced. Andrew had murdered himself with jealousy. With
the need to be most, to be only, to be alone and powerful.
For he had thrown himself from the window as Endymion ran to
stop him.
Sere took Endymion's hand in silent comfort.
And she realized this would not be the last time she had to
now that he would be King.
A sensitive King.
It would be very hard for him.
"Shall we postpone?" She pressed gently.
He shook his head, "The guests are assembled, everything
is ready. I must be ready as well."
"But surely--"
"Sere, I know, but I am King--I must face death with
strength and leadership."
She nodded sadly.
He was very noble.
And it was with great nobility that Endymion made the long walk
down the great hall, in front of countless people, to his father
sitting on the throne.
He took his place beside him as the nobility of the land whispered
conscpicuously about his dress and his unexpected ascension and
the scandal he was about to commit. No one yet knew of Prince
Andrew's death.
Prince Endymion stood and summoned Sere forward.
Everyone in the room turned to stare at the delicate girl in
the white dress stepping with grace and dignity to meet the
man everyone knew was her unwed lover.
Endymion raised his sword and gently levered it to her shoulder.
Then he replaced the sword with his hand and turned to face
the hall.
"This is a great Kingdom." He began, "Its lands are great
and vast, its people strong and proud. I see no need
to merge with another royal family to expand what is already
a powerful land. I choose my bride not to benefit this
Kingdom with her wealth and status--but with her intelligence,
kindness and strength of heart. She is the woman I love as
much as this land and I choose her for my bride. Countess
The Nobility stared back in awe. Then, overcome by the implied
flattery that they, in some way, made the land so great and
powerful, they broke out into thunderous applause.
Sere let out the breath she'd been holding.
Admist the clapping noble women compared notes on this fair-haired
Countess. And in their vast wisdom they decided she would indeed
be an asset to *their* great Kingdom--afterall, she was as pretty
as a Princess and her dress was quite fashionable.
Endymion and Sere exited quietly as the King stood and addressed
his people about the coming wedding and coronation. Food and
drink awaited the nobles to satisfy them through the lengthy
proceedings of the day.
Molly dressed Sere in her bridal array, tucking blossoms
in her fine blonde hair.
"It seems wrong to wed on the day of his brothers death." Sere
spoke softly, "Now the anniversary will always be a painful one."
But Molly shook her head, "This is a day of great strength for
him. Besides," Her face took on a darker expression than Sere
had ever seen, "The only tragedy in Andrew's death is the pain
it causes Endymion. He was a cruel and terrible man--and Sere,
he never would have stopped hunting you."
She spoke the last part softly and Sere shivered at the truth
in her words. She felt a terrible guilt towards Endymion
knowing that in her heart was relief at Andrew's death. She
was free and safe, and at last the injustice of the past was
buried forever.
But would that hidden seed of relief drive a wedge between them?
Would the poison of Andrew live on to tangle through their marriage
and unravel it? Sere worried that her love, without meaning to, asked
Endymion to betray his brother in some way.
She had never asked him if he loved or hated Andrew. It was a
complicated relationship, she was certain. But her own sense of
justice at his death might hurt Endymion,
could he grieve and rely on her when he would know that for
her it was merely justice served? But it wasn't.
It wasn't. She told herself.
No matter that he was cruel and would have raped her.
No matter that he murdered her parents as though they were
merely animals to him.
No matter...her mind blurred with rage.
It was very hard to remember he was brother to her beloved.
Her heart was heavy.
She walked down the long aisle on the arm of Endymion's Captain.
His chest puffed proudly as he led the beautiful bride to the new
Everyone stood. They were a soft blur through her lacy veil.
She reached Endymion and took his arm. It was impossible to
read his expression.
And so, chest heavy with worry, uncertainty and guilt, she
said her vows. They lit the candle, fulfilled all the sacred traditions
and finally Endymion lifted the veil.
She looked into his eyes and realized, she could hide nothing from him, ever.
He could read her sorrow, her guilt, her anger, her every emotion just
as plainly as though she had written or spoken the words.
He was her lover, her husband and her King. And she watched his eyes
take it all in, accepting, acknowledging, his emotions just at the
She clasped his hand and he drew her in to kiss her.
From now on, everything that happened, happened to them both.
They walked down the aisle and as they reached the end of the hall and
left through the doors Molly was hidden just around the corner to shower
them with rice and rose petals.
It brought something sweet and free to the moment.
Endymion swept her back to his chambers and kissed her by the fire. The
kiss held long until Sere laughed,
"You will *not* get all these buttons undone and done up again before
the coronation!"
And for the first time to her recollection, he laughed,
"What do you mean done up again?"
They settled down in the little sofa by the fire.
"This is wrinkling my dress terribly!" she admonished trying
to sit with all the crinolines beneath her skirts.
"I'm afraid I care not. You are my wife and I shall
wrinkle your dress as much as I wish!"
He pinned her down and kissed her face and neck
until she squealed before releasing her to sit beside
She looked at his face, relaxed for the moment, laughter
lines about his eyes...he was more than her love, he
was her beloved. Her heart ached with love.
He smiled and leaned over, "I love you too."
She met his kiss halfway, "You read me so easily."
He pulled back and turned serious for a moment.
"I can, and there is something you must know."
He leaned closer to her, "My brother..." He swallowed
and then steadied as her eyes pooled with sudden anguish,
"My brother has always been lost to me...the only love I
lost in his death, I found in the last moments before
he was gone."
His eyes turned very sad a moment and he looked away.
"You have nothing to feel guilty over--I see it in your
face. You are right to feel justice is served. And
so am I. He would have killed me to take the throne,
and to take you."
He faced her, "When I first realized I loved you, I felt
this terrible uneasiness. I recognize now it was my heart
awakening and desiring to take action in more ways then just
you. But it was more than that as well. I felt that while
you gave me everything it was in your power to give, I did
not return this gesture. You were a servant, subject to the
whims of my father and brother, treated cruelly, your family
murdered in the name of my own, yet you gave me your love,
your heart and body, and asked nothing of me."
He knelt before her, "Now that I have taken the throne,and have
the power to restore your title; the power to serve my people and
free my land of injustice. Now that I can truly say I serve the
desires of my heart in all ways. Now I can offer you everything
I have the power to give you. And I give it to you freely."
Her eyes filled up as she kissed him, "Your love was enough."
She said softly, "But I accept, everything, I promise to
be strong."
Molly came in a little later and unhooked Sere's veil.
"Your skirts are wrinkled!" She exclaimed in horror
and was startled to see Endymion muffle a laugh in his
She tidied and smoothed them both as best she could and then
they were off, to take the crown.
The coronation ceremony ran smoothly. The entire Royal Guard
was present and the Elder Guards shed visible tears as Endymion
was crowned.
The King handed over his crown and stepped off the throne looking
suddenly old and tired.
The death of his elder son was taking a much stronger toll on him
then on his son.
But there was something in his eyes that had not been their since
Queen Gaia had been alive as he placed her crown on Serenity's head.
And he spoke clearly to the assembled court, "My son Endymion is now
King of Elwinshire. I present him and his Queen to you and pledge, with
you, to honour and serve him as long as I dwell in these lands."
Then he bowed to them both as they sat at their thrones.
And the entire court, to the last Guard present all bowed behind him.
Serenity and Endymion both paled and looked very young. The King leaned
back and whispered, "You'll get used to it."
And he winked at Endymion for the first time since he'd been a boy.
Different members of the Court approached and gave speeches, offered gifts,
and in general showed self-gratifying flattery to the new Royalty that was
nearly laughable--though not completely which allowed the young King and
Queen to keep entirely straight faces throughout.
And then, as they walked down the Hall to leave the Royal Guard stood at
attention and saluted King Endymion. The oldest Guard approached and moved
to kneel but Endymion waved him up and shook his hand instead--only to be
pulled into a fierce hug.
The Elder Guard pulled back with such a proud expression reflected in his eyes
that Endymion's eyes pooled with unshed tears.
"Your loyalty means most to me." He said with emotion.
The Elder Guard nodded.
"I'll need to assemble a meeting tomorrow. I want all the information you
can gather about the justice system. Remember that far-fetched plan
we had to assemble a jury and court? I want to organize and implement it
The Elder Guard patted him on the back, "I look forward to it, your Majesty."
Then they bowed. Endymion and Serenity bowed in return and left together.
That night, in the King and Queen's chambers--for shockingly they
shared chambers and planned to after the wedding night!--Endymion
and Serenity sat by the fire, crowns aside, clothes more casual,
hair undone and talked.
"A Jury and Court?"
Endymion nodded, "No actions would be taken in the name of the King
until a jury of Commoners and a Court, held by myself and my guard
judged the circumstances and evidence of the case."
She looked at him with admiration.
He laid his head back against the sofa wearily, "I want to hear from
the people, see their lives and improve them. I want everything
to change."
She smiled as he sipped his wine, "We'll do it together." She said
He leaned over to kiss her then pulled her close, "Alright Queen,
wife, mistress....prepare to have your skirts wrinkled."
He pulled her close with a laugh--his heart felt free, certain...and
though he knew he had already promised himself, he promised again,
to always trust his passion to lead him.
And as he lost himself to his particular favorite of passions,
a knock sounded at the door. Endymion pulled up with a start,
his hair most attractively tossled, his eyes a bit dazed (much
to his wife's satisfaction).
He went to the door, Serenity behind him and opened it.
The old King stood there, dressed in the clothes of a commoner
and carrying a travelling bag.
He took in his youngest song, looking so like his mother,
and the beautiful new Queen, hair down, face beautiful and rosy.
He thought at that moment that he saw her as Endymion must.
"I am leaving." He informed them.
"What?" Endymion questioned, "Why?"
The old King took a deep breath and Serenity saw his grief like
a shroud around him.
"I must travel out my grief. My son is dead, my time over this land
is done. I need to get away."
He faced Endymion, "It won't be forever, but I do not know when I
shall return. I trust you with everything. I shall not worry."
"Thank you." Endymion said, frowning, a little bewildered.
They all stood a little awkwardly, finally Endymion went for his shoes,
"We'll take you to your carriage and draw up some horses for you."
The King nodded and waited for them to get their shoes and sweaters.
They walked downstairs and Endymion turned, "You get some food from
the kitchen and we'll have your carriage ready."
The two headed on alone for the stables.
"I'll get Melvin to draw up the best carriage for him."
Serenity nodded and took his hand as they stepped from the door to
the ground.
But as they came around the corner in search of Melvin (his torchlight
had indicated he was still up and about) they came upon a most
unexpected sight.
And that sight was Melvin in a passionate embrace with Molly, kissing
her quite madly. They jumped apart and Molly shrieked.
Melvin was most distressed, trying to apoligize and assuming he would be
fired, hanged or burned at the stake. But when he looked up he found
the new King and Queen grinning like regular idiots.
"Not a word you two!" Molly warned, blushing, trying not to smile
and imploring them, all at the same time.
Melvin looked between them curiously.
"Take good care of her." His King smiled, winking at him.
Melvin was quite beyond words.
Finally Endymion turned serious, "The King wishes to travel, an extended journey.
I want the best carriage to take him as far as he needs and the best horse
given to him from there."
Melvin nodded, bowed and scurried away.
And Molly was spared the comments just-at-the-ready from Endymion and Serenity
by the appearance of the old King.
She took the opportunity to vanish, and Serenity with her.
Endymion was left to say goodbye.
He couldn't believe how old and...average his father looked. As
though he could be any man. But he couldn't.
Their eyes met. His father smiled, "Pretty handy with that sword
Endymion nodded.
They were silent.
The time for a father-son relationship that involved laughter was still
faraway. Endymion knew his father hoped time and this journey would
heal the pain and regrets.
Perhaps when the suffering of the Kingdom was finally over...
The carriage pulled up. The Old King turned and put a hand
on his son's shoulder, "You..." His voice broke for the first
time Endymion could remember as he met his eyes, "You have all
the best of your mother in you..."
Endymion bent his tall frame down and hugged his father, who returned
the gesture a little awkwardly.
"Goodbye Father." He said as the Old King looked back from the carriage,
"Safe journey."
Then his father was gone.
He watched the carriage vanish into the distance.
Then he turned to head back into the castle. He climbed the stairs and
turned down the hall to his chambers...then stopped. Instead he headed
up one of the towers and went to the window.
He rarely looked out on the Kingdom-it had always given him too much pain.
But tonight he looked out at the houses, the firelights, the silence of night
and he felt hope.
His Kingdom. He felt a swell of confidence. He would make it right. His
father was right. He was the best of his mother.
"Thank you." He whispered to her before heading back down.
He found his chambers empty and sat by the fire waiting for Sere. She was
no doubt torturing Molly for all the details of her romance.
He smiled, the Queen, late to her chambers on her wedding night, because
she was gossiping with a servant--her best friend. He felt good about his
reign already.
She burst in some time later, hair cascading around her, breathless and
giddy from talking to Molly.
He felt a swell of love for her. What a blessing to love and be loved.
Her heart had unlocked the very best in him and now he could offer
her enough to feel worthy in return.
She stopped and met his eyes, smiling, and stretched out her arms,
"You, are *never* going to get all these buttons undone!"
He caught her up in his arms and turned her 'round, "There can't be
that many...good lord!"
And at that moment, the new King felt a law about buttons on dresses
might be in order...
The buttons did eventually come off, and Sere was delighted to see
him actually having fun in their lovemaking. There had been a secret
sort of intimacy before, something raw and special. But now...they had
forever and nothing to fear and he finally seemed free.
She felt the difference, his willingness to take for himself. And as he
took, he gave everything in return. It was what made him wonderful in
every way.
And tonight he took her, claimed her as wife and Queen. She felt beautiful.
She laid back on the bed and held out her arms to him. He smiled as he
leaned down and took her mouth with his own, slipped inside her and lost
everything...found everything. If he ever met greatness it was here. Something
about the way they fit together....
Later, as they lay together in the quiet night, the fire crackling gently, she held
him against her throat and asked, "How do you feel?"
He slipped a contented arm around her, "Everything is new."
Then he leaned up to meet her eyes, "And everything is wonderful."
She smiled and he kissed her, climbing over her, "Never wear so many buttons
She laughed.