Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Aloha Worm!

When Brockton Bay's local industry had collapsed, the Lord's Port had been something of a staging ground for the irate dock workers. Shipping companies based in the city saw the signs of what was coming and trapped other boats in the harbor as a form of protest, to ensure that they weren't walking away empty-handed. Police had made arrests, but were unable to actually move the ships out of the way. Things had capped off with fights, gunfire, and a deliberate sinking of a container ship by one of the protestors.

It had resulted in the Boat Graveyard; an entire section of the coastline where boats had sat for so long that they'd rusted or taken on water. It had only been made worse when those boats were slammed into the coastline by Leviathan's waves, smashing them against one another and turning more than a few into something unrecognizable.

People didn't like to think of the Boat Graveyard. It was a symbol of what the city had lost, of the parahuman villians that descended on the city, and the various gangs that those villians had formed. Of the following years where the few local heroes had been hilariously outnumbered and just doing their best to try and make the city safe. Even though a local branch of the Protectorate and the Parahuman Response Team Had been established, the city was in much the same situation.

I knew that I wasn't as strong as the villians that roamed the city, but I had to do something. It would take some time before I was able to design experiments that would allow me to take on the Azn Bad Boys or the Empire Eighty-Eight, but I could still do something. I may not have been able to create combat-ready experiments yet, but the genetic experiments that I had managed to create could be used for another purpose; to clean up the Boat Graveyard.

Still, doing something like that would quickly draw the attention of the local Protectorate team and the Parahuman Response Team. I had considered joining the Protectorate—to be more specific, its subdivision for underage capes—but ultimately discarded it. I longed for the materials and funding that the organization could give me though I knew it was better for them to not discover me.

I could be considered a biotinker who specialized in the design and production of genetic experiments. If the PRT knew about just how many experiments I had already thought about, how many I had already created, they would do their best to stop me before I could make a difference. I would end up in the Birdcage before I could even think of trying to defend my actions.

So, I didn't go to the Protectorate. I simply scavenged the materials I needed from the Boat Graveyard and abandoned warehouses. I felt bad about stealing supplies from a local clinic, but I would pay them back. Eventually. It had only taken a week to transform one of the warehouses I had found into a laboratory and begin to design my experiments.

But, I was getting off-track. I shook my head and pressed on. Soon, I began to see the distinct shape of the Boat Graveyard. I would feel so good when it was gone. Maybe then the city could try to bring back the shipping industry. I knew that Leviathan made people wary of shipping thing oversea, but I could see the city trying some local shipping.

'At least it should give the Dockworkers' Association something to do...' I thought. Dad would probably feel a lot less stressed once the Boat Graveyard was gone and the Association started getting jobs again. Maybe then he could actually get the ferry working again. '... Should I design an experiment to help him with the ferry? Hm. Maybe...' I began to think of the possibilities, of what the experiment would need in order to help Dad, how it would look, and of the materials I would need. 'No. Stop that. Focus.'

I stopped and gestured for the four genetic experiments following me to do the same. Then, I turned around to face them.

Experiment 586. A squat, orange-furred experiment with a wide mouth, dark eyes, a bulging nose, two short arms, and four legs. I had designed him especially for this mission; his teeth would be powerful enough to bite through metal, his insides resistant to the metal he would eat, and his stomach capable of digesting that metal and turning it into nutrients. The experiment could eat regular food—I wasn't going to abandon him once the Boat Graveyard was cleaned up—but was practically salivating at the thought of the all-you-can-eat buffet in front of it.

Experiment 606. A small, pink-furred experiment with a large mouth, dark eyes, two thin antennae, two arms, two legs, and three small spines that extended from his back. This experiment had also been designed in mind for what was to come. Only, instead of being able to eat metal, this experiment could actually transform into a matter-sucking black hole. I would need some materials after this was over, after all.

Experiment 228. A red, dragon-like experiment with small bat-like wings, a reptilian head with thin pointed ears, dark eyes, two arms, two legs, and a thin body. He had been designed to melt through practically any material (which had helped me more than I could ever say) before I had decided to go through with this, but he would be invaluable.

Experiment 602. A small, purple-scaled aquatic experiment with dark eyes, two arms, two legs, an enormous sword-like dorsal fin, and a short tail. Like Experiment 586, he had been designed in mind to help clean up the Boat Graveyard by slicing through the boats with his fin so that the other experiments could have an easier time.

"Tank, Holio, Melty, Sinker..." I said and the experiments snapped to attention, waiting for my orders. "You four will remove all of the boats you see before you and clear the area. I want you to make sure that the docks remain unharmed but, otherwise, you are free to do as you wish. Understand...? Good. Get going."

I then stepped aside and watched my creations rush towards the Boat Graveyard with eager looks on their faces. Tank was the happiest of all, running in front of the pack, and jumped towards the nearest boat. Soon of the shrieking sounds of metal being torn and ripped apart could be heard as the orange glutton quickly began to eat the boat. Melty targeted another ship with a volley of blue fireballs that began to melt the ship before another ship vanished within a swirling black hole. I heard a splash and saw Sinker rapidly swimming away, cleave through a part of a ship, and vanish.

"Great work, guys!" I smiled. "Keep it up!"


'I don't get paid enough to deal with this.' Emily Piggot thought.

As if having to help manage the local Protectorate, Wards, alongside with her other duties as PRT Director weren't enough... she now had to explain the absence of the Boat Graveyard. It had been something out of left field, something that she hadn't managed to understand. The Boat Graveyard was something that would have taken years if not decades to get rid of. And with the state of Brockton Bay, the city didn't have the resources to get rid of such a thing.

So Emily had deduced it to be something that a cape had done. But which cape? The Protectorate wouldn't do something like that without at least consulting her first (and it would have taken longer than a single night for them to get rid of it), New Wave didn't have the resources, and none of the current cape gangs within the city had seen the Boat Graveyard as something other than useless territory that they could claim.

Already, Emily had assigned a team of thinkers to try understanding the problem. She had also had the former Boat Graveyard declared off-limits and sent Armsmaster and Miss Milita there to see if they could find any clues. She had also tried to see if there were any security cameras near that location and, once again, wished she had the budget to implement such surveillance.


When Armsmaster and Miss Milita had returned, they had returned with only a few clues. A few scraps of metal that had looked like something had taken a bite out of them, pictures of areas that had seemed burned, and half-washed away footprints.

Animal footprints.

For a moment, Emily had remembered the disastrous mission she had been assigned when she was merely a PRT field agent. Nillbog. The monstrous cape with the ability to create living, monstrous organisms. The creatures that had attacked her, that she had barely escaped from, and of what they had done to her.

'No. Never again.' Emily thought. This new cape's intentions might have been benign, but she wouldn't take that chance. 'I won't allow another Nillbog. Not in this city.'

A/N: Author's Note: Yes, it is a Lilo and Stitch/Worm Crossover. Or at least the idea for one. It wouldn't stop bugging me. If I continued this, it would be in snippets. Like the ABB getting taken down by Drowsy... or Leviathan fighting off Sprout and Short Stuff. Or Ploot and Felix cleaning up the streets... Or Shush, Noisy, and Snafu working against Coil.