But I will give you an explanation for the reason I was gone.

A good friend of mine passed away in her sleep. She was sixteen years old and she was absolutely beautiful, bright, and joyful. Her laugh would light up a room and she was so passionate about volleyball. She didn't deserve to pass, she had a life to live. She wanted to be a 4K teacher, and let me tell you- she would've made a fantastic one. So in honor of this amazing girl, I dedicate this chapter to her. We love you K.


P.S. Sorry, my writing/grammar is going to suck. I'm really not motivated, but I wanted to get something out there.

Beck helped Jade slowly walk back to the car. Jade's hand shook and she laid it on the back of the seat to help herself onto it. She stared past Beck wondering how the hell someone could be this severely deranged. She grasped Beck's right hand as his other one ran up and down her arm with a soothing pace.

"Beck!" Beck looked up to look at his best friend.

"Robbie and I are going to go into the house and look around, see if there's any other clues. The girls are going to stay here." Beck nodded, barely registering what they were telling him. He brought his hand away from Jade's arm to rub his temple. He just wanted to bully this guy into leaving them- Jade- alone. He was so sick of this bullshit.

"Beck?" He looked up, startled at how softly Jade had spoke. All the power in her voice had left and was replaced with a soft, almost frightened Jade. It shouldn't have ever even come out of her. She was never like this. She was always the strong, overbearing, hot headed girl, not the frightened girl who had been so worn down that she couldn't be herself anymore. He was so angry with himself that he ever let him touch her- get near her- He was so angry with everything.

"Beck?" Jade repeated, slightly louder this time. Beck snapped back into reality and replied,

"Yeah?" He positioned himself next to her so she could lean on him.

"Why?" Jade closed her eyes and laid her head in the crook of his neck. Beck repositioned his hands to cradle her into his side.

"I don't know Jade. I just don't know."

"BECK. JADE! Get in here now!" Beck and Jade popped off the seat in a flash and ran for the house. They scrambled up the stairs and into the room of the youngest Vega. Jade looked up to see Tori holding a small yellow envelope in the middle of a black ring on the floor.

"What the hell?" Beck walked over to her and took the small piece of paper out of her hand. He tore it open and slowly pulled out a small square of black paper.

He turned it around only to see one beautifully written word on it.


"Think we should?" Andre asked as his hand slipped into Tori's.

Cat answered by being the first one out the door with Robbie at her heels.

"Probably." Beck answered after shoving Jade towards the door. They sprinted down the stairs at top speed and back into their cars and tried starting the engines. Every one of the cars stalled.

"No! Start! Please! Just start!" Jade slammed her fist onto the console as tears ran down her face.

Tori spoke from the backseat, "G-Guys. I- I think we have more pressing issues to focus on."

She raised her hand to point outside of her window. Several figures draped in black were floating towards them. Jade gasped and momentarily stopped breathing. That wasn't possible. People needed to walk on the ground- they can't just float wherever they please.

One of the figures paused 5 feet away from Tori's window and raised it's hand.

Andre saw the black tip of a gun slip out from underneath the black fabric. He pushed Tori down and yelled,


All Jade could hear was gun shots ringing through her ears and Beck slamming the keys forward, trying to force his car to start.

Cat and Robbie had already left, not realizing their friend's car did not start. So as they drove at 70mph, they never heard a single gunshot.

Jade screamed out in agony as a bullet ripped through her shoulder. Blood seeped everywhere and Jade's head lulled to the side, passing out from shock.

"NO!" Beck slammed his foot down praying for his car to produce a miracle. Unfortunately, whatever happened next- Beck never saw. All he saw was complete darkness and all her felt was searing pain. But the only thought that floated through his head was,

'Protect Jade'

Again, sorry it sucked. I swear I do not normally write this bad but I'm just in a terrible mood. If you guys want to review that would be absolutely splendid! Please leave feedback!

Also! - I want everyone to leave a comment on what they think is going to happen next, I honestly think no one will get it. If someone actually gets this… you're brilliant man. Please review! I love you all so much. Thank you for staying tuned. 3

~ Ginny