Thanks for all the reviews :)

Chapter 11

Several hours later she knocked on Jane's door and when it was opened she held the pill for Jane.

Jane got up from bed.

"Oh god, thank you, Maura." Jane said and took the pill out of Maura's hands and swallowed it immediatly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said and wrapped her arms around her.

"You saved my life." She said and kissed Maura.

Maura half smiled. What the pill represented to her was the fact that Jane had let a man touch her. She bit her lip and forced herself to smile again.

"You're welcome," she said softly and then pulled the door shut.

Many hours later, Maura knocked. It was almost 1am.

Jane had been asleep by that time but woke up as she heard the knocking.

"Yes?" She asked drowsily and forced herself to open her eyes. She glanced at the clock that read 1AM and sighed a little. She hoped it was Maura.

Maura stood in the hall with her cell phone and she stepped inside once Jane opened the door for her. She smiled a bit and then set her phone down on the nightstand before she climbed into Jane's bed. She covered herself up and then watched Jane in silence.

Jane snnuggled up to Maura and closed her eyes.

"Thank you so much again for getting me the pill-after...I feel so much better now." The brunette whispered and placed a kiss on Maura's chest.

"Are you mad at me?" She whispered.

Maura's eyes flickered at Jane's words and the soft kiss to her chest. She shrugged.

"No, not that mad," she said and looked up at the dark ceiling. She sighed heavily and then looked to Jane.

"I hate you a little less..."

Jane smiled at her a bit.

"Do you want make you feel good again?" Jane offered and stroke her fingers through Maura's blonde silky hair. Her hand went from her hair down to Maura's breast and cupped it gently.

Maura's eyes followed to where Jane's hand now rested and she half smiled.

"Point you want to make me feel good or is it just because you feel bad that you slept with a boy that you want to make me feel good. I want you to want me...the right way," she said and lifted Jane's hand from her breast as she sat up. Maura pulled her tank top from her body.

Jane looked into Maura's eyes.

"Both." She told her honestly and leaned over and kissed her lips.

"I...regret that I did it, knowing it hurt you. I don't regret the experience, you know. But I regret also being so dumb and let him do it without protection." Jane sighed and moved over to Maura, stradling her lap, kissing her lips again.

Maura's eyes followed Jane's movements and now she looked into them as the girl straddled her lap. Maura swallowed and melted as Jane kissed her. She wanted to possess the girl in all the ways someone could be possessed. She just wanted that. Maura started to kiss Jane back and whispered against her lips.


Jane smiled and lowered her face, starting to kiss and suck on her nipples. She inhaled deeply and let one of her hands run between them and pushed into Maura's panties. Jane shifted on Maura's lips and made her lie down underneath her.

Maura fell back to the bed, but continued to watch Jane. She swallowed and gasped silently as Jane touched her between her legs. Everything was tossed out the window now. Jane touched her and that was all that mattered. She was Jane's as much as Jane's was hers.

Jane parted Maura's thighs as she pushed her knees in between them. She kissed her way from her breasts, down over her belly and eventually her mouth was between her legs. She started to flick her tongue over the little bud a couple of times before she begun sucking it.

The sound that Maura made proved to Jane that she was doing it right. Maura's hips also lifted slightly at the pleasure of Jane's mouth between her legs and she started to moan in bliss. This was her heaven. "My god..."

While Jane kept on sucking and gently biting into Maura's sensitive bud, her fingers started to play with the entrance of her sex, teasing her a bit, until she eventually pushed two fingers slowly inside her. She pushed as far as her fingers would go and then curled them, searching for the g-spot again. Once she found it, she started to rub against it.

The g-spot started to swell against Jane's fingers almost instantly and Maura groaned at the feeling of Jane inside of her. Her sex vibrated around the fingers that pushed inside of her. However, what was really getting to her, was the way that Jane sucked at her clit. She rolled her lower body in growing ache.

"Mmmmm... oooooh god...uuhhh."

Jane circled her tongue around her sex a couple of times, until she put the bud back between her lips and continued to suck on it. She rubbed her fingertips harder against her swollen g-spot, determined to give the blonde the sweet release her body was searching for.

When it would hit would hit her hard. She felt the orgasm trickle up her spine and then slam into her sex. She experienced several one after the other and it left her breathless and writhing in such heated bliss. She held her chest as she breathed deeply.

"Oh I really that..."

Jane smiled and slowly pulled her fingers out. She licked them clean before she moved up to kiss Maura's sweet lips. She smiled softly and then lied down beside her, wrapping an arm around her stomach.

"What about now? A lil less mad now?"

Maura truned her head to look at Jane in the darkness. "A little more less mad," she said and Jane could make out Maura soft smile. She cuddled to Jane and held her close, protectively possessive.

"I don't hate could I."

"I always thought hating me comes pretty easy to you." Jane whispered as she held onto the blonde.

"I want you to know that uh, if I had known how you...feel about all this, I wouldn't have slept with someone else..." The brunette said.

"How would that have changed anything Jane? You said you wanted to know how it felt. Whether I wanted you to or not," she said flatly and sighed in the darkness.

Stacy woke up alone in Maura's bed. She blinked and looked around, then slowly got up. "Maura?"

"I don't really understand Jane..." Maura said.

Jane shrugged her shoulders.

"Easy. I would have waited until we lost interest in eachother and had tried it then." The brunette said.

"I know you haven't had sex with a guy before but lemme tell you is so much better with a girl." Jane said smiling.

"I still feel sore between my legs."

Maura winced and shuddered at the thought.

"I don't even want to think about it...ugg gross," she said and then paused.

"Wait what? Lose interest? God Jane do you really think I would lose interest in you? Really?"

"Why? Don't you think you ever will?" The brunette asked her curious and looked at her, stroking over Maura's flat stomach inhaled Maura's sweet perfume and she had missed it. Truly missed it.

"No," she said flatly and stared at Jane in the darkness as she touched her stomach slowly. Maura shrugged,

"I won't. I can't think of any reason why I would. I want you all the time. Sex, mind, body, soul..."

"Wow..." Jane just whispered as Maura answered without hesitation. She smiled at her and moved up to kiss her lips again.

"Will you stay here tonight or do you have to go over to Stacy again?" The brunette wanted to know.

"She is asleep...I will stay here...and just get up in the morning...besides...god she snores..." Maura groaned and rolled to her side.

"I locked the door...we are safe..." she added and scooted closer to Jane, finally closing her eyes.

Jane had to giggle as Maura told her that Stacy was snoring.

"Alright..." She said and pulled a blanket over them.

"Goodnight Maur." She whispered and closed her eyes, enjoying her closeness.

Maura nuzzled close to Jane and kissed her nose, before snuggling down into Jane's body and closed her eyes. Stacy was out in the hall.

"Maura?" She said and hearing nothing, just went back into her room and crawled back into bed.

The next day Jane awoke before Maura, like she usually did and smiled at her. She woke her up and send her over to her room before Stacy would wake up. Jane went down to have breakfast and on her way up, she ran into Tony in the hall, almost in front of Maura's room.

"Before you say anything...I took care of our problem. Maura bought me the morning-after-pill and I took it..." Jane told him.

Tony blinked and looked at Jane. He was a nice young man and Jane could see that he still felt bad about what had happened. Maura had just shut her door again from doing something out in the hall when she heard Jane talking to someone.

She opened the door just a bit and her eyes widened in horror. It was Tony...Jane had slept with her cousin.

"Maura bought it for me...but don't worry, I didn't tell her it was you." Jane said and smiled at him a bit and then sighed.

"Uh, Patrick's waiting for you downstairs... I see you around." The brunette said and passed Maura's door without realising it was a bit open, and dissapeared in her own room again, closing the door behind her.

"Jane how could you! Tony of all people! Tony!" She said at Jane's door not more than a second after Jane had shut it. Maura wasn't angry...she was devasted. She just looked at Jane in disbelief...

"Tom maybe...but Tony!"

Jane spun around and looked at her.

" just happened Maura. I didn't plan on this to happen, you gotta believe me. I never meant to hurt you." The brunette said.

"I already told you yesterday that I did a dumb mistake...what else do you want me to say?"

"Fucking dumb mistake! God Jane...I will give you everything you ever wanted and Tony? He just wanted sex. He is a nice guy...but he is a loser..." she said and sighed, pacing the room before Jane. She wiped a tear from her cheek. She was just upset...hurt and devastated.

"Maura...I already said I was sorry yesterday. I don't want him, I told you I like sex with a girl so much better. I like sex with you so much better. I am not going to sleep with him again." Jane said and stopped Maura by grabbing her arm.

"Please Maura, you have to believe me. I have no intentions of being with Tony. I wanna be with you." Jane said.

"I don't know if I can believe that now. I leave for a day for a few hours no less and you fuck my cousin. God I am soo stupid to want you...I am such a stupid girl to want you..." Maura said over and over again, looking into Jane's eyes.

Jane slapped Maura's cheek, not hard, but hard enough to get her attention.

"Stop it! You're talking like I was cheating on you! But I didn't know how you felt about me! Yes, I was stupid for sleeping with your cousin but I didn't do it to hurt you." Jane said and pressed her lips against her.

"I want you! I want you, Maura! Be my girlfriend. I officially ask you to be my girlfriend and accept me with my flaws. I am not perfect and neither are you...but in a twisted way I think we are perfect for eachother, we complete eachother. So stop the whining and tell me how you want things to be between us!"

Maura was floored by Jane's words and the slap to her face. It stung beautifully as she stood there and then Jane kissed her. Her eyes widened as Jane offered to be her girlfriend. She was stunned. They were perfect for one another...Jane knew it now and nothing made Maura happier.

"You want me...just me...forever... Because if that's the case...I will forgive your mistakes...and take you as my girlfriend...forever..."

Jane thought that forever was a strong word but she wanted to try it with the blonde. Jane smiled at her and cupped her face.

"Okay...this means we are officially together now...if you treat me the way you treated me before, I will break up." Jane threatened.

"No rumors, no name callings, no trying to humiliate me...and so on. Got it?" The brunette said. "You have to treat me better...just like a girlfriend should treat her girlfriend."

Maura agreed with Jane that very moment of that day and five years later, they still were together.


Thanks for reading!

I wrote so many with my friend already, I shall upload a new one pretty soon.