This is a little…one-shot drabble thing I wanted to write for quite a while now.

Disclaimer: …This is a disclaimer. As in I say I don't own anything.

Rima smiled evilly. She glared at the pink-haired girl before her.

"Are you ready to suffer?"

"…" The pinkette could only tremble in fear.

Rima's smile widened. "Prepare for the worst, Amu…"

She took out her knife, and swung. Amu screamed. The color of red was spread all over. Rima was not going to give into mercy. Amu deserved this. She swung again and again, until finally her work was finished.

Rima gave the slice the bread, now coated with strawberry jam, to Amu. "Eat this. NOW."

Amu just gave her and the food a look of disgust. "Ugh, Rima, you know how much I hate strawberry jam!"

Rima merely rolled her eyes. "That's what you get for siding with Nagihiko when the two of us were arguing."

Amu laughed nervously. "Right… What were you guys arguing about again?"

"Nice try, Amu," Rima said, "But you're still eating this."

Amu took the slice of bread, and reluctantly sank her teeth in, making her first bite. "Rima, I honestly wonder at times why we're best friends."

Rima just smiled innocently in return.

Heh. Smile. ;P

R & R!