Author's Note

Hello, my fellow fanfiction fanatics. Yes, I know what some of you out there might be thinking…Oh, good grief! ANOTHER officer romance story? Well, before you click the "back button," I just wanted to make a promise to all of you. This ain't your regular Titanic drabble. The idea for this fanfic popped into my head one fateful night - exactly 100 years after the ship's unfortunate encounter with the wretched iceberg. The first two chapters came to me in a dream, and well, everything after that was history. The story is written in the first person of various characters. Ninety percent of the time, it'll most likely be in the POV of the two main characters, but I created a couple more perspectives to add to the overall excitement. Of course, as this is "Fanfiction," not everything in the story will be entirely accurate. Yes, I'm well aware of the fact that the real officer Lowe was already engaged when he boarded the Titanic. However, in my marvelous imagination of mayhem and chaos, I visualize things rather…differently. But don't worry, I will make sure that as many things as possible are factually correct.

This story truly means a lot to me. Gracious, I feel as if I've been raising a child. Titanic has practically become my second family. *sniffle* I can only hope that you lovely folk will enjoy the journey just as much as I did! Keep your heads up for weekly updates. I can assure you, there will be approximately 50-70 chapters within this entire work.

Well, enough of my ramblings! 'Tis time to set sail!

Disclaimer: I do not own Titanic. Goodness, I couldn't possibly own something so grand!

~In Memory

Of my beloved Jamie watching from above

And all those who lost their lives that fateful April night~

Chapter 1

Jamie Anderson's POV

I ran.

That's all that I could do.

Fighting against the fatigue exploding through my joints, I forced my feet to move.

To get away.

To escape.

I wouldn't let THEM hurt me anymore.

The images of darkened cobblestones blurred around me. Without a doubt, the bleeding cut above my eye was causing the impairment.

Looking around for a place to hide, I crossed a deserted street. Maybe once, just once, someone would appear. Similar to those fantastical fairy tales, a dashing young knight in uniform would gallop to my aid, showering me with all the love that the world has denied showing me for the past eighteen years of life as I've known it to be. But of course, my savior never showed. No one ever did.

I was merely Jamie Anderson. I was a nobody. I didn't deserve the attention of others. Why should I?




That's all what I've ever heard from others.

And I wholeheartedly believed them.

Another throbbing ache coursed through my ankle. Apprehensively, I lifted my dress to reveal a swollen disfigurement. I touched the tender, pale skin, wincing slightly.

Note to self #77: Using your foot to kick your way out of a window isn't exactly a smart idea.

I collapsed into my own protective stance, resorting to burying my face in my knees. Blood stained my already decrepit and ragged dress.

Well, who said life would ever be fair?

Life is similar to a roller coaster of ups and downs. However, in my case, it was only filled with downs. I was spiraling to my imminent and unavoidable demise.

I swear, I could already hear the faint sounds of an angelic choir approaching.

As I fruitlessly tried to fight back a montage of tears threatening to give way, a mysterious smell descended upon me.

It was sublime.

It was simply divine.

It was the smell of the sea.

My sole shelter and home.

I warily stood, limping to its source. After a few quick turns, I approached a clearing.

Hello, old friend.

I could feel a sigh of relief slither across my lips.

A gentle breeze wound its way through my messy, brunette tangle. In all its glory, I could see the placid lapping of the waves. The seagulls flying overhead. The moon shining luminously above.

I honestly thought that I had died that night. Could a place this beautiful still possibly exist? It must be Heaven.

Closing my eyes, I lay upon the damp ground. Never had I felt more at peace.