Author's Note: This is the epilogue to my story, Bright Lights. You probably will not understand these if you haven't read that story. So I recommend that you do. Or you know, give it a go.

Upcoming chapters will be Madge and Gale, Prim and Rory, Katniss and Peeta, and a bonus chapter!

"Annie, sumrns hrrr tsheey."

I looked up from the small ship I was playing with to see my housekeeper, Mags, staring at me kindly from the door. Ever since she suffered a mild stroke three years ago, I was the only one who could understand her anymore. And ever since he left me, she was the only one who could understand me. "Who is it, Mags?"

She just smiled at me and opened the door a little wider. Oh. My. God.

"Annie, please talk to me."

I turned my back on him, closed my eyes and covered my ears with my hands. I didn't want to listen to him. I promised myself I would never see him again, much less speak to him again. But Mags locked us in here and he's blocking the door.

I flinched and opened my eyes when I felt him touch me. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as he gently pulled my hands from my ears. Oh my god, I thought. He's here, in front of me, looking at me. I shut my eyes tightly. I didn't want to see his beautiful face anymore.

"Annie, Annie, I am so sorry," he pleaded as he held on to my hands. "Please talk to me. Annie, I'm begging you. I am so incredibly sorry for what I did."

I opened my eyes slowly. I know he was waiting for me to speak. But I wasn't going to give him that. He broke my heart into a million pieces. I needed more than a fucking apology before I spoke to him. I watched him watch me. He sighed and looked out the window. He took a deep breath then looked back at me.

"Okay, you won't talk to me, I get it," he said slowly. "I'll talk. You should know why I did what I did." I watched him hesitate. His face crumpled in pain. When he spoke again, it was in a broken whisper. "I was almost there, Ann. I was making a record; I was going to go on tour. My dream, it was within reach. I had you. My life was perfect."

I wanted to cover my ears again as I listened to him talk but he held my hands firmly in his. I shook my head and closed my eyes instead. This was my own personal hell. I didn't want to listen to him anymore. I wanted to run to the door but I knew he wouldn't let me.

"They made me stop seeing you."

I opened my eyes in shock. He had to be lying. He was making excuses for leaving me, I know it. Why would the company even care about our relationship? And did he really think I didn't see the news? No matter how much Mags tried to hide it from me, I saw it. He was out and about a week after he dumped me. He went out with bimbo after bimbo. I watched him date that brunette from his recent tour and abandon her. I bet he broke her heart too.

"I know it's unbelievable, Annie," he continued, watching me intently. "I didn't believe them when they told me to break things off with you either." His voice took on a hard edge. "Apparently, the fans liked me too much. I stopped selling records when they found out I wasn't single. And when they found out they would be competing with a famous swimmer, it all just went to hell." He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I was starting to understand what happened. But it didn't really change anything. He broke my heart when he left. He broke me. I couldn't understand why he didn't tell me when these things were happening to him. Didn't he trust me then?

"The company told me to stop seeing you." He stopped talking and swallowed. His face crumpled in pain as he studied my impassive face. "The company told me to stop seeing you," he repeated. "They said they would drop me from the label. I wouldn't have done it, I wouldn't have cared. I mean, if people wanted to see me and hear me so bad, I wouldn't need the label. But then they said they could blacklist me. Stop any other label from signing me. They even threatened to stop radios from playing any songs I released on my own."

"It was either you or my dream. So I did it, Ann. I chose my dream. I broke up with you. I broke your heart. I watched you break and I just wanted to take it all back right then. But I was—I was too selfish. Later, I told myself I would make it better. Once I was good enough, famous enough that the label wouldn't be able to control me, I would come back and explain things and maybe try to win you back."

I graced him with a withering look at these words. There was a faint smirk on his face at my small reaction. I guess he could see that I was listening and that just maybe, he was getting to me. It disappeared as soon as he decided to proceed.

"Or maybe just beg for your forgiveness. I reached that point more than a year ago. I wanted to come back and talk to you. I even called Mags to ask if she thought that would be a good idea," he said, the faint smile coming back. "But from what I could decipher from her speech, it wouldn't have been. I guess I imagined—no, hoped—that you were still trying to get over me. However selfish it was, it gave me something to hold on to. I mean, if you were still thinking about me, then maybe I still had a chance. But even if I thought you would welcome me back with open arms, I couldn't come back. I was too ashamed of myself. I didn't want to have to explain to you what I did."

He let go of me and stood up. I watched him walk to the window. I didn't close my eyes or cover my ears anymore. I just watched him, as quiet as ever.

"It's funny. That crazy, stubborn, scowly brunette from the tour was the one who told me to talk to you. I basically trashed her relationship, albeit accidentally, but she gave me the courage to talk to you. I realized I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't—you didn't know." He turned around and faced me, his face showing slight surprise that I was looking at him willingly. "I'm so sorry Annie. I should have told you this before. I just knew you would be your beautiful outspoken self and tell everyone what was happening. I'm so sorry. I had everything I ever wanted and I realized it could all go to hell if I only I could have you back."

"I love you, Annie. I always will. I understand completely if you never want to talk to me again. But I know we both need closure." He hesitated as he walked to the door. "I'll always love you, Ann."

He opened the door as a tear rolled down my cheek. I realized how much I missed him. I realized that I only needed an explanation from him. It was so confusing when he broke up with me. I didn't understand it and the suddenness of it all. But I had to admit I still loved him. When I cried myself to sleep, it was because I missed having Finnick's strong arms around me. When I stared blankly into space, it was because I was thinking about him smiling at me. "Thank you, Finnick," I said hoarsely but gently. "Thank you for explaining. I needed that."

He turned around, ignoring Mags who was apparently camped outside my door listening to us. He smiled his beautiful smile which lit up his handsome face. "You're welcome, Annie," he said softly. "I'll be seeing you."

"Shtrryy. I msummmdnnr. Arrnns fffvrttt," Mags spoke up. Finnick looked at me helplessly and I had to giggle.

"She said she made dinner. My favorite," I translated for him. "She wants you to stay."

Finnick's face was serious as he looked at me. "Do you want me to stay?"

A million emotions and images rushed through me. Our first kiss, the first time he told me he loved me, the first time he held me, the first time we slept beside each other. Only one word came to mind when he asked that question.
