Here's the final chapter. It's been fun. I'm not a great writer but I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to take ideas you like and run with them. Thanks for the reviews. (And I would say vanity is why Laura did not wear her glasses at the wedding adama-roslinlove)

"Where have you guys been?" Laura called from the dining room as she heard the front door slam shut. "People are going to start arriving any minute."

"Sorry Mom," Faith apologized throwing her backpack on the couch and dropping her bags on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Laura asked mortified. "I just finished cleaning. Put that stuff upstairs."

"In a minute," Faith replied scouring through her backpack.

"Hera?" Laura greeted confused as she noticed her daughter's friend entering the room.

"Hi Aunt Laura."

"Does your mother know you're here?"

Hera quickly exchanged glances with Faith.

"Call your mother and let her know you're here," Laura instructed. "And tell her they don't need to bring ice."

"Thanks for holding the door Faith," Bill said struggling with piles of cardboard and art supplies.

"Sorry Daddy."

"Don't you dare put that on table William Adama," Laura threatened as she watched her husband clutter her table and reach for a stuffed mushroom. "Those are for our guests. What is wrong with you two? You were suppose to help me set up for the party."

"She insisted I take her to the store," Bill replied with a full mouth as he pointed out the culprit.

"She's 14 so I don't think she drove herself. And why did you pick up Hera from school? We made a deal that if any of us take both girls we let the other parent know," Laura scolded moving the material from the table and carrying it to Faith.

"They told me it was fine."

"She was coming over tonight anyway. We figured a little earlier wouldn't make a difference," Faith explained.

Exasperated by an all too frequent argument. Laura decided to skip it today. "What is all of this?"

"Campaign material. I'm running for president of the underclassmen. We need to make posters to hang around campus. I want to get started right away. Plus Kara will be here and I want her to help with the design."

"Not today. Tonight we are celebrating and you - and Hera - agreed to watch the kids," Laura reminded.

"Mommm," Faith whined.

"Put it upstairs. You can work on it tomorrow. Kara lives 40 minutes away. She can help another day."

"Can't I put it on the sunporch. It'll be out of the way and the kids can help," Faith begged glasping her hands together and walking over to Bill. "Please Daddy."

Bill looked from his wide eyed auburn haired daughter to his fire eyed auburn haired wife. "Keep everything on the porch, don't bug Kara and make sure you keep an eye on the kids," Bill said avoiding Laura's glare. "And after you clean up here you help with whatever Mom needs you to do."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Faith squealed wrapping her arms around Bill's neck. "Come on Hera. Help me set up headquarters."

"Thank you dear. It's always nice to have your unconditional support," Laura said moving closely by her husband.

"I thought you'd appreciate my support for her presidency considering 15 years ago today I made the mistake of not supporting yours."

Laura shook her head, a smile slowly spreading across her face. "Liar. She has you wound so tightly around her finger she could ask you to do anything and you'd tell her yes."

"Like mother, like daughter," Bill replied giving her a kiss.

"Hello, hello, hello," Ellen's voice rang through the house.

"We're in here."

"This place smells delicious," Saul announced heading straight for the buffet spread in the dining room. "Ahhh stuffed mushrooms."

"Fritz is going to arrest you two for child abduction," Bill laughed watching his friend inspect the food, a small blonde girl wrapped around his neck. "Hello Gale."

"You're just jealous I ended up with Galactica," Saul teased kissing the girl's cheek.

"We didn't steal her. Caprica and the boys are behind us," Ellen assured.

"Nanny, Nanny look at what I found!" Julius shouted racing towards Ellen with a large sunflower in his hand. "For you."

"Thank you, sweetie," Ellen said accepting the flower and brushing the boys hair out of his face. "It's perfect. Let's see if Uncle Bill can find us a vase."

"Boys take your shoes off before you walk through the house," Caprica hopelessly pleaded watching her sons trample through the house, prints of dirt following their every move.

"It's fine Caprica," Laura assured giving her a hug. "What's a cabin in the woods without some dirt?"

"Ok Liam find out where Aunt Laura wants you to put the vegetables," Gauis instructed handing his son the picnic basket.

"You can put it in the kitchen. Your Papa and Uncle Bill are supposed to be starting the grill," Laura said clearing her throat loudly.

"We're waiting on Lee to get here with the meat," Bill reminded.

"Lee's pulling in now Dad!" Faith yelled from the porch. "So's Kara!"

"Do not bug Kara about your drawings Faith!" Laura called after her daughter watching her race out the house and towards the cars.

"Kara!" Faith greeted enthusiastically. "Guess what?"

"What's up girlie?" Kara asked with a grin. "Sam grab the wine. Kaycee put on your sweater I don't want your sniffles turning into a cold."

"Mama," Kaycee moaned reluctantly grabbing her sweater from the car.

"Enjoy that while it lasts," Laura called from Lee's car. "In a couple years she's not going to take the sweater. Hi Buddy," she said helping the young boy out of his carseat.

"Hi Grandma Laura," Ben greeted wrapping his arms around Laura's neck.

"Hey Kara could you bring in the wine and we steal Sam to help with the cooler?" Dee asked watching her husband struggle with bulky container.

"You heard her Sam?" Kara asked pointing her husband in the opposite direction. "Hey, Tatianna I've got something I hear you've been looking for," she said pulling a doll out of her bag.

"Lydia!" Tatianna squealed in delight reclaiming her doll. "Mama look!"

"See. I told her you'd find her," Dee replied shutting the car doors.

"Hey Zak I want a rematch today," Sam called out to the oldest boy as he helped Lee carry the container towards the house. "My knee was acting up last time."

"Excuses Anders?" Lee chided. "The ex-pro losing to a ten year old is a little too much eh? My boy is the next league superstar. Right Zak?"

"I'm going to be an Archer All-Star!" Zak proclaimed proudly.

"Hera Agathon!" Athena yelled from end of the driveway. "You are in so much trouble!"

"Run!" Hera cried out to Faith at the sound of her mother's voice. Giggling the girls took off for the backyard closely followed by Tatianna and Kaycee.

"Wait for me!" Sophia cried slamming the door and racing after her sister.

Karl shook his head as he watched his daughters run away. "We can send the boys after them. You guys want to bug your sister?" he asked the young boys standing at his side.

"Yeah!" Damian and Alex gleefully exclaimed.

"Have fun boys. Take the Baltars and Adamas with you for re-enforcement."

"Good hunting boys," Bill called from the deck as he held his hand up to greet the latest guests.

"Sorry about today," Laura apologized to Athena letting Ben down so he could join his friends. "I reminded Bill that those girls can't be trusted but..."

"It's fine," Athena assured rolling her eyes. "Karl would have done the same thing. I got the message about ice. And I brought the pies."

Laura sat around the campfire and smiled at what she saw. Sitting outside of her dream home, the sound of the babbling stream close by and stars illuminating the sky she could not imagine a more perfect setting to be surrounded by her family.

Cuddling closer to her husband Laura brushed strands of hair away from Faith's face as the girl laid sleeping with her head resting on her lap. Looking up at her stepson and his wife with their three children she noticed Faith was not the only sleeper in the group.

It was good that the children were sleeping because the Tighs could never manage to keep their hands to themselves in the dark. As she tried to ignore Ellen's hushed giggles, Laura sat amazed by their friendship. She clearly remembered loathing the woman in a past life and now she couldn't imagine spending a Saturday night away from the couple.

Then there were the other blondes in her life. Her former enemies - now her neighbors and friends. Caprica had become a surrogate daughter for Ellen and Kara had become hers. With Faith entering a rebellious and combative teenage stage, Laura relied increasingly on her relationship with the former viper pilot. Kara was the sounding board for both mother and daughter and was often called upon to diffuse arguments.

Rounding out the group was the Agathons. Laura learned that Faith and Hera had been best friends on earth and it was of little surprise that they were just as close on Caprica. With the past clearly behind them, Laura and Athena bonded over the exasperation of parenting stubborn, conspiring teenagers with little disciplinary support of their fathers.

"I'd like to make a toast," Laura said clearing her throat and lifting her mug of hot cider. "15 years ago today we had an adventure of a lifetime. And after that lifetime we were given a second chance and told to not frakk it up. I think we've done ok," Laura took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I'm grateful for each and every one of you. I love you dearly and I'm so glad we're here to spend this day together. Here's to another 15 years."

"So say we all."