Summary: It's the yearly meeting between the Greek and Egyption Gods. The gods can choose up to two demigods/magicians to bring. Just as they are starting the meeting, two books appear out of nowhere, and a note says they must read them.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.

No One's POV:

None of the gods really liked the meetings. But they had to. They had to share news of what has happened and going to happen and blah, blah, blah, blah.

Zeus stalked forward, Poseidon a little bit behind him and off the the right. The same with Hades, but off to the left.

Percy trailed after his dad. Nico was doing the same too. Athena was right behind them, with Hera right behind Zeus. Everyone else was trailing behind Athena.

No one seemed too happy, with bored expressions, angry expressions, depressed expressions, basically anything but happy.

Only the chosen demigods/magicians were excited. This being their first time and everything.

They all sat down at their thrones, and it was dead silent.

...Until Percy and Nico started whispering to each other quietly.

Carter and Sadie stared at the two demigods. Both were thinking about how their gods had said it was forbidden to go over the boudries. They now wondered if it was because it was Greek territory.

Before anyone could actually speak, a sickening CRACK! sounded. Smoke quickly engulfed the room. And as suddenly as it had all started, it was gone, leaving a package in the middle of the floor.

Zeus glared at Hermes.

"I thought I told you- NO PACKAGES!"

"It's not for me. I didn't do anything." Hermes replied quietly.

The Kanes and all the gods watched as Percy strolled up to the package. The boy sat anext to it and ripped it open. A note fell out...

Dear Everyone,

I have sent these two books from the future and the past for you to read. I want you to understand each other better. You will not be allowed to leave until you finish the books.



When Percy finished reading, he picked up two books.

"Hey, can we read mine first? I mean, I'm not totally psyched that you can hear all of my thoughts, but seriously. Please?" He grinned at the end.

All the gods nodded.

He walked over to where he had been sitting, next to Nico.

He opened the book, and began to read...