Harry Potter, Lord of Darkness

Chapter 1

Sorry, but the story you're currently reading has mentions of incestual underage gay rape scenes. I will try not to go into too much detail for those particular scenes, however. There are descriptions of physical abuse as well. I will record others as they pop up.

If anything like this offends you, I apologise, but hopefully you noticed my warnings. I will tolerate flames unless they mention dislikes about the darker themes of this story, considering the forewarning given.

20 years in the future

A very thin, ragged man ran for his life through the streets of London, barely able to see from the light of the setting sun in his eyes. He crashed into a couple pedestrians, themselves hurriedly making their way down the road, likely trying to get home before the country-wide curfew. The two men, while malnourished, were much bulkier than the man, and they began to scream at him. The man hurriedly apologised and ran away, ducking into an alleyway. Apparently, he knew it well, because he went clear to the end and knocked on a couple bricks, then dashed through the opening that appeared in the wall. The patrons of this alley were quite unlike those on the other roads the man had run down. He swallowed his initial distaste at their fanciful appearance and optimistic behaviour whilst the rest of Britain was in a state of panic, starving and poor.

As loudly as he could manage, gasping for breath as he was, he called out, begging for help. A few of the people in the alley looked up and noticed him, pointing and staring, speaking in hushed whispers that the man couldn't make out. He called out again. "Please, someone, help me! He's after me! He won't let me go!" At this point, the man fell to the ground, too exhausted to continue any further, and began weeping softly. Those on this alley suddenly began to realize something. A few, dressed more practically than the rest on the street, drew out their wands, and started yelling instructions for those in the alley and shops to get out as quickly as possible. The majority cleared out quickly, simply vanishing from the spot, but a few ran into the shops. A very small minority of the people here remained after only a minute, and almost all of them were the ones who had reacted the most quickly- the wizard police, the man could not remember their name. The alley was quiet. Suddenly, the glass from the windows of the shops exploded into the alley, raining on all those remaining. A few of them, the ragged man included, were unable to hold in their screams.

A thin man of average height, with white hair, wearing a sleeveless black cloak, which looked rather like a trench coat, stood now in the middle of the alley, the wizard police between him and his target. The ragged man stood shakily, and began to stumble his way out of the alley. He heard shouts of nonsense words and saw splashes of light fly past him, then just as suddenly as this all began, it was over. He heard a chilling voice from right behind him, a voice he knew well. "Face me," it said. He turned to face this dreadful monster, and looked directly into its ruby red eyes. "G- go ahead," he said, mustering all the courage he could find left inside him. "Kill me."

The monster tilted its head to one side, an oddly human expression, and replied, a grin on its pale face, with two simple words. "Not yet."


"You're a freak, and you're going to be treated like one," Vernon Dursley growled as he locked Harry Potter, almost completely nude, in handcuffs from both his arms and his legs to his poor excuse for a bed. Harry resisted for a moment, but Vernon smacked Harry across the face with the back of his palm. "Shut up, freak!" He roared at his nephew. Harry whimpered but followed the orders he was given, and didn't say a word, nor did he move a muscle as the restraints were tightened, allowing him next to no freedom of motion. He couldn't stop the tear from rolling down his cheek, but quickly turned his head so his uncle wouldn't see it. After making sure Harry wouldn't be able to move, Vernon left the room, closing and locking the door behind himself. Harry could hear the conversation through the walls, but he couldn't quite make it out. He wished desperately that he could control this magic that the big and tall man – what was his name again? - told him that he had. Right now, Harry felt powerless, more so than he ever had in his entire life. Why did that man have to come ruin Harry's life? It was bad before, but at least he was fine if he finished his chores on time. Considering his current situation, he'd rather have just been worked to exhaustion. He cried quietly. His uncle hated when he cried, but right now he couldn't stop himself. After a few minutes, the tears dried up. He sniffled. He prayed that anyone, anything, would come save him now. He prayed that he could have some kind of control over the magic he supposedly had just for one moment to get him out of here.

After a couple minutes waiting for something, anything to happen, his heart fell. The last vestiges of hope in his heart rotted away, and he resumed sobbing, as quietly as he could manage. Eventually, he fell asleep. He woke up to the sound of the door opening, and floorboards creaking. His uncle Vernon came walking over to him, and shoved a rag into Harry's mouth before Harry could even make a noise. Vernon's touched Harry, not gently, but not hard enough to bruise like he usually did. Harry had no idea what has happening. Suddenly, his underwear, the last barrier between him and nudity was ripped down, and Vernon was grabbing him roughly. He felt something force itself inside him, and blacked out.

After some unknown time, he came back to his senses. Somehow, the handcuffs chaining him to the bed were open, and Harry was lying on the floor. The handcuffs didn't look like they had been unlocked, but rather like they had been broken by some incredible force. Harry stood up, and realized that somehow, he had gotten dressed in the time he couldn't remember. He looked around the room. The door was off one of its hinges, and Harry was beginning to get scared. He didn't know what had happened, and at this point, he didn't want to know. He quickly packed his things, as much as he could carry, hoping he could get everything he needed for school in one trip. He certainly wasn't coming back.