The Fake Boyfriend

After a hard day of work and a bag full of homework, Kurt settled down at a table in the back of the Lima Bean. He couldn't sit at his old table anymore. Blaine already claimed it. He couldn't sit with Blaine anymore. He felt the tears well up in his eyes. He pulls out his math book and tries to focus on his homework and not his ex-boyfriend.

"Hey Gay Face, I see that Blaine has finally slipped that bedazzled collar."

Kurt looked up to see the smirking meerkat that tried to break the great Klaine up. Sebastian slid into the seat across from him.

"What do you want? Aren't you supposed be oh I don't know, hitting on Blaine?" Kurt said, wishing that maybe today Sebastian would just leave him alone.

"I would be but Mr. Sexy has a date, which just so happens to not be you. I just wanted to know why." Sebastian said gesturing to the guy that had taken the seat across from Blaine. Kurt felt something wet on his face. He didn't want Sebastian to see him crying so he wiped them away, but he was too late.

"Hey, are you crying? I'm sorry; I didn't think it would make you cry." Sebastian said feeling like a jackass. He never made anyone cry before. Well except for Karofsky.

"We broke up."

"No, really? I totally didn't know. Why?"

"He told me he found someone else. Someone who fit him better than I did. So in other words, he cheated on me, with his old crush, Jeremiah." Kurt said, his heart breaking all over again.

"Well, it must really suck to be you." Sebastian said. Those weren't the words he was going to say but insults were always easier to say.

"Thanks Sebastian. Thank you for making my life suck even more. This is your entire damn fault. You just had to flirt with him." Kurt said gathering his stuff and putting it in his bag.

"Alright, I'm sorry, sorry that you had a hot boyfriend that was cheating on you." Sebastian said, damn that was supposed to be something sympathetic. "But how about you get revenge?"

"How so?" Kurt said curiously.

"All you have to do is get a new boyfriend and make him jealous. Then when he asks you to take him back, you reject him. He would feel so bad that he'll come running into my arms. Oh and the boyfriend has to be someone he absolutely hates."

"I like your plan, but there is one big flaw. There is only one person that Blaine really hates." Kurt says while taking a sip of his mocha.

"Well fine ask him out." Sebastian said unaware of whom Kurt was talking.

"Fine, Sebastian, would you be my fake boyfriend?"

"What?" Sebastian was taken aback; he didn't know that Blaine hated him. He also didn't know what to say to Kurt, "I'll say yes if you give me Blaine's new number."

"New number? It's the same, I guess, he just didn't want to talk to you." Kurt said with a smirk on his face.

"Whatever, as long as I get his number out of this." Sebastian said, grabbing Kurt's hand. "Lesson number one, let's go get you another cup of coffee." He stood still holding hands with Kurt. He dropped his hand and put his arm around the countertenor's waist.

"So honey, what do you want?" Sebastian said while walking up to the cashier. He looked back and glared at Blaine, whose table was only a mere 10 feet away. Damn, he was a really good actor.

"I'll have a cup of black coffee please." Kurt ordered, feeling awkward with Sebastian's arm around his waist. It felt wrong but it was the only way to make Blaine pay for what he did.

"You know you can have anything you want." Sebastian said. This was really unusual being nice to Kurt Gay Face Hummel. "I know, I just want some coffee, nothing special."

"Alright, as long as you're happy." Sebastian pulls Kurt closer. He hands the cashier the money when she gives Kurt his coffee. Then he goes and gets Kurt's bag and they walk out together hand in hand with Blaine staring at them the entire time.