EDIT: Spanish translation in chapter 2 (Castilian Spanish from Spain). / Traducción al español en capítulo 2 (español castellano de España).

[A/N]: It's been a long time since I last played WoW, but today, listening to the Lich King OST inspired me a little corny one-shot. It's nothing serious, just a small ficlet, but I guess I needed to write something fluffy and cute. Dedicated to my sister, who is the best healer in the world.

Disclaimer: World of Warcraft, taurens, trolls, tuskarr and the locations used are © to Blizzard.

Rainsong and Piticli are our characters.

Rainsong's eyes opened suddenly, her huge body stiffening, tail twitching. She had been about to doze off when something had made her snap into awareness.

She looked around her. Everything was still in order. Well, all they could be, bearing in mind that she was currently travelling (should she say 'sailing'?) aboard one of the enormous sea turtles that the Kalu'ak had been blessed with.

The ride from Kamagua to Kaskala was a long one. The turtle was not slow as its earthen cousins, but the distance was significant, and there wasn't much to do during the crossing, besides admiring the landscape. The northern lights gleamed above her, reflecting on the white icebergs that drifted away in those waters. Taking in a deep breath of the cool and pure air, she smiled faintly, reveling in the wild, unconquerable beauty of the northern hemisphere.

At the other side of the ship (turtle, she reminded herself), the turtle-rider was scrubbing and cleaning a portion of the carapace where a colony of barnacles had settled. The great reptile emitted a deep pleased growl in response to the attentions. The beast did his job, and the walrus-men did theirs. And everything was at peace. The Kalu'ak were modest, selfless people. They lived in harmony with Nature. They only hunted or fished what they needed to survive, and not a piece of their kills was ever wasted. Leather, bones... everything had some use for their small huts, weapons or clothings. They were very similar in that aspect to taurens, and Rainsong had instantly taken a liking to the walrus-men.

Another faint movement near her left flank pulled her from her thoughts and she identified what had previously made her snap from almost dozing off.

Piticli, her best troll friend.

He was still very young, and not very muscular despite been a troll, but he was very brave by way of compensation. He was also an excellent priest, very skilled in the arts of healing, and he had always been there for Rainsong, who, due to her job, had an unhealthy tendency to get injured. The tauren was a strong, battle-hardened warrior, specialized in keeping her allies out of harm's way, but as though as she was, Rainsong was not invincible. The troll and the tauren had teamed up in countless occasions, enjoying the benefits of the mutual protection and company, and now, Piticli was like a brother for her.

Piticli shivered in his sleep, snuggling into the small blanket he had been able to knit with some stray clothes they had found in their previous mission. His pale-blue skin had taken a slightly purplish shade due to the low temperatures.

Rainsong sighed. Against her advice, Piticli had insisted in coming to Northrend to help her in her quests. Taurens had few problems in cold climates. Their huge size was an advantage, as well as their fur-covered bodies. Besides, during the few weeks she had spent in the northern continent, her fur had thickened even more, adapting to the freezing environments. But her troll companion was poorly prepared for it. His kind did better in jungles and deserts.

Very carefully, she reached for the small shivering troll, pulling him to her lap and wrapping her arms around him. Piticli let out a relieved sigh, still asleep, and snuggled closer into the warmth radiating from the huge tauren, burying his face in the tauren's fur and murmuring something unintelligible. A while later, the troll had stopped shivering, and his body had regained its normal temperature.

Rainsong smiled for herself as she expelled a gust of air through her nostrils, the warm air creating a small cloud of water vapour for a brief moment before drifting away with the breeze.

Piticli shifted slightly in his sleep, and Rainsong unconsciously pulled him closer.

The world was dangerous out there, and she was sure that many challenges will arrive in the future. But right then, at that precise instant, everything was at peace. Her healer was safe. The sky was beautiful. The air was pure.

Everything was perfect.

[A/N]: Thanks for reading.