
It was a cool and calm evening in the candy kingdom, the stars were out and the occasional cloud would lazily drift across the moon, a warm breeze rustling the gumdrops in the trees. The sugary sweet residents of the kingdom were tucked away in their little candy beds, including Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum, who, after a long day of attending to royal affairs was dozing peacefully in the pink bedroom at the top of the tallest candy castle tower.

Or so she was, until she was suddenly awoken by a sharp rapping at her balcony window. She sat up straight, bleary eyed and confused. The rapping pierced the quiet room again, and Bubblegum's head turned sharply towards the balcony, to see a dark shadow looming menacingly, silhouetted by the eerie glow of the moon. She let out a frightened yelp, before squinting a little harder and…
"Bonniiiiiie…wake up! Come on, hurry those buns girl!"
"Wha- Marceline! What are you-?" Bubblegum swivelled her feet off the bed and stomped over to the balcony doors, throwing them open with a disgruntled expression on her pink face. "Marceline I hardly-" She was cut off as Marceline swept over the top of her head and flipped backwards so was lying in the air next to Bubblegum, she tilted her head back, her long dark hair falling to the ground.
There was a moment of silence as Bubblegum tried to organise some kind of coherent thought, she floundered for the words to demand why Marceline had woken her up at such a late hour.

Marceline poked Bubblegum's nose.
Bubblegum stared at her incredulously.
"Marceline do you even know how late it is!" she whispered fiercely "What- just what are you doing here- now?" Marceline rolled over in the air and rested her head in her hands, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face.
"Okay, so you know how the other day, you said you'd like, never been to an actual concert?"
Realisation hit Bubblegum very quickly.
"You can't be serious."
Marceline grinned devilishly, her sharp fangs glinting in the moonlight.
"Shockingly enough Bonnie, I am being serious for once so c'mon, out of that…erm…nightdress and into something you can rock out in!" She flew over to Bubblegum's large wardrobe and started tossing clothes out while Bubblegum darted, flustered, trying to pick her delicate dresses up off the floor. "Nope…nope…too formal…too frilly…what even is this, glob…ah here we go!" She threw an old faded pink vest top and some dark purple jeans over at Bubblegum- they landed with a satisfying whump on her face.

"Marceline…" tried Bubblegum as she tore the clothes from her face "I really should get some sleep, you know I have a whole kingdom to run here!"
"Bonnie, I've heard this all before dude. I know! But I swear, you won't regret it, this is gonna be a totally rocking concert! The Gilded Bats are playing- you know the band I made you listen to the other day, you said you liked them? Remember?" Bubblegum sighed, she could tell Marceline wasn't going to budge on this, besides, she seemed so excited for it…. "Pleeeeeeeaaaase Bonnibel? Pleeeeeeaaaaase? Don't make me have to kidnap you, because you know I will." Bubblegum knew full well she would and could, so...
Marceline beamed, c'mon then get changed, or we'll be too late."

Bubblegum had barely pulled the vest top on before Marceline had swooped down and scooped her up, suddenly the candy kingdom was flying by below them, becoming smaller and smaller as Marceline flew higher and further into the starry night. Bubblegum's yawns soon became fewer and farer between as they flew through the air, the cold wind created by their speed brushing past her face and keeping her alert. Marceline was smug, she'd thought the Princess would have flat out refused to come to the concert, sometimes Bonnie got so caught up in all her science and royal duties and junk. But even though she'd been reluctant, she'd agreed to come, heck maybe Marceline's rebellious spirit was rubbing off on her a little. Bubblegum was hesitant to admit it, but soaring above the land of Ooo, sneaking out of her kingdom to go to a rock concert with her vampire girlfriend…it was just so…adventurous! Finn would be impressed with her, she thought to herself, smiling. Glob, ever since she'd met Marceline she made her life so much more exciting, so much more fun- she smiled sheepishly up at her .
"Contrary to my earlier reluctance….thank you for taking me out tonight Marcie" she gave her a peck on the cheek, "I'm actually…really excited!" Marceline laughed, the princess was positively beaming.
"Bonnie, it'd be a crime if I left you shut up in that castle - especially since you've never been to a concert."

Bubblegum could soon spot the twinkling lights of the concert arena in the distance, and as they drew closer the twinkling lights became mighty spotlights, the hum of voices becoming an excited roar as the crowd waited in anticipation for the band to start playing. It looked like the arena had once been a large hall, but the walls- weathered over the years- were overgrown with vines and were crumbling. If there ever was a ceiling it had collapsed to leave just the stage, encircled by the stony pillars and greenery that had taken over the place, with the stars watching from above. All in all, it was a breathtaking scene, made all the more impressive by the diverse audience that had gathered to see the band. Bubblegum could spot creatures of all shapes and sizes and colours, people from every kingdom in Ooo were together here, some dressed in some …interesting clothing to say the least.

Marceline swooped down and they dropped subtly into the crowd towards the back of the arena. Bubblegum felt a little out of her comfort zone, the crowd made her feel claustrophobic and she was anxious about the new environment- without thinking she reached out and grabbed Marceline's hand. Marceline turned and gave her a reassuring smile, she could see Bonnie beginning to panic so she squeezed her hand for comfort and started to lead them through the crowd, walking around the edge of the arena. Unlike bubblegum, Marceline was in her element, she saw a number of people she recognised and greeted most with a fist bump or a rock hand as she and Bubblegum weaved through the masses of fans. Eventually they got to the merch stall, Marceline had an idea. Bubblegum in tow, she shoved her way to the counter, her eyes roved over the selection of wristbands… hoodies… accessories… shirts- ah perfect.
"YO- dude!" she tried to grab the attention of the merch seller over the noise of the crowd- he was a skinny goblin guy wearing all black, with tattoos on his arms and piercings running up his pointed ears, he looked over to her in acknowledgement. Bubblegum wasn't sure what Marceline was up to but she gripped her hand tightly. Marceline pointed to a black T shirt hanging on the back of the stall- it had a picture of one of the band's album covers on it. "I'll take one of those!" she yelled. The merch seller grabbed the shirt off the wall and gave it to Marceline as she paid him with her free hand.
"You're a lucky chick, that was the last one we had in stock" he said before his attention was stolen by more fans demanding merch, waving at him with money in their hands.

Marceline moved swiftly through the crowds, still leading Bubblegum along behind her and they came to a stop at a relatively quiet spot behind the merch stall, dimly lit but still somehow bright due to the multi-coloured stage lights.
"Here" said Marceline, now holding up the shirt for Bubblegum to see. It had what looked like a picture of two marshmallows on sticks, stabbing a snake on the front.
"What's this?" enquired Bubblegum as Marceline gestured for her to raise her arms. Bubblegum did so, and Marceline slid the shirt onto Bubblegum over the tank top she was wearing.
"I know you're kinda nervous, so here. Now you'll fit right in with the crowds, okay?" she smiled warmly. Bubblegum was touched, she instantly felt confident again and she threw her arms round Marceline.
"Marcy, for a vampire queen you can be so sweet sometimes! Thank you, I'll treasure it" Marceline laughed,
"Yeah yeah- now c'mon, I think the band's about to start playing- let's get a better view!"

Arm in arm, they made their way through the crowds- with a thousand years of practise Marceline was a pro at dodging and weaving her way through an audience of fans, and they found themselves at a comfortable position near the stage just as the lighting grew dim and steam began to pour off the edges. The band emerged and the crowd's shrieks grew more excited than ever, swept away with the mob's attitude both Marceline and Bubblegum joined in, whooping and yelling- sharing a grin in between times. They started playing their first song, it was one that Marceline and Bubblegum had listened to several times over the past weeks and the two girls excitedly joined with the crowd, singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs.

And so it was, over the course of the next 2 and a half hours- the girls laughed and yelled and singed, Bubblegum had forgotten entirely about her royal duties in the candy kingdom, all she heard was the music pumping out around her- all she could feel was the adrenaline and the energy coursing through her and the likeminded fans singing with her, but best of all- she had Marceline at her side to experience it all with. Marceline had been to hundreds of concerts over the years, but nothing quite compared to seeing Bonnie so genuinely care free, to seeing her let loose and just rock out! Somehow this concert was different, it wasn't the band playing or the music she could hear that made it special- it wasn't the bustling fans jumping and screaming with her, it was simply being with Bonnibel. Marceline couldn't explain it, something about the pink candy princess yanked her right in her heart guts, somehow everything was different with Bonnibel- and that was something Marceline valued hugely, considering she'd already experienced over a thousand years of living, doing the same things over and over.

The hours passing seemed like minutes as the night merged into a blur of dancing and laughing and singing, all too soon the band announced to the fans that it was the penultimate song of the night, a fast paced rock song. The crowd's energies were still high and it would have been impossible to place exactly which audience member started the mosh pit, but soon enough the bustling crowd turned into some kind of war zone. People were thrashing and throwing their arms around, some were jumping and jostling others, some were running around, trying to get people to move with them- others pushing and shoving to get to the front in their excitement. Bubblegum had never experienced anything this…rough before- crying out, she was torn away from Marceline as audience members pushed and shoved at her. Marceline hissed as Bubblegum was swept from her, she tried to keep her grip on her hand but it was impossible to resist the crowd's movement.

Bubblegum was completely lost, she was bumped from person to person, stumbling through the crowd. She couldn't find Marceline, she didn't know what to do- she was trying so desperately not to fall over because she knew if she did the crowd wouldn't pause to trample over her- she was on the verge of tears now, trying to yell over the singing and screaming surrounding her,
"Marceline! Please- Marceline where are you?" she was dizzy and bruised and feeling absolutely hopeless. Just as she was shoved particularly violently by one bulky looking guy who appeared to be from the fire kingdom she was caught before she smacked onto the floor. She looked up and practically swooned, it was Marcy- thank Glob.

Marceline lifted her up and cupped her face in her hands.
"Are you okay? Jeez I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" asked Marceline, real concern showing in her expression.
"No-no, I'm fine…just a little- that guy shoved me and I don't know-"
"What guy shoved you now?" asked Marceline, a fierce look making its way into her eyes. Bubblegum nodded towards the fire kingdom guy who'd pushed her so harshly earlier.
"Right." Said Marceline, stomping her way over to him with Bubblegum in tow behind her. Somehow the crowd didn't seem as dangerous now that Marceline was holding her hand so tightly and guiding her so carefully. "Hey, you!" she jabbed him on his shoulder, closer up he seemed even larger than earlier, he turned and loomed over the two girls.
"What?" he growled aggressively.
"You shoved her?" Said Marceline, completely fearless despite being so outsized.
"Yeah, and what? It's a concert, now piss off will you?" he began to turn away from Marceline, but she put her hand on his shoulder and easily pulled him back round. His once cocky expression fell away to a look of pure terror as Marceline's faced transformed to that of a hideous monster, huge fangs bared and demonic eyes glowing she hissed,
"No one, and I mean NO ONE, hurts my girlfriend." She punched him square in his terrified face and he fell to the floor unconscious. A few surrounding members of the crowd who'd been watching in awe cheered, some other people who he must have come with (as they also had the iconic look of the fire kingdom) picked up his limp body and dragged him away, giving Marceline some very scared and cautious glances as they did so. Marceline turned, her face having returned to normal to see Bubblegum standing, mouth open wide in astonishment.

"Heh, let's get you out of here..." Marceline wrapped her arms around Bubblegum and they floated upwards, away from the crowds. Bubblegum held on for dear life as the last song of the evening started playing and the people in the audience became smaller and smaller. Marceline flew them to the top of one of the stone pillars just behind the stage and they landed gently on it- the softer and slower music drifting up to them and the stars looking down on them.
"Marcy, that was absolutely...I just- you're amazing, you know that?" Bubblegum said, looking at her in wonderment.
"So I've been told" Marceline shrugged with an all-too-familiar smirk that made Bubblegum's heart flutter. Without saying a word, Bubblegum wrapped her arms around the vampire girl's neck, Marceline put her hands gently at Bubblegum's waist and they swayed in time to the music as it played for them below.
"Ha, don't get too cocky, I could still reveal to everyone that the fearless Vampire Queen sometimes uses her bat-form just because it's fun to snuggle in..." said Bubblegum, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"Do it and you're dead." Replied Marceline threateningly, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
Bubblegum chuckled "Okay, okay- although then you'd have no one to steal away during the night and take to concerts."
"Hmm that's true, maybe I'll hold off drinking your blood for a little while longer…"
"How noble of you, my deepest gratitude"
"Yeah and don't you forget it- although pink is still a shade of red too, Bonnie…"
"Do it and you're dead." Bubblegum repeated Marceline's words from earlier.
The two girls laughed loudly, and soon after drifted into a dreamy and comfortable silence as they swayed to the last chorus of the song. It was one of those few and far between moments that Marceline knew came oh so rarely, where she felt absolutely content, here under the twinkling stars with her Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum. Their eyes met and they naturally leaned in, their breaths mingling, and then their lips touched and they were kissing. It was slow and passionate and soft and loving, they fit together so perfectly and felt so complete holding each other that nothing else seemed to matter, Bubblegum didn't even notice the fireworks exploding behind her, signalling the finale and end of the concert.

All of a sudden the explosions of colour illuminated the two girls wrapped in each other's arms on top of the pillar, they were spotted by the crowd members below- it started with a few cheers and then all of a sudden hundreds of them were pointing and cheering, laughing and clapping in good spirit. When they noticed, the two girls broke apart and looked down at the crowds, Bubblegum was blushing furiously and her hands covered her face in embarrassment- Marceline on the other hand grinned and took a bow, she was rewarded with more cheers from the audience below.
"Marceline, really?" scolded Bubblegum
"Hey I can't help it, they love us!" winked Marceline. She scooped up Bubblegum bridal style and gave her another quick kiss on the lips before flying over the crowds, back towards the candy kingdom- both were still able to hear the applause of the roaring audience members for quite some time before the arena faded away into the warm night.

By the time they arrived back at the Candy Castle, Bubblegum was almost asleep, the adrenaline and excitement from the concert having worn off, and her extended stay in Marceline's arms had made her far too comfortable. Marceline floated in through the balcony doors to Bubblegum's bedroom, which still had clothes strewn across the floor from earlier.
"Hey Princess, we're back" whispered Marceline softly as she placed Bubblegum on the side of the bed. Bubblegum yawned and decided that she was too tired to get changed again, so she just crawled straight over to the pillows and under her duvet still wearing the rock shirt Marceline had given her earlier. She gestured for Marceline to join her and with a smile she climbed under the duvet as well and wrapped Bubblegum in her arms.

"I had a wonderful time tonight Marcy, thank you" whispered Bubblegum
"You're welcome Bonnie, I'm glad you had fun" said Marceline as she snuggled her head into the crook of Bubblegum's neck.
"It was probably-" Bubblegum interrupted herself with a yawn "-one of the best nights…of my life" she smiled as Marceline hugged her tighter."Hey, this shirt is really comfy, I might wear it every night you know- and it can remind me of this evening…and of you."
The two girls drifted off to sleep together, utterly content and utterly in love.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed reading this (even with the ridiculous amounts of fluff), it was definitely fun to write- I ship these two so hard haha. This is my first fic, so constructive criticism is most definitely welcome! Any reviews are really appreciated- it might be that in the future I'll add more chapters to this, Anyway- thanks for reading! :D