A./N. Thank you ChancellorPuddingHead for correcting my work and thanks to all the people reading and enjoying this story! If something is not to your liking, please feel free to tell me in the comments or by P.M. (constructive only please.) More likely than not, I will need some O.C.'s, so please P.M. me about them. Thank you for choosing whynotzoidberg for all your MLP Fanfic needs! 'Why not?'
October 15, 2009
0915 hours
Location: Unknown
"That. Was. AWESOME!" Banks yelled.
"Now let's hope someone heard THAT," Kegley remarked.
"Wait." Brown butted in. "What if we are in an uninhabited area?"
This was also something Kegley hadn't thought about. "Noted. Let's load up and take one of the Zodiacs."
The three headed toward the armory and grabbed their combat gear: standard issue M4A1 Carbine rifles, Sig Sauer P226 pistols, and Kevlar vests.
"Let's rock and roll," Banks said with a smug look on his face.
"You've been waiting to say that forever, haven't you?" Brown replied with a slight annoyed tone.
The three then headed off toward the helicopter hanger and pulled a Zodiac out onto the deck.
"Brown, Banks, unlatch the railing and safety net," Kegley ordered.
"Yes sir!"
After they unlatched the railing and threw the Zodiac into the water, the trio climbed down the side ladders into the small boat.
"Banks, go around the boat in a circle in an increasing diameter with each pass," Kegley ordered.
"Yes sir."
Right as they were about to give up, Kegley saw signs of land.
"Over there. See the birds? They have to eat somewhere. Follow them," the lieutenant ordered.
"Yes sir," Banks responded. He turned to boat toward the birds and followed them at a good distance to avoid scaring them.
"Hey! Lieutenant!" Brown shouted.
"Land off the bow!" Kegley saw what she was talking about. Off in the distance was a colorful, vibrant forest.
"I don't remember there being any forests off the coast of Cali," Banks commented quizzically.
"There aren't," Brown replied sternly.
"Get closer. Put us on the beach," Kegley said calmly. Banks motored the small craft onto the shore.
"Brown, you stay here with the boat. Banks, you're with me."
"Yes sir!" the two replied. Kegley and Banks walked into the dark, dense forest.
"Lights on, Banks."
"Yes sir."
As the two got deeper into the forest, Kegley thought he heard a twig snap behind him. He turned to see only trees and brush.
"You hear that Banks?"
"Hear what?" Banks replied.
"Never mind."
'It was probably nothing,' he thought to himself.
As the two walked deeper into the forest, he thought he saw a blue blur race by him.
'Now it's something.' "Whoever is there, come out with your hands up!"
"See somethi-oof!" Banks started before he was blindsided by a powerful punch to the temple that knocked him out instantly. As Kegley was turning his head to check on him, he was tackled by the unknown assailant.
Kegley could see his attacker in the shine of his flashlight. It was a light blue equine with a rainbow mane. And it seemed to be studying him.
"What the hay are you?!"
"You talk!?" was all he could manage before blacking out.
October 15, 2009
1030 hours
Location: Unknown
'What is taking them so long!' Brown wondered to herself. 'Screw it. They might be in trouble.' Brown knew disobeying an order was grounds for a court martial, but she had to risk it. She walked into the forest and turned on her flashlight. After 10 minutes of walking, she came across some bright, white light. She raced toward it and found Kegley and Banks on the ground out cold.
'What could have done this?' she wondered.
She heard the snapping of twigs behind her, and turned around quickly to see a small figure ready to pounce on her. She pulled up her weapon to aim, but the attacker was too fast and tackled Brown. The two wrestled for a while, neither of them giving an inch. Brown, the bigger of the two, was able to overpower her assailant and pulled it into a bear hug before her enemy started screaming, "Wait! Wait! You win, alright!"
Brown dragged her attacker toward the lights and saw she was carrying a small, blue horse with a rainbow mane.
"What in the world? Are you a talking horse?"
"NO! I'm a PONY!" she yelled.
"Oh, a talking pony! That explains so much!"
"Well? What are you?" the pony asked.
"Why should I tell you?"
"Well, those two didn't tell me." The pony smirked after her last comment.
"You mean you knocked them out?"
"Yeah! It was so easy too!"
"Why you littleā¦" Brown started, fists clenched until she saw a purple glow coming from the pathway.
"Hello? Is anypony there?" 'Anypony?! Why would anyone say that?!' Brown thought to herself.
"Twilight! Help me! This thing is holding me prisoner!" the attacker screamed.
"Rainbow Dash? Is that you?!" the voice yelled back.
"Of cou-!" the ambusher started before Brown cupped a hand over its mouth.
"Hold on, Rainbow, I'm coming!"
As the purple light got closer, Brown punched the blue pony in the jaw, knocking it out.
"C'mon you- whoa!" Brown screamed as she was lifted into the air. "A unicorn!? This keeps getting better and better!"
'Huh. It talks.' Twilight thought to herself. "Tell me; what are you and what did you do to her?" she asked, looking at Rainbow Dash.
"I am a human! She attacked me! I was acting in self-defense!" Brown yelled. "Now will you please let me down! I won't hurt you. I promise!"
The purple unicorn pondered this for a while before responding. "Not until you give me a better explanation."
Brown sighed. "I can't think in this bubble. Now will you please let me out of here?"
"Fine," Twilight sighed as she lowered Brown to the ground. "Now, help me get these three out of here and to the hospital. And if you do anything funny, I'll just use a knock-out spell on you and have you thrown in the Canterlot Dungeon. Got it?"
"Okay," Brown said, "But what is your name and where are we?"
"I'll tell you on the way but, what are these?" Twilight asked, gesturing toward the guns the three were carrying.
Brown hesitated. "I'll show you when we get to wherever we are going. But about this place?"
Twilight then explained who she was, and also about Equestria and their princesses.
"Who is she?" Brown asked, pointing at the blue pony.
"She is Rainbow Dash. She is very brash and stubborn."
"I found that out earlier."
Twilight then turned toward the two bodies she was levitating in front of her.
"Who are they?" she asked.
Brown went on to explain about the ship, the storm, the whirlpool, the navy, and her crewmates.
"That's weird. Was there a purple glow to the storm?" Twilight asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"I may have caused that. Sorry," she said, ears drooping back.
"But how?" Brown asked, astonished. Twilight began to explain magic and how powerful it can be.
"So that's how you lifted me up like that. Still doesn't make any sense to me, but that's not unexpected," Brown responded.
"No worries. But it seems we are almost out of the forest." The two walked a little further till a small rural town appeared in the distance.
"Welcome to Ponyville," Twilight said with a outstretched hoof.