A/N: It took a glance up at the sky to spark this idea.
Disclaimer: Persona 3? Atlus owns it.
Wild grass tickled her bare feet as she sat on an open field, listening quietly to the soft whispers of the wind and relishing the feeling of his company. Leather shoes lay abandoned along with the rest of her things, yet at the moment, she didn't care.
The girl never bothered to steal a glance at the boy beside her, for she could see through her peripheral vision that he was merely gazing at the clouds—same as what she had been doing for the past hour. They merely sat in silence, never speaking, until…
"I wish I had an airplane," she said, gaze fixated on the sapphire sky.
Only his head turned to face her. "What for?"
"So I could fly."
"What's wrong with walking?"
As the girl tucked a strand of auburn hair behind her ear, she chuckled softly and proceeded to dawdle, ignoring his earlier question. The smallest of smiles graced her lips, her crimson hues still staring at a wide, blue blanket of sky. Their colors were contrasting and that made everything so beautiful.
"I want one!" Exclaimed the girl, throwing her hands around in a steering motion, as if there was an invisible wheel right before her eyes. Just by closing them, the sound of an engine running could be heard, accompanied by wings flapping in the air.
She grinned. "With a plane, I can feel the rush of the wind against my hair, high above the clouds!"
The boy leaned back, a smirk betraying his features. His tone was flat and meek. The wind pushed his hair slightly to the side. "Nothing wrong with the breeze down here."
"I'd be able to visit a lot of places!"
"We can walk."
She stood up, arms opened wide, gaze still attached to the sky filled with clouds, the entirety of the city coming into view. Everything seemed so small, as if it was possible to cradle it into a single hand. The brunette let both arms fall to her side, an amused sigh escaping her breath.
"I'd be able to meet lots of interesting people."
He rose from his knees, glancing at the view before settling steel hues on the girl. "What about the people down here?"
Slowly, a hand was brought to her cheek, yet the girl remained still and silent, observing carefully his actions and taking note of every change in his expression. The smile did not leave his face.
"Loving people," He said, watching as brown hair hid crimson eyes.
"What about them?" Asked she.
He chuckled as his fingers ran through her chocolate hair, staring at the girl lovingly and not uttering one word more. Actions spoke louder than words, after all, and the volume of his were at its peak.
Lips touched.
Eyes closed.
All things were forgotten except for each other. Just the feeling of his hand against her cheek, the other playing with the strands of her hair. They parted—slowly—yet their breaths still lingered, and crimson hues opened to meet with steel.
She smirked.
"You're saying that I need to be content with what I have now?"
Smiling, he nodded again.
And she laughed.
"If you forget, then I'll be here to remind you," the boy promised.
She tilted her head curiously. "In the exact same way?"
"In the exact same way."
After a few moments of getting lost in each other's eyes, the girl sat down again, still bare feet getting tickled by the wild grass. He followed suit and took his place beside her. They focused on the sky, merely sitting in silence, until…
"I wish I had a plane."