I hope you enjoy this last chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thanks for the reviews, they are appreciated and welcomed.

Title: Nowhere Man

Rating: M

Warning: Non-consensual sex, rape. G/OCs

Story Details and Full Disclaimer in Chapter 1: My stories are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. This is a work intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by CBS and the producers of NCIS:LA.


Chapter 21

G entered the OPS Center followed by his father and Sam. Kensi and Deeks stood side by side, resting against the light table.

"Now this is a first," Eric said, eyeing Callen's father and keeping his voice lowered.

"Approved of by Hetty," G said, shooting his technician a look.

Eric swallowed hard and faced the high definition screen, bringing up the current intel on their two ops.

Hetty entered the room and stopped before her lead agent. "Shouldn't you be resting, Mr. Callen?"

"My doctor," G said, stopping to glance at his partner, "told me I was fine for this debriefing."

"Your doctor?" She turned to face her second lead agent. "I see, Mr. Callen. Later, I'll need an update from your doctor." Hetty smirked and flipped on her heels, now facing the high definition screen. "Mr. Beale, please bring up the latest intel I just downloaded onto your computer."

Eric faced her. "The latest?"

"Yes, check your computer files."

He rushed over to his computer and pulled up a file with his operations manager's name on it. Eric double clicked the file and it uploaded to the screen.

"No loose ends on this case, Mr. Callen," Hetty said. "Good job. Alexandru and Serghei's fingerprints went viral in Romania within minutes after you killed Alexandru. Your take no prisoners stance was a decisive factor to extirpate the Baboescu family and their worldwide holdings.

"Further, the document Alexandru signed was sent to Romania and ICE along with fingerprints of his family members who operated here in the United States.

"The vest Alexandru wore was confirmed to contain botulinum and to be detonated upon pushing a lever on the side of the unit."

"And the traitor at the LAPD?" G asked.

"Arrested hours ago." Hetty motioned toward the screen.

He watched a man being arrested by Marty Deeks while inside the main LAPD Headquarters. "I missed out on all the fun."

"Glad you weren't there, G."

"You're saying I'm trigger happy."

"Yes." Sam smirked.

G chuckled.

"Just saying, you would've like to shoot him."

"Remember, I take no prisoners." He smirked.

"Gentlemen." She cleared her throat.

Sam and G stifled the smirks on their faces by placing a hand over their own mouths.

Hetty shook her head and faced the screen again. "Roll it Eric."

A video showed the rounding up of the extended Baboescu family by community members. Each family member was executed with a gun or a knife. No one was spared.

G lowered his voice and turned toward his partner. "And you thought I was angry."

Hetty cleared her throat again. "The arrested LAPD officer was a Baboescu family member."

"And he's a prisoner?" G asked, knowing what he would have done with the man.

"If you're worried about his well being, Mr. Callen—"

"No prisoners."

"I'm well aware of your concern."

"You don't know the half of it."

She flipped on her heels, getting in her lead agent's face. "Mr. Callen, you're telling me how to do my job."

He swallowed hard. "No."

"Good." She faced the screen again. "The rest Mr. Beale, quickly before Mr. Callen blows a fuse." Hetty chuckled.

On the screen, G watched the arrested LAPD officer boarding a flight to Romania with four ICE agents. Next he saw the officer and the agents leave the plane and turn the prisoner over to the immigrations and custom agents in Romania.

"I suppose he'll rot in prison for a long time."

"You suppose wrong, Mr. Callen."

G watched the Romanian agents take the officer into a private room where they disposed of the man with one shot to his head. "And you thought I had anger issues," he said. "At least, I'd let the man give his sob story. I'd hear him out."

"For how long, G, before you executed him on the spot?"

"At least one word."

"Generous." Sam smirked.

"I try to be." G chuckled.

Hetty cleared her throat again. "Your fingerprints, Mr. Callen, were registered and used under Jason Tedrow."

"About Jason—"

"Mr. Callen, let me finish," she said. "He's been officially retired for life."

"If so, you might need this." G pulled a credit card out of his wallet.

"I was looking for that in the box." Hetty shot him a look, admonishing her lead agent. "I suppose you used this card to order the escort service and strippers for the Baboescu family."

A sheepish grin spread across his face.

Hetty shook her head. "I expect full compensation for your deeds."

"Already done."


"On your desk before I came up here."

"Thank you for not making me hound you for the money." Hetty faced the screen again. "Only more loose end."

"What did I miss?"

"What to do about your father and what he's seen of our operation?"

"Hire him as an agent."

"Believe me I thought about that option," Hetty said. "However, after a discussion with your father, he declined the offer."

G eyed his father. "Why Papa?"

"After saving your butt the other day, I was an emotional wreck." George Callen folded his arms.

"You serious."

"Absolutely, son."

"I hoped we could work side by side."

"Not my, pardon the pun, Ms. Lange, not my cup of tea."

G glanced at Hetty. "You two talked over tea and didn't include me in the—"

"Mr. Callen, your father's decision came as a complete surprise to me," she said. "I fully expected him to accept my proposal."

G glanced back at his father.

"You'll get whiplash if you keep that up, G."

He shot his partner a look. "I wanted to be there for the occasion."

"Your 'doctor' was attending to your wounds."

G crossed his arms and sighed. "I don't have a doctor."

"I'm hurt and offended that you wouldn't consider me your—"

He waved a hand for his partner to stop. "I think I get it now."

"I kept you from their private tea time on purpose."

G's jaw dropped.

"Sorry, partner, orders from Hetty."

"Damn, you guys are good, keeping me from one of the most memorable occasions of my life."

"However, son, I have decided to work along side Ms. Lange as a consultant on foreign affairs in southeastern Europe."

"Here at NCIS Headquarters in Los Angeles?"

"And in Romania, the Ukraine, and other countries in southeastern Europe," George said.

G breathed out a long sigh of relief. "When do you start?"

"I already did," the elder Callen said, "I acquired the videos from Romania which you just viewed."

"How come I'm the last one to know about this?"

"Maybe because you're trigger happy," Sam said, chuckling.

"You've had it, Sam," G said, "the first time I find a fountain on our next ops expect to get drowned in it."

"Why wait when you can do the honors in one of my three new fountains."

G punched him in the arm.

"You forgot one thing though."

"What's that?"

"I get to be the first one to dunk your head."

"Sam, about those fountains…"

The End.

Thanks for reading my story.