A/N: In regards to bibijammie's review for the first chapter; I would write a second chapter with them conversing and whatnot, but I'd like to leave it as is because I think it's good where I left it off. I might write another chapter for it, but for now I'd like to get other ideas in. And if anyone has an idea that they'd like to share with me so I can add it as a chapter for this story then I'd love to hear it! I'd like to get in as many ideas in as possible! So if you have any then please message me.


The sun barely rose above the horizon, it's rays pierced through the fake sky and washed out the darker hues. Inside a small room was a Contractor and his doll. She had been sitting by his bedside the whole night, not once taking a moment to rest. She was worried about Hei. He was by himself against the powerful female Contractor, Xiao Jie, who could control gravity before he passed out cold. Yin knew that Hei was strong, but there was no way he could take on such a powerful opponent alone. When she finally arrived to the room where the two Contracters were, Hei was shocked, and Xiao lay dead.

Now it was the morning after, and he still hadn't woken up. She was worried about him, she felt it was her fault that he passed out. He stirred and moaned in his sleep, since he was being tortured by nightmares. She couldn't see it, but she could tell that he was scared and sweating profusely. It was well past dawn, and he didn't show any signs of waking up. Her hands now slid down to her knees, her bangs shadowed her eyes. All she wanted was for him to wake up and to know that he was alright. She wanted to know that he would keep her out of harms way.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours.

The sun was now in the peak of it's height, she could feel the rays touching her skin from the only window in the room. She sat in the same position for the whole time, afraid to even move even the slightest inch. Hei became much calmer, but he still tossed and turned every now and then. Before she knew it, he sat up quickly, and he was panting. She felt his eyes fall on her, and unconsciously stiffened. Her gaze was then settled on his own, acknowledging him that she knew he was okay.


He then smiled with relief. The real Yin was with him right now, not her observer spirit, and not anyone else. The world around him seemed peaceful as well, which was rare for him. What more could he ever ask for? Hei stared on in wonder at the small Doll. It was obvious that she cared about him, he just didn't know how much...

Rising up from her seat, she slowly walked towards him. Her posture was slouched, and her arms were hanging lifelessly at her sides. She didn't care about anything else, only for the man that lay in the bed next to her. All she wanted was to feel his warm and firm arms around her, like how he always hugged her after something bad happened. She loved it, it was the only time she ever felt safe. It was the only time she ever felt anything at all.

Her pace slowed down as she decided where his chest would be. He gasped as she rested her head below his, her silky ivory hair tickling his neck. He smiled once again, and hugged her to his body. The thought of having someone there when times were tough was truly heart warming, at least for Hei it was. It meant he wasn't alone anymore, and that he didn't have to be alone. She was here to stay, to always remain by his side. He knew in the end, he could trust her like no one else.

"Are you okay?" Yin quietly asked as she sat up, placing her hands on his shoulders. Her eyes were emotionless, but he could tell that she was genuinely worried for him. Guilt suddenly filled his heart, she must've been so scared for him.

"I'm fine, Yin." He moved one of his hands to her side, and ran his thumb gently down her soft curve.

The next thing she did surprised him greatly; she moved her face closer to his own, and let her frail lips touch his own. His face warmed up, as a crimson color replaced the usual pale tan. She was actually... kissing him. He didn't know she knew how to do such a thing... but then again, she was a normal girl before the stars disappeared. Her mother, or whoever she lived with, must have told her.

He kissed her back, and wrapped his arms around her while pulling her in closer. The two let out the pent up emotion they had been feeling these past few days, ever since they went on the run. It was all too much, for the both of them.

Yin tasted sweet, like candy.

A/N: This chapter definitely has some spoilers pertaining to the OVA, so I advise you actually watch it before you read this. Some of the information I used in here I found off of some websites, so they might be wrong.