Agents and Spectres:

A Crackdown and Mass Effect Crossover

A/N: Ok let me be clear, I normally don't think of doing a one shot especially for something like this. Unfortunately I have too much on my plate with Mass Effect: The Unsung Hero and Stargate: A New Era to even TRY to attempt to write this out fully. The idea for this story has been bugging me for too long though.

As such, this story is up for grabs for any willing author. All I ask is that you PM me as I have a general idea for how this story should go.

For now, this snippet is all you get.

"What about Agent Shepard?" Udina asked. "He's at Level Four, and still has room to improve his skills."

"He's the only Agent thus far to upgrade so quickly in such a short amount of time." Hackett supplied, as he read over Shepard's stats, which were impressive even for an Agent.

"Most of his experience came from defending Elysium. He jumped from near Level Three to over Level Four in that battle." Captain Anderson added. Having been Shepard's Battlefield Director, he was in the best position to answer any questions.

"Is that the kind of person we want protecting the galaxy?" Udina asked finally.

"He's the only kind of person who can protect it." Anderson answered.

As Shepard practiced in the training hall, he had only a few thoughts on his mind.

Bigger... Faster... Stronger... Such was his training mantra, as it was for many other Agents. Waiting for his next set of orders was taking too long in his opinion. Being brought in from the front lines of the war against Batarian slavers wasn't what he had in mind. He relished the abilities granted to him from being an Agent and wanted to become the best there was since the end of the Freak Virus. The only way to do that was by staying in true combat situations, not in a lousy simulator.

A few bullets pinged off of his regenerative armor, doing minimal damage. Having been exposed to numerous battles, Shepard's abilities and armor had adapted itself as such. Being a Level Four Agent allowed his body and armor to regenerate as quickly as a Krogan when given a break in the action.

Finding the holographic opponents, set as Batarians, who tried flanking his position, Shepard immediately leaped into the air towards them. Prepping one of his favorite abilities, he smashed his fist into the ground nearby, causing a shockwave to emanate outward, derezzing the holograms.

That action however drew the attention of the other hologram enemies. More bullets hit his armor, managing to deplete it fully. Shepard then activated his biotics to form a protective barrier around himself. Biotics were one of the many upgrades given to Agents when the Prothean cache on Mars was found in 2183. Shrugging his shoulders forward, he used his biotics to charge to the middle of the enemy group.

The ending outward burst of biotic energy derezzed the target, while the others began to focus their weapons on Shepard, who just grinned under his helmet.


Shepard right roundhouse kicked the closest target to his left, derezzing it immediately.


Another hologram attempted to use it's shotgun against Shepard's back. He backhanded it as he finished his roundhouse. The move hit the holographic shotgun away from his body before it went off, redirecting the blast to a different target. Shepard then finished off the hologram with an uppercut.


Two enemies were left, both of whom had fled behind some cover. Shepard grabbed a device from his equipment pouch and threw it in the area between them. A slight quaking sound could be heard from the device right before Shepard hit the trigger. An explosion engulfed the immediate area, and washed over Shepard.

He felt no heat though as it died down. Even if the explosion had been real, he would have survived it easily thanks to his biotic barrier and regenerative abilities.

"Well done Agent... You broke your own record again for most kills in two minutes." The training room supervisor informed him as the explosion disappeared. "Can't imagine what kind of hell you put those four eyed freaks through out there."

As the holographic field faded away and revealed a plain room, Shepard exited it via a recessed door. On the other side, he put away the specialized training equipment. Once he was done, his comm unit beeped indicating an incoming call.

"Agent Shepard." Anderson's voice filtered in.


"Head to bay F-32, we have our orders."

"Immediately, sir."

A/N: Not too detailed, for obvious reasons. Again, I am NOT going to continue this. If anyone is wanting to continue this, the only thing I ask is that you please PM me before hand.