Hello everyone.
This is super, super hard for me to write, but I'll cut the crap and keep this short.
I'm quitting Greensleeves. Not permanently, but it will be a long time before I update again.
Thank you so much to everyone who read, who reviewed, who supported me. You all mean so much to me and I can't thank you enough for putting up with my bullshit.
Why did you quit?
I hate calling it quitting. More like an extensive hiatus. But the truth is, I gave up. I don't like how it was written. I don't like writing it. And I can't ever make people read something I don't even want to write. I like writing fanfiction because it's fun. Greensleeves has become a chore. I have to make myself write a chapter. They've always been short, but I feel like they keep getting briefer and more and more cliche. Which does nothing for my dislike of the story.
I started writing Greensleeves on a whim. I had nothing planned out, and it wasn't until the 20th (give or take) chapter that I came up with some direction to take the story.
And I'm sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger, but to be honest it was a last-ditch attempt to liven up the fic, to make it something I want to write, and needless to say; it didn't work.
Will we ever know what happens?
Sure! I'll be happy to tell you anything you want to know, just send me a PM with your questions and I'll get straight back to you! Depending on what it is, I'll answer with how I see fit. (I little ficlet, a short explanation, and simple "IDK")
Why do you say you'll come back later if you hate it so much?
I don't know if I'll just re-write the entire thing or tweak a chapter or so, but I am an extremely hard-headed person, and I think that my stubborness will be enough drive to take up this fic again. (It had potential. Just terrible execution.)
Are you quitting your other fics?
No way! I love "Can't Help Falling in Love" and I have so many ideas! I also have a oneshot request I really need to work on, and a huge fic that I've been plotting for months. I am determined to bounce back from the defeat like a hydra. (Cut off one head grow two in it's place sort of thing.)
Finally, Thank You
For those of you who supported me all the way, for those of you who just read, or the ones who had the time to review: thank you.
You're the reason quitting this is so hard, I really hate to let you down. You mean so much to me and I am so deeply sorry there is no word in this langauge that can describe my anguish.
Sorry for all my mistakes, I'm American!