Pairing: Main-USUK Hinting-PruCan Spamano GeraIta and AusHun
Warnings: Cursing, violence, possible 'adult content' in the future.
Summary: Spades was broken after the war. Diamonds wasn't doing anything to help, Clubs was still posing a threat, and Hearts was surrendering—as usual. And to make matters worse, Arthur is a boy.
The suits were at war. This was a common occurrence as of late. Deck had recently become nothing more than a bloodbath. Clubs had declared war on Spades, which forced Hearts to declare war on Spades also. (They were long standing allies and depended upon one another.)
Spades fought for a few long years before they had to swallow their pride and ask diamonds for help. Diamonds refused through the first proposal, but then later changed their minds as the Heart-Club alliance became more and more powerful.
During the last year of the War, the Queen of Spades gave birth to a young baby boy. His name was Arthur.
"My Queen," King Kirkland said to his wife. "I think it is time we end this war."
The Queen's green eyes traveled to the grand crib at the center of the room. Her baby was fast asleep. But that was only to be expected, as it was deep into the night, and he was just a few months old.
"I know, despite your wish to speak it aloud, what you are implying." The Queen turned to her king with sad eyes, but an otherwise resolute expression. "We will go into war ourselves, we shall end it, but we shall leave our lives behind."
A single tear rolled down her cheek.
"The Magic has shown us." The King reached out and touched his wife's shoulder. "My Queen, we knew the moment we were Shown, that this was to be our destiny. It is for the kingdom."
The Queen nodded, and reached down into the crib to brush her baby's cheek. "And for the Future."
Thus, the Great Kingdom of Spades raced into battle, their Queen and King in the front lines. The Queen was armed with the inherited magic, the King his strength. However, Clubs was strong and had 'other' powers on their side as well. And they had their jack.
You see, the Jack of Spades had to stay behind. When he was Shown, he had not seen a valiant death beside his King and Queen, but instead, he had seen himself crowning a blue eyed man as their King. Next to him, was a blonde haired and green eyed male Queen.
Male Queens were not uncommon in the suits. Spades, though, was the only suit in history to never have a male Queen. Or a female King, for that matter. They had taken this proudly, thinking themselves the purest of monarchies because they had descended from the First Blood. Two males would put a stop to that, though.
The Jack wasn't very concerned with that at the moment, though.
The man looked up. "Yes? I'm sorry. I was...thinking."
The ambassador's expression softened. "It is understandable, My Lord. The future is looming and I have the worst feeling that there is no easy path through it."
Yao sighed. "Oh, you have no idea..."
Hello! I have always wanted to do a cardverse. ALWAYS. I don't really know where this is going to go, but I'll figure it out eventually! This was inspired by the song "Greensleeves" as you can probably infer by the title. Obviously, this is more of a prologue and less of a actual chapter. The next update will be in 'present day' with actual characters, such as ALFRED and ARTHUR.
***I'm not sure if I'm copying any ideas from authors, or if some things are just cannon. AKA king/queen powers. If anywhere in the story this does happen, please tell me, and I will do my best to change it or at least give you credit.
(I read too much cradverse -_-)
Thanks for reading!
Sorry for any mistakes, I'm American!