Summary: Because even if he isn't the Decimo of a mafia famiglia, he will always be the sky; accepting all, embracing all, protecting all. A look into the lives of some of Tsuna's parallel selves and his Family. Two-shot.
SkyGem: Been publishing a lot of one-shots lately…I guess I'm just try to write as much as I can before I run out of time (exams are coming up). Anyways, I hope y'all like, ne? Oh, and when I say that he's still their sky, they refers to not only his guardians, but the rest of Tsuna's family as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own KHR.
"What? Mom! You hired me a tutor?" demanded Tsuna, seeming upset.
The suit-clad man in front of him frowned a little, not saying a word.
Nana, smiling brightly, merely shook her head, saying, "Iemitsu hired him for you! And because your father went through so much trouble to hire a top-class tutor for you, you better show him some respect, Tsu-kun! Now why don't you take Reborn-kun up to your bedroom, ne?"
Grumbling, Tsuna turned around and headed up to his room, gesturing for the man to follow him.
Reborn just followed his new student quietly. So far, he didn't have the best first impression of the boy, and when he saw his room, his opinion of Tsunayoshi was lowered even further at the extreme messiness.
Picking his way through the trash, dirty laundry, and video games that littered the floor, Reborn cleared a space for himself on the boy's bed before sitting down, his new student plopping unceremoniously to the floor in front of him.
Reborn appraised him for a moment before asking him, "Have you ever heard about Vongola?"
His reply was an incredulous look before Tsunayoshi said, "Are you kidding? Of course I've heard of the Vongola! They own some of the largest indoor theme parks in the entire world and have locations in twelve different countries! Not to mention that dad works for them as well."
Reborn nodded in slight approval, saying, "I see you're well informed. At least I have something to work with."
"Something to work with?" repeated Tsuna in a confused voice, wondering what the Vongola had to do with anything.
At this inquiry, Reborn nodded, finally dropping the bomb on the boy.
"Sawada Tsunayoshi, my job is to tutor you to become the tenth boss of the Vongola."
"Hello! My name is Nonomiya Misaki and I'm here with someone I'm sure you all know very well!" said the overly cheerful reporter into the camera. "That's right! It's none other than the leader of the most popular band around, please say hello to Sawada Tsunayoshi-kun! Or, as he's more popularly known, Sora!"
The pretty, petite brunet smiled and gave a little wave, saying, "Ohayou, minna-san! Thank you very much for this interview!"
And immediately, Nonomiya waved off his thanks saying, "Oh, please, we should be thanking you, Sora-san for taking time out of your busy schedule to give us this interview! Now, are you ready for the first question?"
"Of course!"
"Okay then, we'll start off with one that everyone's just been dying to know the answer of! How did you guys come up with the idea for your band name?"
Tsuna let out a laugh at this, saying, "You've all really been curious about that? Well, sorry to say, but the idea behind our band name, 'Juudaime,' isn't really that interesting. My great-great-great grandfather founded the agency when he was still young, and when he retired, he gave ownership to his cousin rather than his son. Ever since then, the Vongola has passed through nine hands. The Kyuudaime didn't have any sons, so I, a distant relative, became the heir."
"Wow!" said the shocked reporter in awe. "So it's called Juudaime because you're the tenth owner? How's that not interesting? You're practically royalty in the entertainment industry!"
Tsuna just blushed at this, ducking his head in embarrassment. "I-I guess," he stuttered out, and Nonomiya gave a little giggle.
"So kawaii!" she cooed, causing the brunet to blush even more. "So, how does it feel, being both the owner and biggest star of the Vongola?"
Tsuna just continued smiling shyly, saying, "It feels really surreal. You see, I actually grew up as a normal kid, not knowing that I was even related to the Vongola in any way. But trust me, I'm not exaggerating when I say that I wouldn't get anywhere without my band mates."
Nonomiya nodded almost understandingly. "Ame-kun and the others also have important jobs in the agency, don't they?" she asked, referring to Takeshi, whose stage name was Rain.
"Everyone has their own talent, and it's only because of them that the agency is running so well. Storm, Rain, Mist, Lightning, Sun, Cloud; all of them are needed because without them, there would be no Sky."
"KYAAAAAA! I can't believe it!"
Minami Misora was in complete bliss as she stared at the acceptance email she had just accessed on her phone, not even taking notice of her friends as they tried to get her to calm down because everyone in the restaurant had started to stare.
It took all of five minutes to get the girl to stop hyperventilating and another two to get her to explain what had her so excited.
"I got accepted back into Vongola Academy!" she squealed in excitement. When her friends just stared at her uncomprehendingly, she elaborated, "It's one of the most prestigious schools in Italy, and has a huge campus, spanning all the way from preschool to university. I used to be in the elementary school division there before my family had to move here because my dad's mother wasn't doing well. Now that we'll be moving back soon, I applied to the high school division and got accepted!"
"Well, don't you seem excited," stated Misora's friend, Arisa, dryly.
"Of course I am!" replied Misora immediately, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get in if you haven't been a student since preschool? If you want to get accepted as a high school student, you have to pass a test that most high school third years here wouldn't be able to pass. If mom and dad hadn't hired a tutor for me when we first moved here to help keep me up to date with what they were learning at Vongola Academy, I probably wouldn't have gotten in. As it is, I think my having gone to the school when I was younger probably had something to do with my getting accepted back in."
"Wow," stated a redhead named Seira, another of Misora's friends. "No wonder you're at the top of the class. Why would you even want to go to a school that hard?"
"Because it's absolutely amazing!" insisted Misora, "The teachers have all been handpicked by the principal and the seven vice-principals so they're all extremely capable and really friendly as well and-"
Before she could continue, Seira piped up, saying in a confused voice, "Seven vice-principals?"
Seeming only mildly annoyed, Misora explained, "That's right. The students of the school are all sorted into seven classes when they begin junior high; the lightning class which vice-principal Bovino is in charge of, the cloud class which is under vice-principal Hibari's care, the mist class whose leaders are vice-principals Rokudo and Dokuro, the sun class who is headed by vice-principal Sasagawa, the rain class who vice-principal Yamamoto teaches, the storm class that vice-principal Gokudera has control of, and finally, the sky class who are taught by the principal himself, Sawada Tsunayoshi-sensei."
"Aren't most of those Japanese names?" asked Arisa, confused, and Misora nodded in response.
"Most of them have at least some Japanese blood in them," told Misora.
"And who chooses what class students will be put into?" asked Seira, really intrigued about this school.
"The principal and his vice-principals," Misora told them, looking proud. "They interview all the students graduating from the elementary division and sort them into the class they think they'll belong in. Each of the vice-principals favours certain traits and it's not too rare to have students moved from one class to another. The lightning class is stuck up and confident but very caring, the cloud class is aloof and extremely strict but are fiercely loyal, the mist class are cunning and manipulative but extremely protective of those they deem precious to them, the sun class are loud and energetic and oblivious, the rain class is full of friendly idiots who can be pretty naïve, the storm class have short tempers but are even more loyal than the cloud class and are really just a bunch of tsunderes. The sky class are the most respected of all the classes and are generally the leader type. They're very respectful and accepting and really caring as well; they're the smallest class because it's very hard to get into."
"So do the students of the different classes actually mingle, or do they spend time only with those in the same class as them?" asked Arisa.
"Strangely enough…even though students of the same class generally get along well with each other, most of the cliques in our school have a balanced ratio of students from the different classes. And the cliques that have one member of every class are the closest…" said Misora thoughtfully. "Even I have six best friends, and they're all from different classes, and we're so close, we're almost like siblings."
"What class were you a part of?" asked Seira curiously, and Misora beamed proudly.
"The sky class! Sawada-sensei was always so kind! I can't wait to see him again. I hope he remembers me!"
"Come on, Rin-chan! Let's hurry up!" shouted one very excited young boy as he and his best childhood friend ran towards the Elders' tent.
Upon arriving at the very heart of their small neighborhood of tents, the two children slowed down, becoming almost hesitant as they approached the home of their tribe's most respected members; the Elders.
The two came to a halt in front of the entrance, waiting until a smooth, calming voice from within called for them to enter.
Sharing one last nervous glance, the two seven-year-olds entered the dimly lit tent, the flickering of the candles throwing dancing shadows along the walls.
And there, sitting in the very centre of the tent, were the eight Elders.
Despite their name, which came from a time when the leaders of the tribe were the oldest members, these eight people were quite young.
Sky smiled upon seeing the children enter, and held out a hand, inviting them over.
Smiling shyly, the two children bowed deeply before approaching the man and putting their hands in his.
Sky didn't seem to notice their shyness, merely tugging them gently forwards until they were standing only a few steps from him.
"Now tell me, children, what it is you need," said the calm thirty-year-old in front of them, his eyes twinkling with a light that seemed to say that he already knew the answer.
Now, the two began to get a little fidgety. Their tribe's leaders could be intimidating at the best of times, despite the Sky's ever present smile, and now, with what they had come to discuss, it was even worse than usual. But like the naïve, innocent souls they were, the two squared their shoulders and looked the Sky in his eyes.
"Rin-chan and I promised to get married when we were older!" stated young Kensuke bravely.
"Did you now?" asked Sky with a mildly amused expression on his face as he turned to look at the aforementioned 'Rin-chan.'
Rin-chan nodded enthusiastically, face showing determination.
"What do you think, Ryohei?" asked Sky, and for a moment, both children were confused.
Then, Sun gestured them both over, and they quietly approached him. It had never occurred to the children that Sun might have a real name as well.
When they were standing in front of him, Ryohei put his hands first on either side of Kensuke's face, locking gazes with him for a few minutes, before doing the same with Rin. Finally, he said, "You two will have some extremely hard times in the future. Knowing this, do you still wish to go through with this?"
When Rin and Kensuke both nodded, a smile bloomed on the man's face and he planted kisses on both their left cheeks. "Then you have my blessings. Now go on to Kyoya."
The children looked around, and when Cloud waved them over, they hesitantly approached him.
Kyoya put a hand under Kensuke's chin, forcing him to meet his steely eyes before doing the same to Rin. Finally, he said, "There will be many that will be opposed to this union. But despite that, will you remain loyal to each other?"
This time, it was the quiet Rin who answered, eyes and voice burning with determination. "Of course."
An expression of approval flitted across Kyoya's face before he planted a kiss on first Kensuke's right temple, then Rin's, and said, "You have my approval. Your thoughts on this, Takeshi?"
This time, it was Rain that beckoned them over. He put his hands on first Rin's shoulders, making eye contact, before moving on to Kensuke. "Your parents will be upset when they learn of this, and it will take time to get them to accept the two of you together. Despite this, will you both continue to smile and love and respect your parents?"
The kids nodded in unison; they'd come too far to give up.
"Then I will support you to the very end," Takeshi told them, a beautiful smile on his face before kissing the palms of both Kensuke and Rin's left hands. "Your turn, Mukuro and Chrome."
This time, there was no doubt who he was talking about. The two children turned to the Mist twins.
Mukuro ruffled first Rin's hair, then Kensuke's telling them, "There are things the two of you will never be able to have, if you are to choose each other."
And here, Chrome picked up, asking, "Despite these sacrifices, are you still able to hold each other with love and respect, placing no blame on your partner?"
At these words, Rin looked at the ground, blinking back tears at the thought of everything they would never have, before looking back up and saying in a strong voice, "We will."
Chrome's expression was especially sweet as she laid eyes on Rin, placing a kiss on the child's left temple as Mukuro did the same with Kensuke. "Don't disappoint us," were there words, said in unison.
Kensuke and Rin were then gestured over to Storm.
Hayato placed one hand behind and at the base of Kensuke's neck and the other at Rin's, pulling them closer towards him. "There will be times when one of you will be attacked because of your relationship. But still, do you two promise to protect each other from any harm that may come your way?"
"Definitely!" said Kensuke determinedly, and a small smile came onto Hayato's face.
Kissing first Rin's right hand palm, then Kensuke's right hand palm, Hayato said, "Then I will be watching over you two from now on. You next, Lambo."
Lambo looked at them both with his piercing green eyes before taking their hands and saying, "You two are still nothing more than children. Can you tell me with absolute certainty that this isn't just a passing whim?"
"We're completely sure!" both kids insisted, and Lambo smiled kindly at them.
"Then I hope for a happy future for you two."
And with a kiss to their right cheeks, Lambo sent them off to finally face Sky again, revealing his name to be Tsuna.
Looking at the two boys before him, Tsuna merely smiled, saying, "I have no questions for you two. You have been accepted by my brothers and sister. I wish you good luck and joyous lives, Kensuke and Rintaro."
And he placed a tender kiss on both boys' foreheads.
SkyGem: Lol, I went a bit overboard with that last one. Anyways, tell me what you thought of this chapter, ne? There's eight parallel worlds we'll be looking into, and the other four will be posted in the next chapter. I'm sorry to say that I won't be using any of these worlds in any multi-chaps in the future, but if there is anyone that wants to use these universes, then please go to the plot dump on my blog, and go through the adoption process there. Thank you and that's all for now! Ciao!