The Golden Horror Picture Show

1. Tire Blow Out

"Damn it!" cried Gaston as he pulled his Honda Civic over to the side of the road. "I knew I should have gotten that spare tire fixed." He slammed his fist on the dashboard, making his new fiancé, Belle, jump slightly.

"Well, we're in the middle of nowhere, and its pouring out," sighed Belle, wondering what to do next. She checked her cell phone, and found that there was no service. "And my phone's out of service."

"Mine's dead," groaned Gaston as he rested his head against the steering wheel. "We might as well walk to the nearest house and ask to use their phone."

"But the only umbrella we have is broken!" cried Belle as she shivered, anticipating the cold, pouring rain enveloping her pretty white sleeveless dress. "We'll catch our death!"

"You can have my coat, and I'll take the newspaper," said Gaston gallantly. They opened the car doors, and stepped out into the pouring rain. Belle held his jacket over her head as they walked hurriedly up the street, searching for a house nearby.

Lightning struck, making poor Belle jump, as if the young woman wasn't frightened enough. "Gaston, I'm scared," she said, shivering with cold.

"Belle, I'm here," said Gaston as he put an arm around her. "If it helps, why don't you sing something in order to redirect yourself?"

Belle nodded, and watched as lightning streaked the sky in a long, deadly fork, thunder following soon after. "In the velvet darkness of the blackest night, burning bright there's a guiding star… No matter what or who- who you are…"

"THERE'S A LIGHT!" bellowed Gaston. "Oh my gosh, there's a light! That castle right there!" He pointed to the ominous castle that stood before them, and they walked up the drive carefully. He knocked on the door several times, and then looked over at Belle.

"Maybe nobody is home?" she said, shrugging her shoulders. Without warning, the door slowly creaked open, and a hunched over man with blue eyes and stringy hair greeted them.

"Hello," said the man in a unusual accent. It made the hairs on Gaston's and Belle's neck stand on edge. "You're wet."

"Yes… It's raining," said Belle slowly. She shot Gaston a look that said let's get out of here, this guy doesn't look like he's playing with a full deck!

"Hi, my name is Gaston Meraux, and this is my fiancé, Belle French," said Gaston as he extended his hand to the man. The man did not take it, leaving Gaston to retract his hand, and continue. "Our car broke down, and we were wondering if we could use your phone for a bit to call for a toe truck."

"Yes," said the man slowly. "I think you'd better come inside…"

The three of them walked inside the large, castle like mansion. Belle and Gaston took in their surroundings. Everything in the house was gray, save the black and white marble floor. Dust covered the chandelier, grandfather clock, and various knickknacks. There was a black raven that sat on the mantelpiece, its gleaming beady black eyes staring into space.

As if entranced by the raven, Belle went over to touch it, and the bird cawed, flapped its wings, and flew off. "BELLE!" exclaimed Gaston. "You're lucky that thing didn't do anything to you!"

"She's lucky, he's lucky, you're lucky, I'm lucky, WE'RE ALL LUCKY!" cackled a woman with wildly curly black hair. She cackled loudly, and it sent goosebumps down Belle's spine.

"Who are you, and where are we?" asked Belle.

"I'm David," said the hunchbacked man. "But I go by Riff Raff. That is more… me…"

"And I'm Mary Margaret," said the cackler. "But I'd prefer Magenta. Mary Margaret is such a mouthful, don't you think?"

"That doesn't answer where we are," said Belle quietly. "And I hear other voices. Are there more of you?"

"You've come on a rather special night," said Riff Raff, grinning slightly. "It is the mistress' party."

"Oh, we didn't come to intrude," said Belle as she began to pull Gaston out towards the front door.

"Not at all," said Magenta as she slid down the banister. "You are most welcome to partake in our little party." She chuckled darkly to herself.