A/N: The last chapter. Thanks for all the reviews and favs, I hope you all enjoyed.

Chapter 7

Sunlight shone over the small island beach on Diego Garcia, a lone red and blue semi sitting on the beach. Within its confines, a middle aged nurse stirred from her slumber, sitting up in the reclined chair. Shaking away her dizziness, June Darby stretched before realizing the familiar weight of her son was gone. Glancing around, her eyes stopped on the still form on the floor, sleeping gently. Jack was back to his rightful age of sixteen, his body having grown back. Lucky for the sleeping boy, the trunks he was wearing had also grown with him.

June figured that Jack must have returned to normal during the night, which must have been an interesting episode when he found himself in her lap. No doubt he chose to let her sleep while taking up space on the floor. Sometimes, the boy was too considerate for his own good, but that's why she loved her son. The chair rose to meet her back and the engine started, meaning Optimus had woken up as well. Jack was stirred from his slumber and got up, stretching his limbs.

"Morning you two, sleep well?" she smiled. She expected Jack to be confused about what was happening, but what she saw was just as good. Her son's cheeks were as red as Optimus' armor. June stifled a laugh, earning a frown from her son. "I'm guessing you remember?"

"It's not funny," he replied.

"It's pretty funny," she giggled. "You looked so cute playing in the water yesterday and now you're sitting in Optimus' vehicle mode in nothing but swim trunks. Not to mention all the chaos you caused at base." Jack's eyes widened and his blush darkened when several memories flooded his mind at once. Scrap! Why him! Why was it always him?

"I'm not going to wanna show my face at base for a while," he sighed, taking the driver's seat. He placed his face in his hands, "What did I do?"

"Liven up the lives of five Autobots with childish antics that would put Miko to shame?" June teased, earning a groan. "Calm down, it shouldn't be that bad. I doubt Ratchet will want to talk about it, Rafael and Bumblebee shouldn't give you too much trouble, and Bulkhead's not like Miko. So the most you have to worry about are Miko and Arcee."

"Ugh," he groaned, realizing what was in store for him. Miko would never let him live this down and Arcee… Oh God, he couldn't believe that he actually kissed her. Sure it was on the cheek, but still! His face was redder than it had ever been in his life, probably anybody's life.

The ground-bridge opened and Optimus drove through, returning them to the Autobot base, thankfully bare of any occupants other than Ratchet. June and Jack stepped out so Optimus could transform and converse with Ratchet. As June predicted, Ratchet gave no mention to Jack's being back to normal as June led her son to the room they'd been occupying. Gathering her things, they got in her car and left for home.

Child's Play

The drive back to Jasper was the quietest the mother and son had ever known, but neither knew what to say. All joking aside, June was happy that Jack was back to normal, but her maternal instincts couldn't help but mourn over the lack of time she'd spent with him. Her profession required her to be away from him during his actual childhood as well, and she still regretted it. She glanced at Jack, the raven-haired teen staring out the window. She patted him on the back supportively as they finally arrived in town.

The drive back home was short as they exited the car, making sure none of their neighbors were awake, and headed inside. Jack sat on the couch, his hands back over his face, sighing again at what he would have to deal with tomorrow. Better to face it sooner than later, though. June sat next to him and sat in awkward silence. The nurse tried to speak, but could think of nothing to say. Jack caught the sadness in her eyes.

That had barely been able to spend time together during this whole ordeal thanks to her job, only able to be together on the last day of his de-aging. No doubt it reminded her of how his childhood was after his father left. Jack remembered often lonely nights under the care of their neighbors, waiting to see if his mother had come home. Most times, he missed her completely, a meal ready to eat the only sign of her presence. This ordeal must have only made her feel like a terrible mother.

"You know, this whole thing, as embarrassing as it has been, reminded me of something," Jack spoke. "You and I should probably head out to amusement park in the next town over next weekend." Without another word, he got and went to his room, glancing to see a smile on his mother's face.

Child's Play

When Jack arrived at base the next day, there was an awkward silence before Miko made a remark, earning a few laughs from Raf, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead. Jack decided it would be better to let the girl get the jokes (however many there were) out of her system. He refused to even look at Arcee, too embarrassed by what he'd done to risk further embarrassment. He could feel the femme's optics on him, but he did his best to ignore it. He tried to focus on something else, but nothing worked as Miko gave her latest jab.

"Hey Bulk," she giggled. "Why don't you tell us one of your Wrecker stories? Sorry, Jack this might too mature for you."

"Funny," he grumbled, wanting to disappear at this very moment. The girl's jabbing continued until Bulkhead suggested they go see the monster truck rally in town. Jack gave the Wrecker a grateful look before turning to Ratchet, "Thanks."

"For what?" he replied, not turning away from his work.

"For… well… uhm…"

"Well?" he turned to glare at the boy.

"Thanks for 'taking care of me' and not bringing it up afterwards," he rubbed the back of his head, cheeks red once again. The medic was taken aback a moment before he returned to his work.

"You're welcome."

"Same goes for you and 'Bee," he turned to Raf, "Thanks." Raf smiled and nodded before returning to his game with 'Bee. There were just two more people he needed to thank, but both situations would prove to be awkward. He chose latter over the former, sine the former involved his partner.

Child's Play

In his quarters, Optimus Prime sorted through the data of this month's mission report, being sure to leave out any of Jack's involvement. He opted to do this as opposed to remain at the command center and listen to Miko's mockery of the boy's situation. While admittedly humorous, Optimus found no joy from Jack's embarrassment. The boy had done too much to earn Optimus' respect to be mocked for an accident that was their fault. Still, there was another reason.

He remembered June's asking about children and his recounting of Elita-One's death yesterday while watching Jack. He couldn't help the odd sensation emanating from his spark as he contemplated the moment. It was almost as if Optimus had made a small family of his own outside the Autobots. The feelings in his spark were odd, some foreign, some not. Thinking about yesterday made them return and confuse Optimus even more.

As natural as these feelings felt, Optimus had to cast them aside to ensure the Autobot's victory against Megatron and the Decepticons. Then perhaps, if he survived the conflict, he may be able to sort out these emotions inside of him. The sounds of footsteps drew his attention as Jack entered his quarters, looking as sheepish as ever. The boy managed a lopsided smile, "Hey, Optimus, how are you?"

"I am fine," he replied. "And yourself, Jackson?"

"Fine, all things considered," he laughed a bit. Optimus gave a small smile. "I just wanted to say thanks for looking after me."

"You needn't thank me. The others did far more than I."

"I know, but you still helped me, so thanks. Now, I've got someone else to talk to."

Child's Play

Jack left Optimus' quarters to head for the hall where Arcee's were located, his stomach in a tight knot. He couldn't help but think about how innocently he had kissed Arcee on the cheek. She smiled, but it was still embarrassing. They loved each other, but weren't necessarily "in love" with each other. And this just made things seem awkward, maybe more so for him than her, but still.

When he found himself in front of her door, he took a deep breath before using the small key pad to open the door. He hoped she'd decided to take a nap or something so he could come back later, but no such luck. She was sitting on her berth, knees curled up to her chest as she sorted through her own mission report. She took notice of his presence and smiled, a gesture he returned.

"Hey," he replied, hand on the back of his head again.

"Hey," she replied.

"Look, I just wanted to say thanks for taking care of me during this whole thing and I'm sorry and-"

"What are you sorry for?" she asked, swinging her legs over the berth's edge. Jack walked over to her and she helped him up. He sat against her legs before continuing.

"You know, about… kissing you."

"You didn't like it?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No! I mean, yes! I mean… I'm sorry. It was just… a little embarrassing for me,okay."

"I know, partner," she smiled. "You didn't offend me if that's what you're worried about. Besides, you were pretty cute as a youngling. But if it makes you feel better-" She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, stunning the boy. "We're even now."

"Thanks," he smiled awkwardly. "I just hope nothing like this ever happens again." Before Arcee could agree, an explosion resonated through base.

"Miko!" Bulkhead screamed.

"Uh oh," Arcee glanced at Jack.

"Scrap," he sighed.

Child's Play

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for sticking with me through yet another ride.