Bam! New chapter! Sorry about the wait. I had a death in the family and I lost the small spark I had to write. Luckily I got a bit back. I hope to update soon, but I'll have to play it by ear. Just a couple more chapters left and then it will be complete!

Day 2

Light poured into the room from the open door way, where Denzel stood watching Marlene's sleeping form. He still had not told her of what happened at the village or of the death of her parents. Denzel did not believe she could handle such a shock with her heart condition. Why that would bother him so greatly was a mystery to him. Any other human's health would have been nothing to him but this one's…he did not have the answer.

Letting out a sigh as he felt a familiar presence move to the side of him, Denzel remained silent as the Queen began to speak. "You know watching young girls sleep could be considered somewhat creepy." Denzel shot her a dull look and Zefrinn only smiled back at him "I know you do not understand why you wish to protect her or possibly lose her, but she must be told." The Queen said as she clasped her hands behind her back and looked into the dark room.

Denzel didn't say anything at first but then said, "I could have her sleep til her heart-"

Zefrinn interrupted him with a soft voice. "Denzel…you and I both know her heart will never be better than it is now. You, yourself said that it will only fail her further til finally it gives out. Also you know how blocking the natural functions on a human body can be hazardous, you cannot make her sleep forever."

The young Knight looked to his Queen knowing that she had realized Marlene's extended sleep was his doing, but he did not address that he had be caught. He had caused her to sleep for the past two days, not knowing what to say if she awoke, more then doing it for her health.

The Queen put her hand on his shoulder as she turned toward him. "Emotions are hard especially for someone who likes to pretend he does not have them," She gave him a warm smile. "but I suggest you start showing them, for Marlene's sake."

Denzel remained silent as the Queen left him alone and made her way down the hall. He let out yet another sigh as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Moving through the darkness without error, Denzel lit a candle on the small table by the bed. He sank slowly to a chair that he pulled close, before he reached out to Marlene. Running a finger down the center of her forehead and the bridge of her nose, he woke her from his sleep.

Marlene's eyes opened slowly before she turned her head to look at Denzel. "Hello again." She whispered softly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked then waited for her to tell him, as if he did not already know that her body felt heavy and tired, or that her heart had a dull pain to it like always.

She just smiled at him lightly, "I'm alright." The girl did not look alright. She was paler then usual, even in the low light anyone one could see that. Soon her smile faded a bit as a thought finally came to her and caused her to ask, "The village?"

Denzel looked away, not able to meet her eyes as she asked the question he realized he had been dreading. "There is somethings I need to tell you..." He looked down at his hands searching for what he should say.

Marlene watched Denzel hesitate in his response and knew that what he wished to say was not good. Rolling to her side, waiting for him to get the words out. She reached out and touched his face, just before he spoke. "It's okay… you can tell me. I will be fine."

At first Denzel jumped from her touch, because he was not expecting it. Physical contact had and would always be hard for him to adjust too. Clearing his throat, he took Marlene's hand from his face and held it in his hands. It was so cold, almost as cold as his own. For a moment, as he looked down at her small hand, if she really would be alright. Soon he lifted his head to look at Marlene, not letting go of her hand as he spoke. "There will be much to rebuild… there were a good number of villagers killed…I am sorry to say that your parents were among those we lost."

The girl was quiet as tears began to collect in her eyes and the sorrow began to grow within her. Marlene just let it sink, that numbness that threatens to over take all your senses. It was a numbness that one could not put into words. In her mind she tired so very hard to accept...that her parents were gone. They were just gone...

Moving to lay on her back once more, she stared up at the ceiling as more tears fell and showed no signs of stopping. Through this, Marlene never once let go of Denzel's hand.

The Knight watched her response, waiting for her heart to give way or her to begin to scream and cry out…but nothing came. Only stray tears at first but soon more came to fall, however not once did her heart go into a spasm. It was steady and beat as normal as Denzel had ever known it to.

Briefly, he thought to let her just cry it out on her own, but soon he found himself lifting her out of the bed and into his arms. Denzel sat there on the bed as he held her, letting her cry into his shoulder. It was the first time Denzel had ever given comfort to anyone.

The hall had been empty, when Cloud had been summoned away from Tifa, who was safely sleeping away. Silence had followed him as he had walked down the path to meet with Queen Zefrinn. It was this same silence that filled him as she told him that his mother was awake and she was waiting for him.

Now in this moment, Cloud stood before the door, which was the last thing separating him from her. His hands even shook as they reached for the handle and opened the door. As the door swung open, he could see her sitting up right in the bed, as if no time had passes.

Queen Lucrecia Strife's hair was unbound and her golden locks fell gently about her shoulders. Her face was just as beautiful as Cloud remembered, maybe just a bit paler. Her bright blue eyes were so clear as they looked up to see him standing in the door way. Most of all, her smile, her smile was just as warm as it had been when he was a child.

Taking a hesitant step into the room, Cloud's called out in a voice barely above a whisper. "Mother..."

Tears filled her eyes as his voice touched her ears. How she had longed to see her son once more. Holding out her hands to him, Lucrecia nodded. "I am here."

Cloud was to the side of the bed and his mother was wrapped in his arms in an instant. He had only dreamtof this moment. Years he had prayed that he would be able to hug his mother just once more and have her hold him like she did when he was young.

They remained in each others embrace a very long time before Cloud pulled back and tears could be seen in his eyes. "I had all but given up seeing you again, mother."

"I had too, my son." She wiped his tears away and choked back a sob. "I have missed so much..." She cupped his face with her hands, as more tears fell. "I remember leaving my little boy and now he sits before me as a man."

Cloud covered her hands with his. "True, but we have the rest of time to make up for our lost time and there is much we have to talk about." Cloud gave her a smile that had been gone from his face for so long, that was until Tifa.

Thinking of Tifa, he chuckled a bit. "I have a mate, that I wish you to meet her first. When you are able too, of course."

"Oh Cloud...I would love that very much." Lucrecia's eyes beamed with happiness as she spoke "My body is still adjusting to being awakened, but Zefrinn is seeing to my care so I am in good hands. She and I have been talking about what has happened since I was imprisoned...about Sephiroth"

Cloud's face fell some as she said 'imprisoned' and said Sephiroth's name. Cloud had been in Helhiem when his mother was kept at Black Coven and he had thought her dead. He had only been give bits of information of what had happened to her while she lived there, later on after he had grown. Cloud had been vastly disappointed to learn, his mother had been long gone before he had been granted his request to serve Black Coven in search of her.

Seeing the sadness that filled her eyes, Cloud spoke. "The challenge will take place tomorrow night. I promise you that when this is over...I will destroy everything that was once Black Coven."

"All I want you to promise me, is that you will return." She wiped her tears and let out a heavy breath. "For now, let us spend what time we have left before then to catch up."

Cloud could tell that his mother didn't not wish to speak of what happened, or anything involved with it. Lucrecia was not ready, that much was clear. There was too much for her to still sort out. Too much time that was lost and events to put together, also too many emotions that needed to settle.

Hours had began to pass as the spoke of other things and Cloud told her of Tifa. They spent all the night with each other, just talking. Zefrinn had gone to great lengths to make sure that no one interrupted them. She had sat with Tifa and told her where Cloud was, which Tifa was overjoyed to hear.

The days to come would be rough and the future was uncertain to some, but to Aerith, the out come would be worth the pain and the sorrow that was felt. Those would were lost would be avenged and those who remained would gain what they needed most. This was what she could see as she sat with Zack with in their room. It was the only future she would focus on and let come to pass.