[] So here we are in the brand spankin' new rewrite of Curiosity Hung the Hacker. I'm proud to present; Curious By Nature. []
I never really understood human society, hell, I was just a hermit. A smart hermit, sureā¦ But I was just an anti-social shut in who spent most of her time online. I lived alone, as I was twenty four years old and a college student. I was just barely getting by with my little job at the local supermarket, but I suppose I couldn't ask for something better.
Although I had a crappy job and had a hard time getting along on my own.. Not, to brag I was actually a genius. I was a major in computer technology and I thought I knew a little more than I should.. It was actually fairly easy for me to hack into data bases AND still cover my tracks with ease.
But again, not to brag or anything.
I guess my scientific knowledge made up in the field of beauty. I was a very average looking young woman. I had shoulder length dull red hair and hazel eyes. I had pale skin, from lack of getting out, and an average build. I wasn't fat or anything, nor was I skinny. Just healthy, I suppose.
But let's get on with the story, shall we?
. . .
A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back in my computer chair. A fan in the corner of my room blew my greasy hair around, tossing my already messy rats nest of hair about. Glancing to the alarm clock next to my bed it read in big green letters '8:34PM'. My chair squeaked in protest as I leant back further in it and rocking on the very edge of it.
The day itself had been very average. Woke up, went to class, went to work then came home. Class had been just the professor lecturing about special codes and such, nothing I didn't know already. The professor knew that too, and I could tell he secretly had it out for me. However, there wasn't anything he could do about it, I was just a genius.
Work was long and grueling. I had at least five customers complain to me about a certain product not being available and all I could say was there wasn't anything I could do, but that didn't stop them from giving me an earful. Besides the complaining customers, I had to stock shelves nearly all day as well, leaving me more tired than usual.
And now another boring evening.
Finally sitting back up I scanned the computer screen, seeing the Tumblr dashboard open I closed that window and opened up my email. As much as I loved using Tumblr and blogging, and whatever else I had to take a break from it all every once in a while.. Wiping the sweat from my forehead I mentally groaned at the oddly warm Ohio weather this evening. Pushing my tongue to the roof of my mouth I lightly clicked it as the news on my Yahoo page opened.
'Military plane crash in northern Wisconsin, three confirmed dead and a dozen injured.'
Strangely, I idled on the page longer than I usually would have for this sort of news. But it intrigued me, what would a military jet be doing anywhere near Wisconsin? I couldn't stop myself from scrolling through the little news report about it, finding the pictures of the jet odd.
When I was a child, my father told me a lot about military vehicles, since he was a mechanic. Every day when he had come home from work he would tell me and my mother about his day, what he had worked on, and how he loved working on vehicles. He kept photos all around the house and in his workshop (our garage.) But this particular jet, from the photos that were provided was nothing like I had seen!
I found myself downloading the image and using my superior computer skills to enhance the image, seeing as it was rather blurry to see any keen details. It didn't take long to smooth out the image to make it easier on the eyes, and I found myself even more puzzled.
First of all, the jet was black and purple. There were hardly any custom military jets and especially not one such as this would have just crashed. That was common knowledge to anyone, at least I thought so.. It was a very advanced fighter jet and I couldn't kill my curiosity about it.
I had to learn more.
Again I took another close look at the image and blinked, seeing a foreign insignia on it. Now I knew that something was off about this so-called jet.
Running a hand through my hair and exhaled heavily. I could use a program to find out more about the subject, but I wouldn't begin to know where to look. Flexing my fingers they lingered over my keyboard, practically itching to get to work.
"What could it possibly hurt?" I murmured to myself aloud.
. . .
Looking over to my clock, it read '5:08AM'. I had stayed up all night researching all I could about the fighter jet and I came up with nearly nothing.
All I could learn was, after the jet had crashed it mysteriously disappeared from the hanger it was taken to after the crash, also that the pilot was nowhere to be found shortly after the crash. Standing from my chair I grumbled about my legs falling asleep. Waddling into the kitchen I went for a glass of water. Turning the sink on I allowed the mineral filled tap water fill my cup. Before lifting the newly filled glass to my lips I released a long drawn-out yawn.
Not surprisingly my throat burned a bit from lack of substance before now. But the liquid quickly soothed my enflamed throat and I savored it. Downing the glass fairly quickly I had filled it again and was drinking another glass. With a satisfied sigh I left the cup on the sink before walking into my bathroom to relieve myself after drinking two very full glasses of water.
My thoughts had wandered back to the mysterious jet and its insignia. That was certainly not American, but the authorities claimed it was. They told anyone who asked about it 'Not to worry, everything is fine.'
"Yeah.. Sure.." I said to myself as I flushed the toilet and began to wash my hands. My eyes turned upward to look at myself in the mirror above the sink and I frowned. Ugly bags were formed under my eyes and I looked paler than usual and very very greasy.
"Aren't you attractive?" I mumbled before reaching for a towel to dry my hands. Rubbing my tired eyes I wandered back into my own room and stood in the doorway. The light from my computer's monitor lit up the room in an almost eerie glow to it. Shrugging I made my way back to the computer chair and sat down. My Tumblr was back open again with new notifications and I sighed. Nothing could keep me from thinking about that little mystery.
Pulling up the post option on my dashboard I uploaded the photo of the insignia I found on the jet with a caption under it saying, 'Anyone know anything about this symbol?' and posted it. Shortly after I closed down the window and dragged myself out of the chair.
Plopping down on my bed I rolled around until my head was on my pillows and I was laying on my right side. With pleasure I closed my eyes and relished the thought of sleep. I knew I had to skip class and work today, but that was okay. I deserved a little vacation day for me, it had been at least several months since I had took a day for myself to relax. And that was exactly what I would do.
. . .
I awoke to the annoying ringing of my home phone. The obnoxiously loud phone nearly ringing off its hook. With much effort I rolled out of bed and onto my knees, grumbling to myself about having to get up I half shuffled half ran into the kitchen to grab the phone before it went to the answering machine.
"Hello?" I spoke, my voice noticeably rough.
"Rica sweetie? You sound awful!" My mother's voice cried from the receiver, causing me to wince at the volume.
"I just woke up.. what's up?"
"Oh, I was just calling to check on you. You haven't called in a week dear! Your father and I were starting to worry."
"No, no.. Mom, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I'll try to call more." I yawned, starting to feel a bit more awake.
"Okay sweetheart. So tell me, is everything going well with school and work?"
"Every day is a holiday.." I mumbled, causing my mom to laugh.
"Ahh, your sense of humor always gets me, Rica. Anyway, I'll let you go and wake up."
"Okay Mom, tell Dad I said hi."
"Of course, talk to you later Rica!"
Hanging up the phone I yawned again and stretched. The time on my coffee pot read '11:29AM'. I groaned, realizing I hadn't slept very long and I dragged myself back to my room to check my computer. The sun was peeking in through the shades of my window, which I was grateful I had down at the moment.
Sitting down at my desktop I wiggled my mouse so the monitor would light up. Rubbing my eyes I half blindly opened my tumblr to see if anyone had said anything about the photo. Butterflies gathered in my stomach as I eagerly scanned the screen, and then frowned.
With a sigh I opened a new window to check my email, running my fingers over the keys as I typed in the password and opened it up.
'No Subject'
Blinking, I opened the email, finding it rather odd that I had a message with no address on it.
My hands dropped suddenly to my sides as I read the email out loud to myself. Chills running up my spine at the three words.
"I'm watching you."
[]So there we have it! Chapter one of the newly rewritten story. Hope you all like! Reviews are SUPER love, need tons of feedback to know whatcha think! Gelly out. []