Rewritten from original format with main computer. Enjoy.

Part 1: In the dark

Chapter 1: When the lights go out

Optimus groaned, trying hard to ignore the following Red Alert, who had been trembling and stuttering after him since the storm began. Every thunder howl or lightening flash caused the poor little bot to yelp and nearly hug onto the commander. They had been going on for the past hour. With pleading optics, Optimus scanned the halls for the next unlucky bot that past them.

"How long will this storm last, Optimus? What if it takes out the security or the power or...or..." sputtered Red Alert.

"I assure you Red, nothing is going to happen..." sighed Optimus.

Something caught his optic. Slowly, unknowingly, walking down the adjacent hall, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were leaving from patrol duty. Optimus nodded, glancing over his shoulder at the whimpering Red Alert. With a sigh, Optimus called out for the two soldiers down the hall. The two turned with smiles until they caught sight of Red Alert, then they tried to take off down the nearest all.

"Hold it, you two!" called Optimus. "Please, take Red back to his office."

"But, Optimus..." whined Sunstreaker.

We've got a triple double movie marathon that needs our attention," Sideswipe smirked. "We don't have the time to take Red places..."

There was a crack of thunder, sending Red onto Optimus. The commander groaned, glaring at the twins. They offered a too knowledgeable smile, turning to leave. Glancing at the whimpering Red Alert upon his arm, Optimus decided to grab the twins by the shoulder, drawing them back. The twins groaned, looking at Optimus with pouting blue eyes.

"But Prime..." the two whimpered.

"No...I don't want to hear it. I just want you to take Red off my hands and take him back to his room so I can work!" ordered Optimus, shaking Red off his arm and onto the twins.

"But Optimus!" the two shouted.

"I don't care..." groaned Optimus, walking in the opposite direction.

"Great..." the twins mumbled, glancing over at the cowering Red Alert.

"Hello," whispered Red.

"What is your problem, Red? All this is is a little rain," shrugged Sunstreaker, pushing past him.

"Rain doesn't make such noises and, besides, rain alone could cause so many problems outside the base that could destroy internal-"

"Shut up!" begged Sideswipe. "C'mon already.

Sideswipe walked behind Red while Sunstreaker took the lead. Together they marched throughout the base, gaining snickers and giggles from some of the other bots. Prowl and Ratchet offered some of the loudest laughter. The twins continued with straight faces. Red Alert, however, was surprisingly quiet, eyeing the ground with shadowed optics.

"I really am ridiculous, aren't I?" whispered Red upon arrival at his room.

"Don't say that Red," sighed Sideswipe. "Everyone has their moments. Everyone gets scared sometime or another."

"Not like me though..."sighed Red, entering his office.

The twins exchanged worried glances. Red had never been so down in the dumps before. Thinking of the movie marathon once more, the two headed for their room. It was once again strangely quiet, with each step and the faint patter of the rain outside being the only source of sound. Nervously, the twins picked up their pace for their room.

Nearly arriving, there was a loud crack like a gun blast to a wall. A horrid howl like a dying animal rang throughout the base. Another screech, though less of a voice, escaped through the lights above, shattering them to pieces. Jumping to the wall, the twins looked around hastily as shadows filtered down rapidly.

Silence fell once more, with the only light coming from their optics, the twins exchanged glances.

"Of all the times for crazy Red Alert to be right," sighed Sunstreaker.