AN/... It's the last chapter guys! I'm hoping this one will make you laugh, 'cause Rick and Wheatley are little rebels in it XD. So, for the final time of this story, enjoy! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!
Chapter 18 - Work, Phone Calls and Indoor Baseball
Chell POV - Six months. It had been six whole months since Aperture. Yesterday we had to return to the hospital to remove my cast, and Wheatley's chest needed a check up. It was all behind us now, nothing was left to serve as a memory. All our bandages and the cast had gone, all injuries healed. Not even do much as a scar was left behind. I was back at work, and Wheatley had found a hobby. We discovered he has quite a lot of hidden talent in playing guitar, so he amuses himself with that when I'm working. It was strange, he couldn't succeed in a simple task like cooking, but when it came to a more complex task like learning a musical instrument, he excelled at it.
Wheatley also indulged himself in his mobile a lot now, and was constantly calling me to see if I was okay when I'm at work. Sweet as he is, he's as persistent as a stalker sometimes. If I turn my phone off so I don't get told off, as soon as I open the door upon returning home he leaps on me, managing to convince himself that I had died or something melodramatic. I guess he was still traumatised by the events I so often try to forget.
Rick managed to get bags of money off of Fact, (although how Fact suddenly got so rich I don't know) and decided to move into our street. Him and Wheatley had become really close friends, and Rick and I got on pretty well too - most of the time. The others lived in the next town along, and rarely visited. With our help, Rick had finally got a grasp on human life, and was actually really enjoying it. Although for him, having fun meant going on adventures, so doing any form of dangerous activity he finds, from climbing trees to going wind-surfing, he's done it all. Rick decided that one day he was going to take us on a surprise day trip, and I really dreaded what life-threatening activity he would come up with. With a shudder, I pushed that thought of my mind. I'd take it when the day came and not a minute earlier.
"Hey, Chell, wake up!" I suddenly heard Melanie say. My pupils dilated, and I was back in the nursery, sitting in the back room eating lunch during the shift change.
"Were you daydreaming about your boyfriend again?" she squealed like a young teenager. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, although I couldn't help but smile smugly.
"Ha! You were, weren't you!"
"Not really!" I protested, giving her a playful shove. Unfortunately, Wheatley didn't help my case, because my phone started ringing, and we both knew it would be him. I answered on the second ring with a sigh.
"Hello?" I asked, even though I knew it would be him.
"Hi, Chell, are you okay?" he asked in a rush. I laughed.
"Yes, Wheatley I'm fine."
"That's good I was worri-"
"Wheatley, what was that?" I asked firmly. He better have not let Rick in again. Last time he broke half of our plates trying to juggle them to show off to Wheatley.
"I... Erm... It was..." he sighed, giving in. "It was Rick, look I gotta go!"
"Okay bye, love y-" I heard the dial tone, and realised Wheatley had hung up. He never did that, Rick must have done something pretty bad. I will kill Rick personally when I got home.
"What was that crash?" Melanie asked, sounding slightly concerned.
"God knows, Wheatley's let Rick in the house again," I complained.
"Again? I hope the house is still standing when you get home!"
"Yeah, so do I..." I muttered, feeling angry and worried all rolled into one.
Wheatley POV -
"You idiot! Why did you hit the ball that far?" I yelled at Rick, glancing over at the baseball shaped hole in the window.
"You should have caught it! That's why you're the one wearing this!" he grabbed my hand, which was carrying a baseball mitt.
"Yeah, well you should have hit the ball in a straight line! I mean, who tries to flip the bat before hitting the ball anyway? You're obviously going to hit it wonky! Also, it was you're idea to play indoor baseball in the first place!"
"Whatever four eyes!" Rick retreated to one of his favourite insults for me. Luckily, I didn't find it offensive. Our arguments always resolved themselves as quickly as they began.
"Truce?" I proposed, holding out my baseball-gloved hand.
"Yeah, okay," he shook it. "We gotta hide this from Chell."
"Hide what from Chell?" Chell suddenly materialised in the front room doorway.
"Gah!" I grabbed Rick's baseball bat and my mitt, and dropped them on the floor, trying to slide them under the sofa unnoticed.
"What have you both done this time?" I swear Chell looked like she was going to pounce and kill us any second now.
"We were playing indoor baseball, and the ball went to far and smashed the window... But it's a tiny little hole! You can barely notice it!" Chell went to inspect the crime scene. Ragged bits of glass all pointed inwards on a not-so-small hole. It was about the size of a large apple, and very, very noticeable.
"You. Were. Playing. Indoor. Baseball. In. My. Front. Room." she said it in a slow, menacing voice. Great, she was fuming, thanks a lot Rick, I thought sarcastically, nudging him hard in the ribs as a warning.
"Well, it's a safety hazard having a window in the front room anyway, I mean, anyone could break it!" I rushed, generating random and false excuses. Rick nodded next to me like a bobble-head.
"No, only you two could find a way to break it! Look, I'm going out, I want it tidied by the time I get home!" I watched worriedly as Chell stormed out of the house. As soon as the door shut, Rick let out a long, relieved sigh. This caused me to turn on him again, for some unknown reason.
"Chell's gonna hate me now!" I whined loudly.
"Ah, shut up! Don't blame your woman problems on me, just 'cause you're not a player!"
"Hah! I've kept my girlfriend longer than you kept yours! Yours left you after two days!"
Rick snorted. "I dumped her, she was frigid,"
"Uh-huh, sure you did," I winked at him, speaking in my most sarcastic voice. "We'd better get tidying, don't wanna have to face wrath of Chell two times in one day,"
"I'll fix the window, can you go put my baseball gear back in my house?"
"Sure," I replied calmly, fishing the spare key to Rick's house out of my pocket. He gave one to me, thinking it was likely he would lose his own one some day.
I ran into the back garden to grab the baseball, then scooped the bat and mitt out from under the sofa. With a grin and wave to Rick, I left, and walked three houses to the right of ours. The flowers in his front garden had been crushed when we tried skateboarding, and there was a dent in his front door from when I kicked a football to hard. We laughed about these casualties usually, unless Chell was going to get mad about it. Unlocking the door with one sharp twist of the key, I stepped inside the dark house. All the curtains stayed pulled twenty-four seven, and I nearly tripped over a surfboard in the dim light. I had no idea why Rick invested in one, there was no possible way he could catch a wave in these waters. In fact, Rick had invested in an abnormal amount of sports equipment. I could see footballs, basketballs, tennis balls, windsurfing kites, cricket bats, and God knows what else. I chucked the baseball stuff in the only clutter-free area in the room, then leapt over a mini-snooker table on my way out. I fiddled with the door, trying to get the door to lock securely, then jogged back home, curious if Rick really could fix the window. I hoped he could.
"It's me!" I called to Rick, so I didn't startle him, as I entered my house again.
"Look at that, look at that!" Rick stood back from the window, calling for me proudly.
"Wow! Gimme five mate!" we slapped each others hands, as I stared at the fixed window. You could hardly tell it was broken. All the glass was put back in the correct place, like a puzzle, and was stuck in place with tape.
"That's awesome!" I told the now smugly grinning Rick.
"I know. See, I'm designed for adventures! Built to face danger and problems around every corner!"
"Never doubted you for a minute, now let's do something safe for the rest of today, like watch TV?" Rick agreed, and we both started shouting at the stupid people who couldn't do anything on the screen in front of us.
Chell POV - I dreaded what their tidying was, but at least I had calmed down, for now. I could hear them shouting at the TV from the front garden, so I entered the house with crossed fingers. As I thought, they were sprawled across the sofa, engrossed in the TV. I looked over at the window, and nearly screamed. The glass was badly placed in the hole, with a massive, neon red cross of duct tape trying to cover it.
"Heya," Wheatley said casually to me, as if nothing ever happened. Rick looked up, and grinned.
"You can hardly tell the window was ever broken, right?" I didn't answer that, for fear I'd discover I had a skill for throwing knives at annoying ex-adventure spheres in a moment of blind anger. Wheatley looked at my face, then at Rick.
"Maybe you should go now, I'll see you tomorrow at yours," Wheatley said hastily, gauging my every eye flicker carefully for Rick's own safety. I stepped aside for him as he left, and sank onto the sofa next to Wheatley. He tucked me into a hug, realising I was distressed. I pulled away, and smiled at him, instantly calmed by his presence.
"Next time you want to play sports indoors, do it at Rick's house."
Wheatley laughed, and pulled me back into a hug. "Will do luv."
I let him off lightly today, because I didn't have the energy to be mad at him. I loved him too much, and any trouble he caused failed to make me mad for long. I breathed into his shirt, in love with the strange earthy smell Wheatley always adorned.
"Can we get a pizza and watch a film tonight?" Wheatley asked me as it neared dinner time. Whoa, was it already the evening? Time went so fast when I was with him, even though I wanted it to go slower.
"Yeah, sure. I didn't know what to cook tonight anyway if I'm honest," I smiled, grabbing the phone. "You pick a film." I sank into the sofa as Wheatley stood, and I struggled to sit in the warmth he left behind. By the time Wheatley finally decided what film he wanted to watch, eventually picking his favourite comedy-romance, the pizza had arrived. I brought it in, and placed it on the coffee table.
The film started to play, and we lolled on the sofa sluggishly, eating pepperoni pizza and cuddling against each other cheerfully. Despite the broken window and the fact that Rick was probably going to break more of my furniture in the near future, I could not be more fulfilled. I had Wheatley, and that was all I would ever need to find happiness.
Wheatley POV - when I had managed to empty the pizza box, since Chell had a mouse-sized stomach and I ate like a pig, I began to stroke Chell's hair affectionately. It was so soft and beautiful, just like everything about Chell. She lay down, head resting on my lap, so I wrapped my arm around her instead. Just like that, we lay together, watching the film, completely at bliss. Every now and again, we would laugh at the film, or comment on how silly the actor was, but other than that we stayed peacefully silent, admiring the film and company. All too soon the credits began to play, and I switched the DVD player off with a sigh. It was late, and we both yawned simultaneously. I gently nudged Chell off my lap, and stood up to place the pizza box in the bin and the DVD back on the shelf. When I'd finished, I held out my hand for Chell, and we went upstairs to bed.
I knew the drill, I grabbed my 'pyjamas', and got changed in the bathroom, then knocked on the bedroom door before entering and chucked my washing in the wash basket for Chell to clean at some point. This time when I came into our bedroom, Chell was already curled up on the bed. I climbed under the warm duvet next to her, and she snuggled into me. My arms locked around her body, and I nuzzled her hair.
"I love you," I told her, kissing her forehead.
"I love you too," she replied, rocking into my kiss.
"Night luv," I whispered into her ear, as she fell asleep with a contented sigh.
That night I dreamt of Chell. For the first time in my life, I had a good dream. The best thing was, my dream was just a repeat of my new found reality, Chell and I, together for the rest of our lives. That was the night I learnt something new. Good dreams weren't a myth, but they only occurred if you had found true happiness in something, or in my case, someone. I slipped my hand into Chell's, buried my face into her hair and fell back to sleep. This was when I realised, no matter how many bad things happened, there are always the good times, the amazing moments you will never forget that weigh the bad times out. Life was a good dream, and mine was far from over.
AN/... *cries* New Light is finished! That was it guys! So, I'll make a start on the sequel right away, keep an eye out for it! It will probably be called 'New Life' and I hope you will all read it! Thank you sooo much to everyone who read New Light, to everyone who is reading this now, and to everyone who supports me! You are all the best!